Friday, December 26, 2008
Before and After remixed
As most people who know me clearly accept that I do not celebrate worldly holidays and some even agree with my stance. Nevertheless, my peoplez are always in town and we get together after all the festivities have ceased and then my cousins and myself can get down on the real talk. Well I being a male and thinking about a previous blog- I asked several of the men what they thought about down time on the beauty of a woman (I will explain in a minute) or noticing any changes she makes.
It is important to keep in mind that men tend to be visual creatures and we are attracted to what we see rather than what we hear you tell us. With that being said, its no wonder that when we men see beautiful women, we think we want a lady like that!! However when it comes to our own woman, we want her to look good for us too. The issues at times has women feeling like they need to just chill when at home. They don't need 2 fix the hair, wear the make up or lipstick like they do when preparing for work. Its chill time right? @:*$#%$ to the KNOLL. How would you feel if a man decided he didn't want to kill that mouse that got you all up on the toilet seat screaming!!! Ladies, I understand you get tired, but have you ever considered trying to out love your mate? Just do the following , comb your hair back into a pony tale if long enough, put on some chap stick (I prefer MAC)a nice wife beater and some booty shorts and tell that sucka how much you love him. Trust me, he will be happy. All I am saying is that men are simple, just make us feel that we are the most important person in the world to you and we will do the same for you because we don't want to loose your respect. (((Trust me on this))).
Please keep in mind** an occasional home cooked meal and a clean house won't hurt the situation either-lol. You can take what you want from this blog, but keep in mind that wardy says Men are visual.....
I see you Ward...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wii would like to play
Got a few weeks of work so you know me and my girls are gonna kicky it Wardy style. I dusted off the wii game and we played all night. My oldest daughter (8.5) actually beat me in bowling----that is the first game. I brought the business the next 12 games. Then when it comes to tennis, I am unstoppable and unbeatable. Truth be told, I think I need to start a league for Wii and make me some real money-lol.
Also while I am off we are gonna do our YMCA thang (I really need a massage), house cleaning and hopefully moving into our new home during this time.
Oh by the way, last night was crazy icy outside. I actually saw sheets of ice everywhere. I literally slid everywhere I went. I had to park my ride and chill with company I invited over, but it was cool, because today wasn't as cold and no more ice, just rain.
I am the Wii playing Ward...
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Beeee 4 N after
I was sitting in my room and thought about something I heard a few days ago by a female co-worker (yeah I have a real job). I noticed that my co-worker had a new hair cut and dye job. I was not going to acknowledge that I was aware of something different, but going against my better judgement, I said......"ahh a new look huh?" She went on to say that her husband did not say anything about it and she was ticked off by that fact. I asked if she told him that she was getting a new look and she said she did not have to because he walks through a crowded room and can tell her what everybody in the room was wearing and talking about, but he doesn't even notice his own wife!!!!
I thought to myself, why did you get your hair done in the first place. I would assume the answer was because you wanted a change and after giving it thought, you placed a call to the beautician, then drove to the appointment, waited for ever long it took, then looked at your reflection in the mirror and then came home for the set up move on your innocent unsuspecting man. When you didn't get the reaction you expected, he is not the blame for yet another problem that he did not see coming. Humm and women wonder why men clam up. Would it have been so hard to tell the dude up front that you was thinking about a new dooo and wanted to know his thoughts. Then we she returned she may have gotten that "wow you look great lie that we all must tell"--lol!
I know women think men should only think about you all day, but have you ever realized (not wondered) that we men folk see beautiful women all day from t.v. and the work place on the daily? If you want to impress us, try asking us what we like and her comes the tricky what we ask......OMG it just might actually work. Don't get it twisted we can do the same thing for you too, but the key is knowing what you want suckers.......
I am the same hair styling Ward...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Here is a picture of my 2 of my nephews and my kids. We hooked up one Sunday afternoon and went to Country Kitchen and got some soul food. I had the usual fried pork chops, yams, mac and cheese, dressing and greens and washed it down with iced tea. (Burp-Excuse me) I was thinking isn't it funny how much family starts to look alike the older people get? In harmony with that, I saw a man who looks just like his dog? Don't act like I am the only one who has ever noticed that before!!
By the way, I have been on a quest to find a good restaurant with good customer service and even better food. I am sure I won't find anything soon, but I am on the look out........
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Who is Ward
Now Who is Ward is an excellent question? In fact I sometimes ask my dang self. I think the safe answers are as follows.
* I am a leader and not a follower
* I believe in the Golden Rule---look it up if you don't know
* I seek peace-always
* I love what is good and learning to hate what is bad
* I have few friends and a several acquaintances
* I am a future me on this one-lol
* I know that I have a lot left to learn
* I like soft kisses
* Great food is my favorite
* I respect and bow down to the truth
* I admire women who are soldiers
* I have a low tolerance for stupidity
* I am father
* I am a brother-brutha-bro
* I am your man (smile)
* I am Ward....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Why Christmas ain't for me and mine
Today I was approached by someone to sign a Christmas card. I politely declined the offer, but was immediately asked why don't I celebrate Jesus? I must admit that I thought the person knew my views on such occasions, but I obviously was erred in my thinking! The person asked do I have children and how do they feel about not getting all the gifts and enjoying this wonderful occasion?
Sigh** there are so many ways I can begin on this, but I promise I will keep it light this time. I simply told this young lady that I am a regular reader of the Bible and yet to come across any insight in the word that even remotely indicates that I should place a decorated tree in my home and then place gifts under it for some one's birthday who is not even invited because it is for other people to receive?? Some how if you get past this tradition with false reasoning ability, you then factor in that a man named Santa (satan) who supposedly supplies gifts during this time of a depression and shoots down your chimney. Last time I checked, the Bible said we must worship our God with truth and spirit. Can someone explain the truth in any of this nonsense?
I very much enjoy gift giving and family gatherings, but my family and I choose to to this at other times during the year. I like to see the expression when I give gift for no other reason than I simply love the receiver of the gift. I guess that is how Jesus would do it, hummm. Speaking of Jesus, why does the nativity scenes never die out. Does Jesus want to be known for being born in a manger or does he want to be known for coming to Earth to die for our sins? I guess most people like to think of him as a baby rather than an active King in Heaven right NOW!!!
I am sorry, I had to go there. My point again is that, I don't mind the young lady asking me join her in this lie, but my no is solid....NO THANKS. I hope she doesn't ask me to smoke a cigarette cause I am firm on that too-lol! Christmas ain't for me and mine but I respect you and hope you can reciprocate that love.
I am not celebrating the lie.....Ward.....
Monday, December 15, 2008
Ya gotta love kids and life
Herb you are going to appreciate this one pimpin. I took my girls to the gym with me tonight to watch the game and not play this time. Of course they played and did everything but watch the game which was cool with me. After all, my dude and his woman came and we joaned on all the crappy players. I actually think we can put that show on the road-lol!
Anyway, I was thinking about being mad at loved ones and how we hold grudges for days on end. Shoot sometimes we even forget why we were mad. Its funny when you really think about it cause its worse than kids. Point: Our kids do the darn est things and we still forgive them and move on with out throwing it up in they face with each new mishap. We love them and accept them for who ever they turn out to be. Funny thing happens when it somebody we view as an equal or close to us. We are not as forgiving.
I know I am guilty of it too. But when I saw my girls get into an argument with each other and then laugh and playing in about 2.5 minutes later. I had to laugh to my self because kids are simple in nature. I learn so much from my interactions with them. Example, they don't care if I don't smile every time they see me, they still hug me, they don't care where we eat as long as we eat together, they don't mind riding in a hoop tee as long as we roll as a family. They actually say that they love me and I am the best Dad in the world. I laugh again, because they don't know other Dad's and more importantly I do plenty wrong, just ask my family-lol!
I feel good about today, mainly because I know that as long as I am alive, I have a chance to get right today what I failed on yesterday. I know that love is free and I had to opportunity to do my best with each new day. Ya gotta love kids and life... At least I do....
I am Ward that dude....
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I am slowly getting back into shape. I really did not have too far 2 go because I have always been healthy, but I just needed to get my wind correct on the tread mill. I used basketball to keep my cardio up to par. Nevertheless, I played ball 3 days last week for about 2-3 hours per session, which is a lot considering the competition is half my age.
Well during one game, these younger (kids) were getting dominated and they hated that! They started fouling pretty hard, to the point where some body was about to get knocked the freak out. Normally I am a very calm person, but on this day and that many hits, something had to give.
I actually wanted to come out of the game, but my guy said we should play through it. I was disappointed because I don't like anyone getting football mixed up with basketball. I was literally pulled from the air and slammed to the ground. In a real game, this type of behavior would result in people being kicked out of the game and suspended for the next game.
In hind sight, I should have went with my first instinct and walked away when I first got slapped in the back of the brain. I guess it was a lesson learned for me. I am only going to enjoy this game in the future with men and no longer little boys.
I am disappointed Ward...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Relationship nine one one
Today I was asked about relationships again?? This person was sincere and really interested in what I had to say. They asked, what did I think was needed for two people to really be happy in these troubled times? The person also stated that quite a bit has gone down in their relationship and unsure if counseling could help, but still just wanted some realness from your boy Ward. Yall knowing how eye getz down, I did some thanking and researching and came up with the following.
Women Need this from their men to find us irresistible....
*He learns to create a home life that is full of affection and reassurance that he loves and cherishes her. He shows her and tells her this often.
*He sets aside time daily to talk to her with no interruptions. He cares about what her day was like and what she does.
*He must be completely honest and open with her about everything (that is what best friends do suckers).
*He provides financial support for her
* He is committed to the religious development and educational growth of the family.
Men need this from his compliment to find her irresistible.....
*When she learns to join him in a sexual relationship they both find satisfying and enjoyable. (Notice that is first for the man)
*She must become his favorite recreational partner.
*Maintains overall appearance in a way that (((HE))) finds physically attractive. Don't be fly at work and look like you just got mugged by three midgets when your man gets home. Show him what everybody else is smiling at...geezzze
*Keep the house looking tight. It don't take long to spruce up your house. A man will live in filth but his mind will be else where until his body follows.....
*UNDERSTAND AND APPRECIATE HIM MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE....EVEN THE KIDS.....You read the scriptures in Genesis Chapter 2-3......
Now do these steps as a couple and send Wardy twenty-three dollars and 38 cents and a pack of double fruity bubblelicious bubble gum and check my blogg in 2 months and see what you need to do next.....
I am WarD..
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
End of the year duties
What can I say? We are busy doing back to back classes at my job and meeting some very interesting clients. I must admit that each class has its own uniqueness which allows my self as a co-instructor to always learn something new 2! Many things that most of us take for granite could make the difference in someone else's life.
Let me see how I could say this without putting somebody out there on blast street. Lets just say that everyone does not know the Kings English or the importance there of. LOL!
I can see that in this economy, most people just want to do the right thing and get things that they want and need. The dilemma occurs when people want to take short cuts and expect it to turn out alright. By this I mean, if I want a well paying job with benefits but did not take the time to get myself together and do research and play the part--why should I get upset when someone gets my dream job.
Again, I am trying not to go there on this, but you know what I am saying. The job is gonna try and help as many people as possible B4 the end of the year. I enjoy the field of social work, but I am starting the realize that the recipients don't feel our desire to help them. Its more like an expectation for them. Some days I can see how a particular situation happened and then again I had to just shake my head and keep it moving. Hey it iz what it iz.....right?
Ward...I am he.
Monday, December 8, 2008
You better axe thumb bodeee
Saturday, December 6, 2008
My kids wanted me to write this blog
Today I am going to forgo my joy of self expression and type the memories from a trip to Chicago this past summer that I took with my daughters. This is what they have to say:
Kidz: We woke up early because we really had to have those cinaminon melts from McDonalds! We made sure we had the latest boot leg DVD's in the van to keep us quiet for Daddy's sake! This trip took a long time, we felt excited about going to Chicago to see our cousins & great granny!
While there we took some pictures, we went to an all you can eat soul food restuarant and it was really good! We rode the free trolley bus, we played in the big park by the lake! We went to my great granny's new apartment that looked a lot like a nursing home? We saw a big rock. We stayed at a hotel and watched TV all night. It was fun. Even though it was only the 3 of us, we had so much fun, that we want to go back. Next time we go, we are taking some of our freinds!!!
WaRD: This trip almost killed me. These darn kids asked me a million plus questions, they wanted everything they saw and they only wanted to watch one movie over and over again. I made sure I accidently broke that darn DVD when I returned home (lol). They never sleep unless I am driving, proably because they are recharging their batteries to get on my nerves to the fullest. Note to self, traveling by thy self might be a better move in the future>>>>
I am not missing Chicago Ward....
Friday, December 5, 2008
I try very hard to be PC, but some laws make me think........
Can you dig it, I made it through yet another week. I really starting dragging around Wednesday or so. Perhaps it is the cold weather that makes me move in slower motion. Nevertheless, I still managed to make it 2 my secular employment and meetings at the hall and even played some basketball. I think I will sleep late on Saturday cause I need my 16 hours of sleep, ya heard me.
Anyway, I was sitting at home watching Lafapalooza and started thinking about some of the crazy laws that are on the books. I understand that laws are basically for our protection, but sometimes I have to just grin and bare it. I have listed some of my favorite ironic laws below. Check them out and see what you thank!!
*No store in Providence, Rhode Island, is allow to sell a toothbrush on Sunday. But they can sell toothpaste and mouthwash on the Sabbath.
*In Atlanta Georgia, it is forbidden to dress a mannequin without first pulling down the window blinds. *It is also illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.
*In Washington state, all lollipops are banned.
*An unmarried woman may not parachute on Sunday in Florida.
*In Kansas, it is against the law to catch fish with your bare hands.
*In Milwaukee, residents must keep pet elephants on a leash while walking them on public streets.
*In Atwoodville, Connecticut, it is illegal to play Scrabble while waiting for a politician to speak.
*In Muncie Indiana, it is illegal to carry fishing tackle in a cemetery.
*In New York, a fine of $25 may still be levied for flirting. This old law prohibits men from turning around on any city street and looking at a woman in that way. A second conviction for this offense requires the offender to wear a pair of racehorse blinders whenever he goes out.
*A law in Kirkland, Illinois, forbids bees from flying over the town.
*In Michigan, a man legally owns his wife's hair.
*It is illegal to gargle in public in Louisiana.
*In Iowa, it is illegal for a kiss to last more than five minutes.
*It is illegal to carry an ice-cream cone in your pocket in Kentucky.
*In Massachusetts, mourners at a wake may not eat more than three sandwiches.
And finally, don't forget that you can be fined up to $500 in Chico California for detonating a nuclear device within the city limits!
I dont know what you think, but i especially like the man legally owning his wife's hair, I am sure that would elimanate all them short hair do's-lol!!
I am WaRd.....
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
How well do you listen?
Communication is important in a relationship, but what I find is that it isn't that couples don't communicate--they don't listen. It is not enough 2 tell people to communicate when they don't know how to listen. Let me hit you with 5 quick tips on how to listen!
1). Listen with your EARS. Sometimes when we discuss things as important, passionate and personal as money,kids and sex, while the mate is talking, we are not listening but preparing our argument. We must listen with our ears and shut down the desire the immediately defend our view point. The ears work better when the windpipes are closed.
2). Listen with your MIND. Words come from the speaker's background and perspective. Many times words are based on a point of reference that you may not be aware of. So don't just listen to their words, but listen with your mind, understanding where they came from and what experiences that shape their views.
3). Listen with Humility. Make sure you heard your mate correctly. Repeat back what you heard. Many times couples are angry over what they thought the other meant and not what was intended. Humility is a hearing aid and saves the person the expense the expense of the apology later- trust me I know-lol!!
4). Listen with your Heart.Compassion is a critical part of understanding . It is difficult to love people without understanding them. Love seeks to understand. Listening with your heart will take away your natural propensity to be selfish.
5). Listen with Prayer. During disagreements in relationships many become frustrated because they want to fix what is wrong with their spouse. The only solution that I see is from the manufacturer- Jehovah God and not man himself. Because men and women speak a different language, try asking God to teach you the language of love of the person you are with! I find that people are saying what the other desperately needs to hear, but in a foreign language. I suggest reading the book "Women are Krazee...or do men make them that way" (Don't look for it cuz it is my own book-lol!!) I can't change people in a 5 minute blog reading, but I can start you thinking in a new direction.
I am the listening WarD....
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Resist the spirt of the world pimpin!
I recently found out that in 1911, British authorities passed a law designed 2 save the lives of coal miners. Each mine was required to keep 2 canaries (Birdz)in case a fire broke out underground- the birds would start to show signs of distress or even die from carbon monoxide poisoning. These canaries are very sensitive to the gas and would serve as a warning for the miners to get the freak up outta Dodge!!! I am sure everyone knows the dangers of carbon monoxide, being a colorless, odorless gas that kills by stopping red blood cells from delivering oxygen in the body, unless its detected or removed.
My point in all this is this.....the world we live in has an similar effect on us without realizing it. I once had a buddy who driving down the street when some young kid cut him off out of the blue. My buddy speeds up after him to flip the kid off, but the kids responds with a baseball bat in the air and my buddy responds with a knife in the air and the kids flashes a shiny gun right at my buddy's head......needless to say this ended the game of I can do better than you can do!
Personally, I was standing in the returns line at Kmart for quite some time and finally when it was my turn a manager walks up from behind with another customer whom she stated had been waiting in another line. I explained that I have a life too and needed to get out as soon as possible as well. I was told that I would be next in another line. I found my self furious of this small set back. I guess I was slowing becoming like the world and did not realize it. In retrospect, my last blog eluded to how people were killed for shopping. It seems the world has a way making everyone think they must have the latest and best of everything. I over heard a girl at store say she needed a new cell phone because hers was 3 months old and out dated!!!! I wanted to pull her aside and talk to her, but I passed.
What I learned about myself....STOP BEING ANXIOUS about life. I must remember to monitor my figurative canaries. I must seek the positive things first and the rest will follow. I don't think honoring a commitment is equal to faking it or being pseudo....I see it as being true to your self.
I am trying to resist the spirit of this old world..
Friday, November 28, 2008
Dark Black Friday
Well the day that so many people waited for has come and gone, but not with out its issues. I regret to inform those who are not aware, a worker from a Walmart store was trampled to death by customers bursting through the doors to get the ""great deals"". Also a woman miscarried in that same stampede! I understand that many people are so excited about sales and shopping, but is it really that serious that you have to loose lives in the process.
I stepped back and gave this issue some serious thought and came up with the following. Businesses convince the world that they need the products that they produce, they bombard you with sales ads, then make it affordable and then hype it up. Sure the credit card companies want you to spend-spend-spend also. See, they get you with the over the limit charges and eternal debt. Of course they convince you that Jesus Christ was born on December 25th, but can't prove it, nevertheless, you need to get everybody a gift for this occasion except the honoree. What a process. Oh well if it is working and people don't mind the killing of innocent lives and the harm to your credit rating, then by all means do you.
Black Friday has come and gone. I just feel bad for the two families of the people mentioned above.
I am Ward...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
She doesn't know me
I am so curious about relationships because of the high divorce rate!
The funny thing is, millions of people take this step yearly.
It really makes me wonder, do we fall out of love or get married for the wrong reasons.
If I had to gander at a random unhappy male perspective, I think it would go
something like this.....
I met the perfect girl 4 me-- someone who I hope stays the same forever. She is soft spoken and attractive. She is neat in appearance and quick with her clever wit. She offers her help and assistance before I even know I need it. She is not pushy by any means- She loves the Indianapolis Colts and has a mean jump shot to boot. She keeps her car on clean and full of gas, just in case we need to roll out to South Bend to get some bar-be-que! She trustz me completely and even though I hate to admit it, This woman is my best friend. When I arrive home, she greets me with a kiss and takes off my jacket. She lovingly asks "How was your day"! Makes a man stick his chest out when he thinks of her......
When I have to give her reproof for a false step, she doesn't think of me as judging her, rather loving guiding our relationship of the path of eternity. And when I am wrong in my judgement, she chooses not to yell and act brand new, she simply smiles and says in that loving voice, "Baby, I love you, but have considered this particular point of view", and I have to smile back and listen to what she is saying.
I love loving her because she is easy to love. Life without her was just Monday thru Friday---9 to 5, but now, the days go by like seconds and the options of fun seem endless.
Oh nooooo,,,, the alarm clock is going off! Its 5 am, I turn to my side and I squint my eyes to focus on the do ragged, big rollers and loud snore of the woman next to me. Even he snore sounds angry, what the #@(# have I gotten myself into. This ain't my friend, this is my enemy for ever! She knows my weaknesses, hates me and my friends, we never go out as a couple (4 good reason), I think I would have killed her long ago, if it had not have been for a real good episode of CSI.
O.k. perhaps this is a random situation, but I am sure its gotta be something like this to get that divorce rate so dang high! Then again, maybe she doesn't know me-you- or him at all!
I am Ward.....
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Who cares about the so called Pregnant man?
I got up Saturday and prepared to start my normal routine. I turned on the T.V. and the story about the pregnant dude appears again. Normally I would not watch, but since I was sore from basketball Friday night, I sat there to find out what all the hoopla was all about.
I quickly found out that the dude (Thomas) has female genitals, but thinks he is a man. The other partner(Nancy) wanted to be a part of this, but could have children any longer so she took meds to trick her body in 2 thinking that she was pregnant and allowed her to produce Milk, thus allowing her to breast feed.
Wow! This is baby is going to have a lot of questions for its parents!!! Speaking of reactions, it seems like the world is confused with mixed emotions over these people lives. Its ironic how religious people become when something happens that they can't handle. I gave this situation strong thought before writing this blog. My thoughts were rather simplistic in nature. I think Thomas was born a woman and only women can have babies. I feel totally comfortable have sex and not worrying about getting pregnant. For Thomas to have a baby he had to use quite a bit of meds to get things back to the way they were created. Nancy, went through extremes also. What it boils down to is this. Its between their God and themselves. I genuinely care about them, but they are choosing their own paths. Time will tell if what they did was right or wrong and together we can all learn.
I am Ward and I refuse to get!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Beauty is skin deep, but she got alot of skin...
It seems that every time I get done playing basketball with my guys, the conversation of finding a good woman sneaks up- The guys are saying that all the good women are taken or crazy (I tend to agree with the latter). But I really think that my guy friends need to look at the men in the mirror and make necessary adjustments. If you need to upgrade your shoes, get a fresh fade and pop a breath mint--then do as the Ethiopian man asked...."What is preventing me from getting a woman"-LOL! Of course reading a relationship book can do wonders also, but most guys feel like they know how to please a woman, so this option may not be explored.
What about the women? Man, where do I start? I can never understand Y yall hate on other women because you think you look better or got something that the other chick is lacking. I hear women give other women compliments, but its really pseudo! I am sure we are all familiar with seeing two women with same dress on at the party....chaos!!! My favorite point of confusion with females has to those women who knows they phine!!! I have an associate who has a college degree, excellent job, no kids and sweet ride, but no man..... She is not gay and looks alright, but what the problem izz? I will tell you ""Beauty is skin deep, but she got alot of skin"". I could break this down, but just look again at the posted picture with this blogg. Do you think Flav thinks he is unattractive. Do I have to say Flavor Of Love (seasons 1-2).
Tune in next blog and get my solution and advice for all yall single, fine diva's out there..
I am warD and I approve this blog!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Obama Effect effected me......
Today a friend and I went out for a bite to eat. We wanted breakfast because its the best meal one can ever have in my opinion. Anyway, we stopped by this little unknown spot that had the $4.95 special. We walked in and quickly noticed that the restaurant had no other customers of color. I felt like I was in a scene straight of Spike Lee's "do the right thing" movie. You know the part where the man notices that all the pictures on the wall were that of white people. Yeah that was me. Well we thought for a moment about just sticking it out, but I just did not feel right about this situation. We left and went to a place where we felt more comfortable.
For the first time since the Presidential election I was forced to think about how non-black people feel about having a black President. For every past election, miniorities have grown accustomed to casting a vote for the white canditate they feel has their best interest at heart and keep it moving. Now the shoe is on the other foot. When I was at the previously mentioned resturant, I saw a glimpse of what the people are feeling. Most of them don't have any black friends, now the had a black commander in chief. What a shock to your system. Will Brack out law things they love, will he get even for the past, will he have a big cook out at the white house with ribs, chicken and chitterlings???
Yeah its ludicrious, but it is also reality that we all must face. I know I can dig it and I don't even vote, I just wish everybody could accept that color doesn't make you a good or bad- right or wrong person, its your actions....
I can not predict the future, but I can live the present. I over head a white man ask black man how he felt about having a black prez. The brutha said it was cool and never thought he would see it in his life. The white guy replied, I just want you to know that white people don't have black people just because they are black. Then he walked away. I said to myself, that is why I don't drink!!
Oh well, the Obama effect effected me and will continue to for quite some time.
I am Ward
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Money doesn't motivate more
I found this great paying job while job searching for my company. This is a leadership position and I fit the qualifications quite well, from the Degree requirements to the years of experience. The starting pay range is between $72,500 and $85,000. I thought ""SWEET"". The only draw back is that I would have to be in charge of other executives.
Now I know what you're thinking, what the problem is? I have been in charge of up to 40-50 staff at a time and its no walk in the park. I was once told if you are not a good leader when you start a job, you can count on your staff to make you one. I later found what that meant, but I will allow you to figure it out on your own as well. Anyway, I conducted a little experiment and asked my team of experts what they thought. Most were enticed with the toys that can of loot can bring, but I felt no one really thought about what real work this company would want form the chosen candidate. I think employers want someone to come in and clean house. Get rid of the old hard ankles stuck in the past with their old ways of thinking. They want you breath new life in2 the system and think waaay outside the box. Basically being "the man" or Mr. Bigg. Don't get it twisted, Wardy can handle his business, but when it gets down to it, I am not motivated by money like that no more. I want to be respected because of who I am and what I do naturally. Ya know doing it my way!! I believe in the art of persuasion with swift disciple and immediate and rewarding praise for getting it right. This world is 95% followers and 5% leaders. The majority complain and make it hard for the leaders, but that is the game, right?
For people like me, I have to be the man in my own business-that motivates me to the fullest. Are you happy at your current job? Would more money make you happy or want to stay. Are you taking classes to escape your job. I am sure you have your issues, but don't let the money make you---You make the money your way....
I am Ward
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Just do you
Today I want to remind everyone what Russell Simmons has told us many a time before. Just do you. What ever that means to you is what is means. Its really ironic that 1 thing can mean two different thingz to each particular person.
When life gets you down, the job shows you no respect and the spouse is on your last good nerve...just do you.
I could get deep on this but I think all of you get my point....well I am sure Herbert Harris will be konfused and will need a side
I am Ward...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Reaping what you sew?
The other day I heard someone say that when ever something bad happens to a person, that is not really a bad thing because now something good is going to happen to that person next. I really had to ponder that because I was thinking that no one ever says anything like that when something good happens. Think about this. A man gets finishes his college degree and gets a great dream job a house and a foreign sports car. Well you know what is gonna happen next? He is gonna loose it all to a very nasty crack habit. LOL!! 4 give me, I just have to go there sometimes.
Seriously, after thinking, I think I must agree with the title in a I really need to proceed with caution type of agreement. Referring back to the aforementioned hard working college man-- He put in his time and was prepared to move to the next level. So it was quite natural for him to expect some type of pay off. Likewise, a man who does nothing but play video games has significantly less options for his future and can only blame himself.
I guess the issue that perplexes me is people knowing the potential outcome of an endeavor and still proceeding.... then looking like a deer in head lights when it goes down. Some people are skerd to die and go to Hell (or so they think) but they dont curb bad behaviors? Could it be that we are not really sure of the future or we just do not really give ...a shut your mouth? Humm, must be personal. I 2 struggle with my self getting rich. I know what I have to do, but I always seem to drag my feet. I need to finish and publish my book, I need to get back on the comedy circuit and back to cutting hair part time. I think I am afraid of my own shine because I am comfortable here in normality.
I am ward...who are U?
Friday, November 7, 2008
Single, Wanting to date or unhappily married????
Got this friend who is ready for a serious relationship or even marriage. The funny thing is....depending on where you are in your particular situation in life... will determine how you feel about your own thoughts. I actually wonder how many people seriously think about the pensiveness of the words to the marriage vows and what they represent. I challenge you to google them and ponder them like I did. Back to my homie, plu-leez make sure you know your self first and be a whole person who can give and not just take. The person you are today, you won't be in 10 years....Trust me... and neither will your spouse. So enjoy your singleness while you got it.
Got this other friend who is unhappily married and always contemplating Divorce. On this I say that you must do what you feel is in your best interest. I personally feel it originates back to why you got married in the first place. If you all were in love or so you thought at one time, then, you can get that love back. Reflect back on the things that attracted you to your mate. Keep in mind that humans are very imperfect and if the offender is asking for 4giveness, then by all means ((Biggie)), give them one moe chance. Also keep in mind how powerful hearing "I am sorry" is from a repentant requester.
A sad fact is that many a couple get married for many a reasons other than love and quickly end up being unhappily married and facing a grave decision and many years of regret.
Its truly ironic 2 think, if we could go back in time armed with information we have now, would undoubtedly result in other decisions. Shoot, the spouse may feel similar! Nevertheless, if you are single, wanting to date or unhappily married, do your research, weigh your oddz and decide carefully and this time do the right things for the right reasons suckers.....
I am ward...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
the color of love
Today eye thought about you, my friend.
The crazy way we met and the fun times we had,
all the silly fights and times we did not talk.
I have missed you, dissed you, kissed you, but I always
kept you in my life.
Sometimes you made decisions that I questioned, while at others
I applauded your brilliance. Yes you are a superstar who doesn't
even know the shine of your own star!!
I just wanted to take time out to let you know ((yes You sucka)) that
ya boi has mad love for you. Distance and time are known to separate people but the new system has a way of making things last for ever......
I am the color of love...Ward....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I guess he did it after all
Monday, November 3, 2008
Basketball is just a freaking game
OMG!! Let me tell you about my Monday night game of basketball! I wasn't really feeling it tonight and was not even planning on playing. I just basically wanted to go and watch my dude play because I introduced him to this spot. Well I got there and the locally ball hogs was there with the I am gonna shoot first and ask pass questions later attitude. I was just sitting on the side line shaking my head thinking this is not my ideal of fun. But a funny thing happen when I was about to get up and leave. The negative guys who had to win at all cost decided to dip. Literally half of those bad boys decided that they were unhappy and and straight left. This meant, I could suit up and play because the game would be less Well my boy whom I brought up to the spot picked me to be on his team. I told him that since I was on the side lines so long, that I needed to get the rust of me, and he was immediately upset, because he feels that you should be ready to go all out any time you step on the court. I had a so-so first game and decided I would play better because he was right, I knew I could do my thang with these dudes. So next game, I was blocking shots and playing the defense. Funny thing on the opposite end--- I did not get the ball to shoot. It was like I was invisible. They kept passing to dudes who were double teamed. True they hit a few but, we still lost. My guy was missing lay ups all night. That is like not knowing the answer to 1+1 =2!! Well, We talked after the game and it lasted until 11pm. My friend feels that he has to leave it all on the court. He wants to give 10000%, at least that is what he thinks. I just found the whole thing comical. Basketball is just a freaking game that none of us are getting paid for. If we were that good, we would be playing for a professional team- would we not?
Please understand, I think basketball is the greatest game ever invented, but it iz still a GAME!!!! How can you get all worked up, yell and scream and go on and on to the break of dawn and then go home and get up and go back to your job and have a third of that same emotion for work. Talk about ironic? For me personally, I just want to run and bang and sweat and get my jumper or two and block some shots out the gym and congratulate my opponent and go home. I guess for some people basketball is serving some other deficiency, but I don't have it. I seen guys pull guns on each other this game but I also know the fun side of it 2. The important thing to do is keep your sports in perspective. Balling is what you do and not who you are...unless your the next Michael Jordan......and sorry your not.....
I am Ward...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Family Fued
What a week-end! My Dad came down from South Bend to house sit my 3 teenaged nephews while their parents dipped out of town on a vacation to the Islands. Well all went as expected. My Dad got upset like he always does (he is out of touch with young people) because the boys were acting like students do when ever they have a substitue teacher.....of the chains. The talking back, total disrespect of elders and always being away from home and no one really knowing where you are.
I know boys will be boys, but something extra happen. My oldest nephew go fed up with the younger one and took matters in his own hands and tried to discipline him and it didn't set well with either of them.
The ironic thing about this scenerio is that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions or so they say. To make a long story short we had a family meeting and talked this thang out job readiness style and may have learned somethings all about everybody.
The lessons I hope we learned was that, love must be told and shown, physical force is not always the answer and that quality time is a way for all of us to get to know each other and a way for us to always be family first.
I enjoy my nephews, but what we did in the past wont work for the future. So start today a new and lets do like Rodney King ( not get high and run from the cops) and just all GET ALONG>>>>>
I am Ward
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Every counselor needs a counselor
Sometimes it seems like adults never really graduate from high school, we simply get paid to work there. Walk back down memory lane and reflect on the dayz of everybody all up in your Kool-aid and concerned about your business like who you were dating, who you kissed and what grades you got. Fast forward to now and realize that everybody is all concerned about your business, who you may be interested in, and what time did you arrive at work. Humm, sounds like the typical situation for many a people.
I know what my counselor would say. If you don't like it leave. That is not a bad ideal for some, but others actually like their jobs, its just that they don't like being treated like a kid, remember we are adults now....
I must admit that one of favorite working sayings occurs when you get the generic memo sent to everyone but it is only intended for one specific person. I would always think, "Why don't you just tell the sucka you want to know and leave the rest of the good slaves...I mean workers, alone". I guess I understand that it is just a time saving tool that keeps you from repeating it to the next man.
My counselor told me today, that work is like a marriage. With that being said, I understand why people get divorced-lol! I get it, people get in their moods and don't want you in their office, some think you are playing hookie and others just try to make it to the end of the day doing the bare minimum. But would it not behoove everyone to treat your staff with the same courtesy that you would your clientele?
I sometimes expect perfection from imperfect people, but hey why not shoot for the moon, because even if I miss, at least I will be amongst the stars.
I think from my perspective, its important to always keep in mind the golden rule in all aspects of life, but especially at work. After all, every counselor needs a I say thank you to you and your welcome from me.
I am your counselor....WaRd...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Is tipping my waiter A requirement
There are many debates in this world that may never be resolved, such is which is better; Coke or Pepsi, McDonald's or Burger King, My Dad or your Dad? Well keeping along these lines of thought, I have issues with tipping people who bring my food to me at the restaurants that I frequent. From the jump let me make this clear that these are my views based on my experiences so deal with it.
Anyway, I have heard many a person say something like " but she only gets $2.85 cent an hour and she is depending on your tip". That really urks me, because no one ever thinks about the boss getting cheap labor at my expense. I mean would we stand for that at our kids school? If teachers got $2.85 an hour and are dependant on our tips, how many teachers would stay and how long would this be allowed....Probably never because its STUPID!!!! Case in point, Just tonite I took my daughters out to Denny's for dinner. The food was decent but we needed extra items like napkins, silverware was missing and a few refills. No problem, I can live without the necessities of a meal, but what got me was when I walked up to pay for my meal, the cashier asked me a question she must have asked a million times judging from her mono-tone voice, "Was everything o.k. with your meal tonight?" I thought- should I be honest, after all this is just Denny's??? I just said it was great. I handed her my unexpected coupon and she peered at it for several moments as if to try make sure it was current. She calls for back up and then turns to me and say would you like to leave a tip on your card? I almost cussed, as I said "I left cash on the table".
Really, if anyone should be tipped I would think it should be he cook. I mean how hard is it to make that long walk from the window to my table with my food before it gets colder? But then again her boss does not pay her that much money and I am the one who encouraged her to choose that waitress profession. Seriously, I have a professional barbers license and I often get tipped for my work, but I don't expect it and I always give good customer service regardless. I treat each customer like he is the only patron I had all day. Is that asking to much for someone coming to me out of all the places in the world that could have been chosen.
I just wish people who choose to be in the field of customer service would just step their game up to at least pretending to care about the customer. I refuse to give my views of why I think restaurants have the mandatory gratuity on large parties.....the service really sucks then.....hummmmmmm
I am Ward and I ain't tipping poor service no more......
Monday, October 27, 2008
Is what I said what you heard
Isn't it funny how words are sometimes misunderstood. Over the past few days, I have this happen to me on more than one occasion. Perhaps I need to reevaluate my communication style.....nahhhh it can not be that because I am perfect---lol!!! I have to admit that when I do speak with people, I listen to more than just the words, I pay close attention to the facial features, body language and tone of the words being spoken. We have all have heard the saying that actions speak louder than words no doubt, but I really believe it.
I won't get into deep details on this topic, but I will say that if you go into a conversation with out your thinking cap on, you may hear what you want. In fact, I love those reality shows on VH1 and I can clearly see it there, where someone over hears his/her name and then run wild with what assume was said. Then again, they may just want TV time.
It is easier to see it in others but the key in seeing it in ourselves. This is my plan to handle my situations, I am gonna ask my listeners to repeat back in their words what they heard and kill the assumption monster. Heck its Monday again and I am feeling pretty darn good about life!!
I am Ward
Friday, October 24, 2008
This particular Day
Today is raining and I feel less than satisfied. I am thinking about moving. Moving far far far away (not like Shrek....that is too far). Very rarely I get in those moods where I let life get me down. I can feel it when it starts to creep into my world, but still I can not always fight it off.
There are a lot of issues in the world that are of far more importance than I, but that does not make the pain hurt any less. At these times, I understand how the man who trained for so long to make it to the Olympics only to get hurt or come in last place. I emphasize with woman who marries prince charming only to find out she really got the frog named Harold! I understand the man who quit his boring job to work for the competitor only to find that he made a bad bad mistake.
Life is not always a bowl of cherries, but rehab is for quitters--right? Don't worry to much for me, I say, because I know how to uplift myself. I will read the scriptures, go out for a walk, shoot some jump shots at the YMCA and drink some hot coco! Hey I am feeling better already.
If you ever had a day that was just blazay blazay for no reason, then you feel my pain. I want to tell you like I would tell me, Its gonna be alright, you have gotten through worse situations than these. Keep your head up and don't let go. Loving you as myself.
I am Ward...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
How to cheat proof your relationship
Ladies I am well aware that many times your man is slipping in his game. He doesn't send you flowers any more, if ever. And his emotional attachment consists of you two bumping into each other as you are rushing past each other in hall way while heading out to work. Men I feel your pain too! Your woman can't, don't or shouldn't cook for you, she naggs you about everything but she calls it motivational speeches. Well, what is a couple to do in this very sticky situation.
Fear not my faithful readers, Wardy has got the solutions for that tazz!! Ladies, I am gonna give you the business first. This is what you need to do and do it fast before your dude up and leaves you for the next fresh fish. Spice up your relationship by thinking out side the box. By now you are so predictable that your man can get away with murder and come home and still blame you for everything that went wrong in the world that day and know good and well he is the Devil's assistance. Anyway back to the advice......Women make the man notice you without saying a word. When he comes home make sure you are in front of the television watching the latest episode of SNAPPED and comment on it out loud. Next ask him which knife does he suggest for cutting cleanly through leather. Then send your send yourself flowers and thank him for thinking of you. Finally, do things that is out of the ordinary like laugh in your sleep, and comment on how wonderful it is to see happy couples. He will get the point. If not then hit him up side the head in his sleep. He will start to notice you.....
Fellas, This is what you all need to do. Accept that women today are not necessarily gung ho about being in subjection to an imperfect man Bibically. So we need to first earn their trust and love by our positive actions. Don't get it twisted, we can still firm but always tactful. Now when and if this fails go to the extreme. Take her out on the town and spend big money, limo, opera and nice dinner. Then bring her home to a nice hot bubble bath with roses leading to the bed where she will find a new lacy out fit. But don't touch her that night. Just let her sleep. Then out the blue come home and beat it up on your lunch break and everytime she looks at you. She will be scard of what you may do, but with excitement. Keep her guessing with little signs of love. A card here or there and buy her a new out fit. Send her 5 treats in one week just because. Believe me if you are sexing your girl every 5 minutes, believe me the last thing she is thinking about when she is out is cheating.
Look-- you gotta do what you think is right, but keep this is mind. The couples that have the most longevity are those that have unpredictability. If you don't know if your mate is gonna hit you upside the head with a skillet or hug you then you got excitement. Strange but it works.
I am Ward
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sorta look but do not touch
LOL!! I have 2 give it up to the brothers who do not take ""NO"" for an answer when the on the hunt for the fine sista's. Case in point, I have noticed lately just how doggish men can be when they see a beautiful woman. I mean short of the tongue wagging like Michael Jordan going in for the high flying dunk with 12 seconds on the clock and his team is down by one!!! I don't think he would miss that shot, nor would that less than attractive brotha on the prowl.
I went to my favorite dollar store with my co-worker the other day and she had on some nice boots with heels. I guess it may have been too much for the men at the spot. One dude got out his truck and starting rubbing his chin as he was smiling that sugar daddy smile and shaking his head and licking his lips. He didn't know if I was her man and obviously did not care. I ain't madd at him because the squeaky wheel gets the oil, right?
Later that night I was studying for my PHR certification and my partner was getting alot of attention from the security person. He went so far as telling her how beautiful she was and plenty of other game. There was quite an age difference there, but that did not stop this man either. I think the attention was unwanted judging by her reaction.
I could be all wrong, maybe these women enjoyed the attention but just did not admit it. Perhaps in someway it made them feel sexy. I do understand women want attention from the man they want it from, but then again, when you put the goods on display, all eyes can see the prize to. It doesn't mean a man has got to treat you like a piece of meat either. But some food to chew on is this. If a man had a pair of low cut jeans on with lace underwear showcasing his testicles, would you women look? LOL, just might so quit lying....The terrible curse of being attractive!!!!
All I know is Dem Persistent Brothaz either get the women or leave the door wide open for the shy me
I am Ward
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The good I wish is the bad that I do not do
I sometimes toss and turn with the myriad of stories that I encounter in my daily life. For example, a man who moved a lot of weight (Sold Drugs) as his profession ends up getting caught and goes to jail. Turns out he is a righteous dude- friendly, articulate and very giving in nature. Should I hate the fact that he chose that decision for his life or should I just accept that he was a savvy business man who chose a profession that is not legal?
I understand many of the bad choices that good people have made over the course of their lives. I do not condone wrong or even judge it, The Bible makes it pretty clear about consequences of our actions. I just have a sour taste in my mouth when I ponder that facts that the role models our youth look up to do not always have the best intentions.
What about the man who beats his wife (or vice versa) in private, yet he is a prominent figure in the community, work or his place of worship? What is the rationale behind that? Is it stress, jealousy, or ignorance? I don't know, but this type of action has been going on for years.
My favorite is the couple who get married with such high expectations for the future and end up being the family that prays? Life is what it is, but sometimes we make it worse with our own "SKILL ABILITIES". I have an old fried named Paul who was a fine man, but often struggled to do what was right. He even said he had to pummel himself at times to keep on that path. To all those Paul's out there-- I say this-- Know that the good that you wish and the bad that you do is just an obstacle that allows you to use skills that you did not even know that you had. Keep your headz up!!!!
I am WarD...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Fear of the cat lady
Shadows on the wall
Noises down the hall
Life doesn't frighten me at all
Bad dogs barking loud
Big ghosts in a cloud
Cat lady doesn't frighten me at at all
Mean Old Mother Goose
Lions on the loose
They don't frighten me at all
Dragons breathing flame
On my computer screen
That cat lady doesn't frighten me at all
I go Boo
Make them shoo
I make fun
Way they all run
I won't cry
So they fly
I just smile
They all go buck wild
Cat lady doesn't frighten me at all
Tough guys in a fight
Plenty of stars in da night
Watch late night tv, I am oh so bored
Yall know who I be,dat dude known as Ward.....
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Inspiration for me
I had to sit down and talk to myself about what I truly want for my future. I feel that I have so many options that I can really explore, but don't want to be bogged down trying to stick my finger in every pot that life has to extend. My biggest worldly aspiration would be publishing my much anticipated novel....Women R crazy or do men make them that way? I feel not only will that project allow me to leave a finical legacy to my great grand kids, but I honestly feel that this information will give many couples much needed hope! I have had the opportunity to meet a plethora of fine individuals who have given me much to ponder on my favorite topic of love. I just want keep learning and sharing! I also know that in order to have the best product, I have to be on top of my game, always-more research and deep thoughtz...
In order for me to do this, I have to get my focus on. I am going to look in 2 self publishing and Internet publishing to jump start this. Looking back over my life, I did not have the greatest support cast of encouragement nor was I surrounded by a family of go getters. I was always told that a man is suppose to work hard and provide money for his family. There was seldom talk of being loving, going to the park with the kids or finding solutions to why couples are so unhappy.
I am touched with the knowledge of nothing changing unless something changes! I also had to realize that many people are satisfied just getting by doing the minimum or what I call the SAFE AUTO approach to life. I can dig it if flipping burgers for the rest of your life is your thing, but I just want you to be motivated to be crew chief one day -just to strecth out of your comfort zone. Look at it like this, if you don't then, the sucka standing next to you will be your boss and then you can say, I am smarter than him, why is he in charge?
If this book situation tanks, I am sure this comedy dream won't let me down. Lord knows I have gathered enough information from my many jobs to share a funny story or 1,200!!
Anyway, I am inspired to do this dang thing, either you with me or against me. I want to thank my best friend for showing me who you are because now I believe you....Smile....
I am ward
Monday, October 6, 2008
Suzuki fever......
Some days go by faster than others. Sometimes I find myself pensive and in learning mode. Other times I realize how thankful I am for the things and people I have in my life. I guess today I am thinking about my future. I have decided it is time for me to get another motorcycle! I found the one I want and I must obey my inner motorcycle child. Sometimes I am timid about riding again because there are two kinds of riders. People who have fallen and people who will fall.
Oh well, I guess I better be careful huh? Check out the picture of the bike I just ordered!!!! U like don't you!
I am da Ward....
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Will Smith and His Perspective On Marriage
Will Smith, the big Hollywood super stud, has finally revealed his secrets to a successful marriage: He gets busy with whomever he wants, as long as he tells his wife about it.
Perhaps that is the reason this black man has no problem with his ball and chain.
Smith, who earlier admitted that divorce wasn’t an option, told Reveal that “Our perspective is, you don’t avoid what’s natural and you’re going to be attracted to people.
“And if it came down to it, then one would say to the other: ‘Look, I need to have sex with somebody. Now, I’m not going to if you don’t approve of it’.”
Smith suggested that his marriage would survive a permitted affair because of his and wife Jada’s honesty.
He commented: “In our marriage vows, we didn’t say ‘forsaking all others’. We said ‘you will never hear I did something afterwards’. Because if that happens the relationship is destroyed.”
What does this say about black marriage? Well, there are a lot of folks who are honest about it. Black men say they don’t want to get married because that whole “don’t cheat” clause makes it hard for them to deny their male urges. Men who are honest about these urges are attacked for being dogs and lose half their assets in divorce, as well as future earnings due to spousal and child support. That makes marriage a bad deal for many men.
But here’s a secret ladies: the man who seems like he’s not a dog, claims that he will never cheat on you and always seems to want to “do the right thing”, is probably a lot more like Will Smith than you think.
“Women don’t give it to men the right way,” says one black attorney who doesn’t want to be identified. “Men want multiple women. So, if a man doesn’t get married, he’s dogged out. But then when he does get married and gets with another woman every now and then, he is considered a monster. It’s hard to make the balance, which is why marriage is too confusing for me.”
Perhaps this opens the door for a discussion on what it takes for marriage to work. Some have advocated for renewable marriage contracts or perhaps co-parenting relationships that allow for the rearing of children without tying the knot. Either way, there needs to be a conversation, since black men are walking away from the alter, and white married men are not only getting divorced at a rate exceeding 50%, but the ones who stay married are the biggest supporters of online pornography.
I am not Will Smith, but Ward....
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bad Customer service is killing me
I met a friend for lunch today and the first thing they said was did you have another bad customer service encounter. I had to chuckle because that is exactly what happened the previous day. Let me share the story with you, I assure you this one will not be to bad. I recall sitting at work when the sudden urge to get a piece of Pecan pie overwhelmed your boy. Keep in mind, I wanted PECAN pie. I went across the hall from my office and asked my co-worker if they wanted to ride out to Popeye's to get my fix-fixed. (that was slick how I said that, wasn't it-lol)
So we arrive at the spot ten minutes later and it was only one other patron in front of me so I knew this would be quick and easy, or so I thought. After being ignored for 8.5 minutes the young lady looking out the window to her left, asked could she take my order or either she was talking to herself, but I am gonna assume it was me?? I first asked about the 99 cent menu because a leg and biscuit could have hit the spot since I was in there. The young lady told me numbers that I decided I would pass on and stick to the pecan pie plan (that is alliteration again). Then I said I would like to order two pieces of pecan pie and a lemon mi range. The lady said you want the apple pie that is on sale two for a dollar? I restated PECAN. The lady sent back to her manager and said "I" want the apple pie and she can't find the button on the registry. Again I said what I wanted and she said oh o.k. but we don't have lemon and I said but it on your menu, then her manager chimed in and said we have not sold lemon pie her in over a year. I replied, I would like to have what ever that picture of the yellow pie is above your head. The manager said that picture is old and I should get over it!!! I said cool, paid for my pecan pies and left. Sure I could have left, but why should I let a slight case of ghetto cutomerserviceness (new word) deter my mission for satisfaction. Of course, I won't be going back, but this is life at slow....I mean fast food restaurants. Sometimes we just gotta laugh at this and other times we just gotta blog about it. Guess which one I choose?
I am the one who choose both options WarD.....
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Hurting the ones who are closest to us
Is it just me or does it seem like that people we know are the very ones who seem to do the most damage in our lives? Really when you think about it, anybody can be nice to a stranger, mainly because you don't have any emotional attachment to them so being nice is just a front that you can walk away on after the encounter is over. But what about your mate, your kid or your co-worker whom you spend a great amount of your day or life with? When they get on your nerves, are you quick to snap or say something mean to them.
What about your feelings when someone close to us lets us down? It actually hurts because they should be the last person to let us down. But have you ever considered what it feelz like if we let them down? We surely want their forgiveness, but then again we expect it to!
I recently had a friend get mad at me because I did not want to lend them money. I got an ear full of how I let them down. My position was my money is my money and your ability to mismanage your funds is your situation. Was I wrong, harsh or unfriendly? Perhaps. I do have tendency to be to hard on those I am close to because I expect alot when I give alot.
I just keep pondering about hurting the ones who are closest to us and why it is so common. I guess it all goes back 2 being imperfect humans. In the end, all we can do is keep trying and keep forgiving and of course....keep on living. I am a work in progress. Pray for your boy.
I am Ward.....
Monday, September 29, 2008
play the player and ghetto thug thoughts
I use 2 like you-Even wanted to get to know you before,
but that was then and unfortunately I can not care anymore.
I thought U was real, but U are just an illusion of my immature dreams
I guess this lesson turns out to be- quite simply, life-is-never-what-it-seems.
You’ll probably never believe how much I did and still do love you
It’s not important anymore
If you insist on staying away
I’ll just learn to survive
On thinking about you everyday.....
Woke one morning with tears in my eyes cause you had left me without a kiss or a note or goodbye Now I’ve got to learn to live alone, but my heart can’t take it I guess that why I am waitN by the phone
For a call, a call from you that says you need me back, just as much as I need you
But I guess for the time you need to stay away let me tell you baby how I’m thinking of you everyday
I keep thinking about the good times we had and how we let jealousy turn all we had good into bad the I realize if we just try it again our love would work it out you’d be my girl I’d be your only man...(((NOT)))
Go ahead player and play on. I gladly lost this argument... as well as you and I am cool with this fact!
I am just dewN me....Ward
How 2 wynn an argument
Today she hates me, yesterday she stood me up and next week she is in Chicago. What am I to do, because it seems all we do is argue lately. Since Men are from Mars and Women are from some distant planet far-far-far-far way from here, arguing is a real thorn in the sides of us men folk. Please understand that most men grow up playing sports with winners and losers and we kool with that, like basketball, football, tennis and soccer. Women usually played games where all the girls won, like dress up, make up, cooking and who can talk the most (I guessed that last one-lol). So quite naturally when these two forces bump heads the final outcomes has different methods towards reaching the solution.
The way I see it, If you are engaged in an argument then you must really want to prove your point, and of course be right- Otherwise why would you be so adimant about this-lets call it a "discussion". No doubt you will find resistance, but you cannot will the argument that way!!! You will only strenthen the other person's resolve. At best you will both leave in a state of stubbornness- but little communication will have actually occurred.
The way to "win" is to aim 4 a goal other than being right. The other person will be preparing to defend themselves against someone trying to prove themselves right. Trying to prove yourself right and the other person wrong is a frontal assault on the enemy position. You will need an overwhelming 4orce 2 win and the victory will come at a great cost, even in you can pull it off. In addition, the relationship will be wounded da end!
I have found the way to win an arugment is to go for an entirely different goal. It has worked for me dozens of times and it works!! If you are not trying to win the argument, the what is your goal. Wardy suggest that you set the goal of attempting 2 raise the other person's awareness while maintaining your own sense of inner peace. Try this >>>>> Just calmly repeat your position over and over and again. When ever they ask you anything, again--repeat your position. DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE...I said stay calm sucka! By doing this, when you walk away from the argument and other argurer starts reflecting back on the argument, all they will what you said. You remember your position that you kept repeating. People tend to remember the last thing you say vs. the first thing. Anyway, I think I may have just saved a million relationshipz. Put my checks in the mail.
I am winning this argument WarD.....
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