Wednesday, December 10, 2008

End of the year duties

What can I say? We are busy doing back to back classes at my job and meeting some very interesting clients. I must admit that each class has its own uniqueness which allows my self as a co-instructor to always learn something new 2! Many things that most of us take for granite could make the difference in someone else's life.
Let me see how I could say this without putting somebody out there on blast street. Lets just say that everyone does not know the Kings English or the importance there of. LOL!
I can see that in this economy, most people just want to do the right thing and get things that they want and need. The dilemma occurs when people want to take short cuts and expect it to turn out alright. By this I mean, if I want a well paying job with benefits but did not take the time to get myself together and do research and play the part--why should I get upset when someone gets my dream job.

Again, I am trying not to go there on this, but you know what I am saying. The job is gonna try and help as many people as possible B4 the end of the year. I enjoy the field of social work, but I am starting the realize that the recipients don't feel our desire to help them. Its more like an expectation for them. Some days I can see how a particular situation happened and then again I had to just shake my head and keep it moving. Hey it iz what it iz.....right?

Ward...I am he.


Anonymous said...

It takes a special person to work in social are one of them

Anonymous said... are 2

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...