Today she hates me, yesterday she stood me up and next week she is in Chicago. What am I to do, because it seems all we do is argue lately. Since Men are from Mars and Women are from some distant planet far-far-far-far way from here, arguing is a real thorn in the sides of us men folk. Please understand that most men grow up playing sports with winners and losers and we kool with that, like basketball, football, tennis and soccer. Women usually played games where all the girls won, like dress up, make up, cooking and who can talk the most (I guessed that last one-lol). So quite naturally when these two forces bump heads the final outcomes has different methods towards reaching the solution.
The way I see it, If you are engaged in an argument then you must really want to prove your point, and of course be right- Otherwise why would you be so adimant about this-lets call it a "discussion". No doubt you will find resistance, but you cannot will the argument that way!!! You will only strenthen the other person's resolve. At best you will both leave in a state of stubbornness- but little communication will have actually occurred.
The way to "win" is to aim 4 a goal other than being right. The other person will be preparing to defend themselves against someone trying to prove themselves right. Trying to prove yourself right and the other person wrong is a frontal assault on the enemy position. You will need an overwhelming 4orce 2 win and the victory will come at a great cost, even in you can pull it off. In addition, the relationship will be wounded da end!
I have found the way to win an arugment is to go for an entirely different goal. It has worked for me dozens of times and it works!! If you are not trying to win the argument, the what is your goal. Wardy suggest that you set the goal of attempting 2 raise the other person's awareness while maintaining your own sense of inner peace. Try this >>>>> Just calmly repeat your position over and over and again. When ever they ask you anything, again--repeat your position. DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE...I said stay calm sucka! By doing this, when you walk away from the argument and other argurer starts reflecting back on the argument, all they will know....is what you said. You remember your position that you kept repeating. People tend to remember the last thing you say vs. the first thing. Anyway, I think I may have just saved a million relationshipz. Put my checks in the mail.
I am winning this argument WarD.....
Who lost the argument me or you...
I lost because I should have never engaged in the first place. Game recognizes game- therefore you win!
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