So you found the luv of your life and you moved in with them and was feeling pretty good about this situation. I can dig it, you got a partner who laughs at your jokes, accompanies you with errands, splits your bills with you and they even have your back when others turn away. Wow, who would have ever imagined that you could have been this fortunate to have a real life dream come true! I understand the common expectations of love, attention and support but what happens if these feelings fade...
Usually it doesn't take a couple long to find out that the mate you have has not shown you all the sides of his being.
Let us say you move in with someone (skip marriage)and find out that your versions of clean has severe variations. If you are like me, you might think that your home and car is an extension of you, the person. Therefore you vacuum, wash clothes/dishes and tidy up daily. But your mate may think that cleaning involves spraying some Lysol in the room and turning their underwear to the other side is all that is needed. This might become a problem one day. (I knew this girl from College who would regularly iron dirty jeans with mustard and jelly stains on them....but she was fine so who really cared?)
However, when love starts to fade in the relationship new trends develop. He or she may take up new hobbies or interests that don't involve you! That's right sucka you need to open your eyes. If your mate is going to work all kinds of strange hours and then working late, might be a problem. If your mate is hitting the clubs up and taking suggestive pics with someone other than you- might be a problem. If you and your mate don't talk about issues of importance to one or both of you.....you will have a problem.
Trust me, there is no magic love machine, you don't put in a quarter and out drops a can of "act right"! You gotta put in time, communication and effort. People are complex, broken beings therefore, previous hurts, fears or losses can impede our determination to trust and be truthful in relationships. I have learned that we do have the capacity and ability to change and grow back into love and trust.
I had always heard that marriage/relationships are hard work, but who wants to work hard all the time. I thought deeply about that questions over the years and came up with this. People who are happy in relationships do what unhappy people won't do. They know when to encourage their mate, they know when to shut up and let certain things pass by and happy people are good communicators and forgivers. Think back how many times you went toe to toe with your mate over something about nothing. Didn't Neo make a song about this people.
All I am saying is that no couples are perfect, but if you got issues, talk about them and solve them as a couple. If you solve it on your own, how can your mate benefit from the solution process? It ain't easy to get your luv back, but its cheaper to keep her......
I am wArD.....
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