Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Sunday, November 20, 2016
When its will do it!
Sometimes a person gets tired. Tired from fighting against the world, family and/or life and general. Perhaps we all just want to be loved and understood by those who claim to have our backs. Social media has taught me that everyone has issues. There are no perfect relationship in this world. I know that when people work together, things tend to work out better. The opposite is when others don't realize issues, the chances of the issues being resolved are slim to none.
Many people choose to walk alone in this journey called life. Others try and catch wind between their fingers only to face the cold reality....................that its futile.
Dance like nobody is watching, love like you have never been hurt and do what you know you have to do.
I am Ward......
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
My favorite Ant....
Twitter user and high school student Emily Wagoner went to the Pita Pit
in Oregon and purchased basket of Sea Miss Vickie’s Salt & Vinegar
chips. Emily sat down to eat her food not realizing that the dead ants
on her chips, was not seasoning.
Emily said she thought the dead ants on her chips looked like seasoning (I guess she didn’t see the tiny legs) and decided to go ahead and eat them all. Later realizing what it was, she went and told the Pita Pit manager. Emily was offered a fresh bag of chips and an apology from the manager but she wasn’t happy with that. Pita Pit contacted Emily and offered her a $50 gift certificate for the inconvenience but she thought it wasn’t enough. Yes, a high school student turned down a $50 meal certificate. So in the end, Emily didn’t get a refund, she refused the $50 gift certificate and she still ate the the chips filled with dead ants.
Emily’s Tweet is still going viral by the way.
On a side note...... Fun Fact: Ants are filled with protein, IJS......
I am WarD....
Emily said she thought the dead ants on her chips looked like seasoning (I guess she didn’t see the tiny legs) and decided to go ahead and eat them all. Later realizing what it was, she went and told the Pita Pit manager. Emily was offered a fresh bag of chips and an apology from the manager but she wasn’t happy with that. Pita Pit contacted Emily and offered her a $50 gift certificate for the inconvenience but she thought it wasn’t enough. Yes, a high school student turned down a $50 meal certificate. So in the end, Emily didn’t get a refund, she refused the $50 gift certificate and she still ate the the chips filled with dead ants.
Emily’s Tweet is still going viral by the way.
On a side note...... Fun Fact: Ants are filled with protein, IJS......
I am WarD....
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
I want peace and happiness too, but voting is not for me!
People see what they want to see when they want to see it. For example the presidential election of 2016. One candidate does what ever they want and others not only condone said actions, but they also make excuses and exceptions. Another doesn't know any world leaders while the third will say what ever is popular at the moment.
The ironic thing is....people give me the side eye for not getting involved in the shamockery/voting. I guess those people didn't read the scriptures, especially the part that mentions why Jesus spoke about this very topic and then instructed Christians to do the same thing, lol! I don't think cigarette smoking is a wise choice and therefore do not indulge in that harmful hobby. Never once has someone said to me that I am UN-American for my choice? Nor has anyone ever told me that people died for me to have the right to smoke.
My point is simple, one day everyone is going to realize the Bible was not and is not a joke. Keep in mind how many children survived the great flood of Noah's day.....IJS.
I am WarD.......
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Why do some women lose a good man by cmplaining over irrelevant things......
I believe there exists 3 types of women in this world and each has her own set of challenges. 1). The single sister, 2). The married sister and the 3), The divorced sister! Nobody has to be perfect but we presumably should aware of our own various selves and thus own them like we have the receipts.
Most women do not realize that their thoughts are not always in harmony with the male perspective. Its true that are designed to be logical, because we are the head of the relationship (if you don't agree, I suggest you read your scriptures and take that up with God) and should make good decisions for those under his care. I will be the first to admit that men can and often do make mistakes, but that is not an excuse for the woman to think its her turn to run the show, after all you both choose each other and knew the roles that had to be played out. When you think about it, what does the mate that anyone chooses say about the chooser? Never-mind, that is another topic.....
The single woman is comfortable being alone and not having to answer to a man. She doesn't have any expectations about the "whats for dinner conversation",or if she wants to clean her home or perhaps should she spend $500 of those red bottoms??? Actually she is doing exactly what she should be doing in this case, but would it not behoove her to consider, that if she enters into a future relationship- that she might have to make some changes. They say hind sight is 20-20, right? Nevertheless, single sisters are out there and for most, they eventually move to being a married/dating woman.
The married woman has been pursued by her man, he obviously feels she is the one for him and he makes it official. The thing that gets me is that point in the relationship that goes from total bliss to arguing and lack of respect, constant arguing and the whole gambit that follows this pattern. Is the man or the woman? If the man is the problem, he feels that the woman is no longer the same person he thought so highly of and he is very displeased with this outcome. He has in the back of his mind, that maybe things can be salvaged, but also feels that it may never be the same again. If the female is the problem, she may have a tendency to focus on the negative and completely ignore the positive things when they finally get in a relationship. A real recipe for disaster. No man wants to constantly argue with a woman, especially over issues that he feels are irritating.
The divorced/"single again" woman. This lady tends to be the woman who has moved thru all 3 stages and looking to find the next sucka and make him pay for the sins of the last dude/s! She has had deep conversations to her smartest single girlfriends, along with reading tons of cosmopolitan magazine and fully equipped with all the incorrect reasoning abilities to make a snow flake consider living on the sun! I find that its easier for men to fall out of love quicker because women spend a great deal of time and effort trying to make an unhappy relationship work. Why is that you wonder? Women have a much harder time finding suitable men, ya know- someone on their level. So, after the divorced woman completed all she unintentionally had to do & force the man to leave her, she realizes he was the problem (not her) and now has a new perspective on how all men are dawgs.
So in conclusion, the post title is "Why do some women lose a good man by complaining over irrelevant things". I want to leave you with this thought about what men want and what women want.
MEN WANT: Loyalty-Sex-Food-Encouragement
WOMEN WANT: Loyalty-Money-Intimacy- Love-Gifts-All Passwords- Cell Phone Access--Email Account Data-Contacts (with pics)-Attention-Compliments-The Sun-The Moon-The Stars-Your Time (all of it)-Receipts-Explanations- and much more lol!
I am WarD......
Thursday, September 22, 2016
It just is.......
Your soulmate is not someone that comes N2 your life peacefully. It is who comes to make you question things, who changes your reality, somebody that marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone has idealized, but an ordinary person, who manages to evolutionize your world in a split second! People are imperfect and prone to make mistakes, but that doesn't excuse the pain from the hurt U were dealt, but forgiveness means you no longer carry the pain around in your minds eye.
I am WarD.....
Sunday, September 11, 2016
The WhiTe Lie.......
White lie | Define White lie at
Wouldn't it be great if everyone always was honest with everyone. No more pretending to like your co-workers dress, no more telling your lady that she isn't getting fat or no more thinking that the customer is always right (news flash: Customers are often wrong). I reently read that people who lie to others often think they are not lying??? The more they tell the lie, the more they start to believe it. It could something as small as saying "I didn't say anything" when questioned about what was it that they mumbled. Its clear the person said something, but the catch is that they didn't want the other person to really understand what was said, but they wanted it to be known that something was said. It can keep the discussion going or switch the focus of the conversation. Either way, its counter productive from my perspective.
What about speaking adamantly about a topic that we really know nothing about? We have all done it, but hardly none of us have admitted to it, especially in the throws of a debate. Example, someone may say drinking on an empty stomach can be harmful, but you retort back that your grand father drank for 50 years with no problems. In fact he drank that back woods moon shine and live to be 83 years old. But did you really know his health condition, what meds he took or how often he indulged in liquid libations?? Its just deeply engraved in some of us to be right, no matter how uninformed we are on said topics.
The scriptures encourages its readers to reply to matters "after" knowing the facts, to avoid being viewed as foolishness. If we would only listen 2 the word......LoL! None of us are perfect and we are all capable of change, but lying to one another is the quickest way to long lasting dead end relationship. In the words of Will Smith in the move "Concussion", Tell the truth ( or did he say tell the tooth, he had a fake accent going, but you get the point).
I am WarD.......
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Figuring out who I am and realizing who you REALLY are....
When losing is not an option, you basically have to do everything possible to win! At least that is how I thought about life when I started out on my own. Like most people, I took some L's along the way, but it honestly helped shaped me to be to imperfect person that I am today! Would I have changed some things......Heck to the yeah-lol. I am not that crazy, just a little more selective on some choices that I made in my past. My biggest regret was not finding my faith sooner. I know that I would have been much happier in my life and with my life. Learning to forgive, find love and treat others how I would have wanted to be treated could have been a game changer for me, but I ain't tripping about it. I definitely would have realized that "when someone shows you who they are, I would have believed them and acted accordingly. I spent a great portion of my life accepting excuses from others over things that I dang well knew were lies, but I wanted to give the other person the benefit of change and doubt. I learned from this life lesson and I am not bitter about it, more like thankful.
I often watch so many family members, friends and others, make the same bad decisions that I (like so many before me) made. Somehow, I am feeling more comfortable with not trying to save he world. It will be what it will be-right? I basically sum it up this way, "We must be o.k. with failure. We can't let our set backs, cause us to sit back, rather prepare for your come back"!!! If you loose your job, find another, if your mate leaves you- fix yourself and find someone you were meant to be with and if you want to do better for yourself, stop making excuses and start seeing results. Work out, eat right, get sleep and be positive.
I no longer hide behind the mask of smiling faces while crying on the inside, like so many of us do. The world is composed of 95% followers and 5% follower. Which one are you? Never mind, its rhetorical, lol! My life is like a GPS now. I set my destination in the concordance and head out about my business. Sometimes, I have to recalculate, but at the end of the day, Wardy always gets there and so can you!
Some may think they need to have someone with them to make this arduous journey called LIFE, But our creator has taught me, that if we are on ship traveling to an island called paradise and we feel the need to take some Gold (or valuables) with us for the trip, we might do well to realize that along this journey, the seas might get rough, so don't be afraid to throw that gold over board, because where you going, there is plenty of Gold waiting for you and me! Ya Dig???
I don't know what this post will mean for you, but as for me.....I and just figuring out who I am and realizing who you really are.......
I am WarD.......
Friday, August 5, 2016
People are failures without college degrees..................or are you caught blindly caught up in the Matrix Sucka????
A fat paycheck comes after a college degree for some, but not for everyone. Some of the richest people in the world dropped out of college or skipped the step all together.
A few of them inherited family companies, but others did it on their own. Like Ingvar Kamprad. He grew up on a farm in Sweden and started IKEA with a bit of cash his father gave him for doing well in high school when he was 17. Impressive no doubt, but that could have been any body who kept on their grind. Society has a way of shaping the culture of society perspectives. They tell us that Jesus was born on December 25th but it is nowhere in the Bible ( I searched many times), they tell us that a man has to purchase a diamond that is 2 months of his salary when he proposes (its a pagan tradition) and they tell us we have to have a college degree to be successful, employed and viewed as a leader. I think the dumb people are the ones who believe everything we hear. Heck Donald Trump just might become the President of America- Need I say more on that, lol!
I have a college degree in Business and Communications along with $60,000 in school loan debt, but that degree could not do a dang thang for me in a company that only saw me as an uneducated black person (they didn't even know I had a degree and probably didn't care either). The average person goes to college and take a bunch of classes that have nothing to do with the degree called electives ( just making the college more money of you while increasing your debt ratio) mixed with so called core classes for 4 years. If you survive the constant partying, late nights, dating and being alone for the first time in your young life, you get a degree that has you totally unprepared for the work world. My question is this: How does the college grad who gets the job to become Mr. High School grad's boss stack up in the leadership role??? Could it be the person who is the subordinate know more that the boss? We all know the rhetorical answer.
My point is this: If you have specific degree like a Nurse, Physician, Lawyer etc, then you can learn more on the street or reading the Awake magazines ( I can't tell you how many people who work at kiosks at the mall have degree that would love to have a real job with real money over what they do. I am not judging them, just being real with y"all. Work is what you do, not who you are-right? Degree's have a nasty habit of telling you how much money you will make, while hustle tells you the sky is the limit for you. We are just a world of follower, in fact 95% of the world is just that.......FOLLWERS. Look at the list below of people who have no degree from a college but make more than your whole family tree, then ask your self are you a follower of the Matrix or a leader!
*Micheal Dell- Dropped out of University of Texas-Austin to start Dell Computer's. He is now worth $14 Billion Bones!
*Li Ka-shing- Oriental man who dropped out of high school and sold plastic flowers and eventually started other business deals. Current net-worth is $21 Billion Bones
*Christy Walton- High School Grad. Family owns Wal-Mart. She is worth $24 Billion and counting
*Bill Gates- Who don't know this dude? Harvard Drop out who felt college wasn't for him. Net-worth is 54 BILLION!!!!!! (no school loans on this dude)
Honorable mention:
Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Floyd May-weather, Serena and Venus Williams, Kevin Garnet, Jermaine O"Neal, Rush Limbaugh, Kanye West and many others.
Still people, especially black people- think the degree makes them legit. Think what you want, but keep in mind facts don't lie, but people do!
I am WarD (not rich college grad)
Monday, August 1, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Please take advantage of me......I don't mind
Men have a tendency to recant all of the things that we do for others when our frustrations reach a certain boiling point. I am no different, but at least I can say that I am self aware of some of my weaknesses. With that being said, let me list some struggles that I have been thru in my life and how it leads up to today.
I grew up in a two parent house hold to a father with an 8th grade education and mother who was a high school graduate. My sister and I were obviously first time college students and graduates. Those are clearly milestones for us and the family but it wasn't always easy nor did it happen over night! In fact I stopped going to college 3 times before finally getting my Bachelor's degree in Organizational Management and Business. I can say the journey along the way cost me a lot of time and taught me many life lessons that I have been fortunate to share with my own children.
I had to learn the hard way to never burn bridges, to stop making excuses and clear the way for results, to do what a man has to (regardless of age) and to seek and serve the true God to find real happiness. I can recall working 3 jobs while taking night classes at college along with being a single ACTIVE parent to my 2 young daughters. My girls mother was active in their lives too, but she was in college full time as well, so that just meant I had to try harder on my end.
I wouldn't say that I am what some people call "a success" but I can say that I am content with how things have turned out thus far. One thing that I can say is I am proud of is that I learned to make a way out of no-way. I didn't have the option of relying on my parents when I was out on my own. I had bills like the next man along with a broken down Honda. Heck, at one time I had up to 4 cash advances from those high interest payday loan companies. I was basically robbing Peter to pay Paul, but I was doing it legit. Trust me, I had options to get money from other resources- but I choose not to venture down those paths. Instead, I kept my head up and a smile on my face daily and nobody ever knew my struggles.
At this moment, I don't have those past struggles, but I am finding that I still relive my struggles thru the lenses of other people's viewpoints simply because I know them. I am a firm believer in helping out my fellow man (esp considering how many people are senselessly dying) but I am not good with being taken advantage of. Matthew 10:36 mentions how a man's enemy will be members of your household, and I know the Bible to be 100. From my perspective, a family has to work together in all aspects of life. One person should not have to do mostly everything in order for the home to run well. If there a true leader in the home, then the directions come from that person unless its not running well. I know that a dirty house doesn't clean it self, food doesn't magically appear in the refrigerator (even though it magically disappears from the refrigerator), and bills are paid easier when agreements to pay them are fulfilled by the people living in said home. Take for example of my trips to Florida to visit my homeboy Dr. William E. Newsome. When I visited this dude, you better believe I realized that I had "FREE" place to live and I wanted to show my love for his kindness. I got up every morning and cleaned his house and cooked breakfast and made my presence appreciated in any way I could. I wanted him to know that this wasn't a hit or miss thing to show my attempt at saying "Hey I did something to be happy". Dr. Newsome told me that he was so impressed that I treated his home like it was my own, that I was welcomed anytime I wanted to visit. Dude gave me the keys to his new Escalade and his gas card and I will never forget that. Lesson for me you ask: If I stayed in Florida at a hotel, it would have cost me quite a bit of change and not to mention the car rental.
Back to the quoted scripture, if you come to my home, know that I worked hard for everything I have attained ( Thanks to Jah). Notice how I do things and follow my example. Its better to work with me than against me. Consider how that would work at your job (the not following rules aspect) and see how long you remain employed. I guess it goes back to parenting styles that determines how our kids turn out. I know my kids are not perfect, but you better believe when they stay with me or have sleep overs at their friends homes, they clean up their rooms daily, vacuum, take out trash, clean the tables and counters and help with the outside and anything else that needs to be done. Please see Proverbs 22:6 to see why its important to teach your kids at a very young age. Did I mention my kids are 14 and 16? I can't afford to take care of grown healthy people and for go things that I enjoy doing. I no longer need to worked 3 jobs, because I was handling my business and would expect nothing less from my kids moving forward if the situation called for it. In fact, when I was living with my parents, as a high school student, I not only did regular chores and kept the home clean, I had to pay $$ towards the food I ate and the bills of the house. It wasn't no free ride for me or my sister. It taught me responsibility and appreciation for my living situation, I mean who can live anywhere for under $400 per month in this economy of today? That financial lesson helped me when I struggled as a young adult, because I knew what was expected from the real world. Being young often means youth and energy to get things done. I don't expect others to follow my broken paths, but I do expect my team or individuals to be strong, for all members who are with me or asking for my help. There should be no renegotiation of the house rules or others benefiting of my hard work accomplishments while I get nothing in return. But I guess that is asking for too much in 2016, so PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME.........I DON"T MIND! Nevertheless, I got a plan to get back on track, because I don't have time to be frustrated arguing viewpoints and hearing excuses of what other people have to get done thus being unable to to follow my rules. Birds of a feather flock together and need to be together from my perspective. I am not mad, just ready to complete what I started for me and allow others to continue the path they have chosen without me!
I am WarD.....
Monday, July 18, 2016
Miss me with the relationship rig-ga-ma-roe!!!!
As a man, Eye can certainly relate to things being done in a logical format. Perhaps that is why Jehovah created the woman as a man's compliment- rather than his leader! With that being said, I recently spoke to a few good men about being in bad situations, which surprisingly seemed similar. Both men complained that their women absolutely did not respect them. The men presented their views in an easy to follow path. They were tired of arguing almost daily about stupid things (in their opinion). They felt the women did not support them in the way the once did and the double standards women impose (my favorite).
I know a lot of women would immediately think that the men are the problem, but for the two I spoke with, I believe they are not! Take the arguing aspect first up! A person usually argues with their mate to regain control of a situation. This is invariable a given when logic runs smack into emotions. If you looked at the majority of happy couples, you will notice that they settle problems quickly and with compromise. Wise women know how to get what they want from their men by speaking in a loving tone and at the appropriate time. Its not always easy, but well worth the results.
Next up, support! How can a woman support her man? I think the easiest response would be by doing what he asks of you. Example you ask? If he states that you both need to save money for a major purchase and one of the cut backs would be not getting Starbucks. So if the female knows the "what" and the "why" for said action and reasons that she will continue to frequent Starbucks but purchase flavored tea rather than the triple hot, extra hot, double shot latte, that you usually get! That is not supporting your dude. The man needs to know he can count on his woman in small things and big things. Men don't like it having to doubt the person who is suppose to have his back. Again, I find that happiest couples are the one's who do what they know their mate want/need not because they were requested but because they want to out of love!
Finally, the double standards. I personally hate it when someone says one thing and then later change the scenario up and say that they meant to say something else. Men are not mind readers of the what you meant to say nature. We know what you said not what you meant sucka! I realize a person can make a mistake from time to time, but when something becomes a pattern, I feel comfortable thinking that you have been lied to! Wardy often says, Corner someone with the truth of what they stated and watch them wiggle out or at least try to! Another double standard is when a woman can play fight with their dude or talk about him and its all good. But let the tables turn around and its now being called mean and insensitive. I understand that women are the weaker vessel but after you can argue your man down for 3 hours about why he missed an exit on the highway or why he complimented his co-worker and not you, makes you less tolerant.
I am a hopeless romantic myself (walking on the beach, kissing my mate, snuggling while watching Netflix, taking selfies and having deep conversations about real life stuff) but if I am not on the same page with my mate, I can't do all those things I enjoy because the closeness is missing. What women need to keep in mind, is that men have only a few requirements from relationships to remain happy and if one or especially 2 are missing you got issues. Women tend to have a plethora of things they want and can live with several of them lacking. For example, he doesn't have a job or doesn't flush the toilet or put his dirty underwear in the hamper, that's cool with yall-lol! Again, if the man finds his woman doesn't want to give him sex or constantly goes against his wishes or can't cook etc...... You get me point.
I am happy for sucesscuful couples but it makes you wonder, why do so many people call it quits every darn day.....
I am WarD.....
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Wait......did you say Bald Head or Bald Fade?
Is it me or have you ever had an experience that you thought only happened in the movies? Anywho, this is my story. The other day, I decided that my hair was at the point of needing to be faded up to keep me at my maximum freshness! Sure I am a licensed barber in the state of Indiana, but sometimes I don't feel like cutting my own her, thus I must decide which of my fellow barber brethren must I entrust with my locks! On this particular day Wardy decided to push it down to the local barber college and get that $5 dollar hollar.
I drive on down and quickly had to rush inside because an old lady pulled in behind me with 4 kids who clearly needed a fade more than I did, but my time is valuable right? So I am inside waiting for the next open barber to call my name, which finally happened! The cool young white brother with more tattoos than I think is actually legal greeted me and told me to have a seat in his chair! He needed to finish sweeping the floor before he gave me the most memorable hair cut of my life.
Looking back, I should have gave one of the little boys my spot when I realized his barber chair would not lock in position. I had to balance my self and try not to move to much. My back was killing me, I tell ya. Dude said, he just realized his chair was broke earlier that day (now I am thinking why didn't he switch to a new chair, but heck its a $5 dollar fade, so I dealt with it). So dude, now asks me what cut would I like today? I said and I quote" I would like a bald fade and light on the top". Dude said o.k. let me heat this water up then. I thought it was strange, but I figured he wanted to heat the towel up to give me a sharp line up. So he starts to cut my hair as the water was running and he wasn't following the normal pattern that barbers follow for a bald fade. Next, I over her the barber next to my barber ask him is he able to straight razor "me" bald. Dude said, naaaaah, I am gonna use the hot towel then use the liners!!!!!! I then had to speak up. I said, excuse me, but how low are dropping my top? He said, what do you mean my dude? I again, said "how low are you going to cut my top"? He again asked what do you mean? I thought he was joking, but I said my hair for the bald fade? He quickly turned beat red, and said excuse me and disappeared. He then showed up with the barber instructor and they were whispering behind me about my hair.
Of course, I had my glasses off, which meant I couldn't hear good ( don't ask- just keep living my pain with me sucka) but the instructor said, "Sir, I am gonna give you all your $$$ back because the student barber should have took you to the picture board and pointed to the picture of what you wanted because when you said bald fade, he thought you said BALD HEAD!!!!!!!
Omg, this dude has gave ""Wardy"" the Michael Jordan minus the money.
I told the barber that it wasn't no biggie because it was only hair and it would grow back ( hopefully). Actually, dude was more upset that I was. He began telling me how great a fade master he is and he was sorry he didn't hear me. Now everyone in the shop is looking at me like I am the last black man who didn't get shot by the police. I did the walk of shame out of the shop and ran like that dude on Fridays who got knocked out by Debow, to my cry.
Anyway, I guess I will be alright in a few weeks. I have a few hats, shoe polish, doo rags and PTO time at my job!
I am WarD......
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
All chocked up!!!!
A 26-year-old police constable is in a critical condition after he accidentally hanged himself at his residence in suburban Bhandup this afternoon, while demonstrating to his wife how criminals are hanged, police said.
According to police, the constable, identified as Govind Balaji Devde, attached to Local Arms division of Mumbai police, was showing how a noose is prepared and death row convicts are hanged.
The incident took place around 4:30 pm, after Govind returned home from work at around 3.30 pm.
"In order to demonstrate to his wife how a person is hanged, Govind put the noose around his neck. It was at that time the stool on which he was standing slipped and he started struggling for life. He remained in suspended position for some time," he said.
Govind's panic-stricken wife raised an alarm and called her neighbours for help, who took him down after cutting the 'noose'. He was rushed to a nearby hospital.
According to police, he is in a critical condition and is undergoing treatment.
Further investigation is on.
I am WarD......
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Ward wonders if its ever o.k. for a woman to ask a man to marry her?
According to 1 study I recently reviewed, it says that a woman should never ask a dude to marry her because it makes her appear as desperate or may give the guy a reason for an argument years down the road. "If you hadn't asked me to marry you, we wouldn't be miserable now" (for example). But I would think in 2016, women have come a long way since the dark ages of being chained to the a kitchen sink while being pregnant-Right?????
Perhaps its just a tradition that some just don't want to break or maybe Jehovah wanted the man to find the woman and cherish her as his prized possession? ( I do like that one but I think the woman can still ask the dude).
Anywho, here are some reasons I think dudes may unknowingly make the woman want to ask him for marriage.......
1. Fear of Divorce- With the divorce rate around 60%, who wants to get set up for the big let down. Some men may fell if it ain't broke don't fix it. The best way to avoid a divorce is to avoid the vows. May have nothing to do with the chick, rather it is fear of the unknown.
2. Don't want kids- Men are short term planners and don't want kids until they are ready for the slow down pace of diaper changes and soccer games. When a dude says he doesn't want kids right now, trust me....he means in about 5 -10 years. Often times when a male is tricked in to parent hood ( y'all know what I mean) it usually ends poorly!
3. Fear of things changing. I can't tell you how many times men at the barber shop complain of women who flipped the script once the rang was in place. Men foolishly get married thinking the woman of his dreams will always remain that same sweet innocent chick he fell so deeply in love with-lol. Women tend to think they can get married and change the dude into her definition of perfection with sugar on top. both are wrong, because every 7 years most people change their view and perspective on life due to experience. Its call growth people. Either you grow together or apart, but growth will arrive like new born baby after 9 months in the bubble!
4. CEO Christian. He only remembers the creator on Christmas and Easter only and that is when he may try and find a church! We must remember that marriage is an institution designed by Jehovah God, to protect the union of said couple- with a commitment of love and security. If the guy doesn't know God, he is open to his own interpretation of what a relationship should look like. He can say "God knows my heart and he knows I love you, so we don't need no piece of paper to show we love each other". But doesn't God's word say to follow local customs to show others of your status.....hummmmm? Who is right, God or Man?
At the end of the day, a person has to choose what path he/she will take because "Wisdom is vindicated but its results, said Jesus (Luke 7:35). If a woman want to marry that guy and they living like they are married, I don't see nothing wrong with popping the question because you get your answer if he says yes or no-right?. Marriage will test couples in ways they both may not expect but if you found your soul mate, then the ride is worth any displeasure that comes with. I feel that some women may feel that fear of rejection (men are use to and expect rejection) because they don't want to walk away if he says "No" and don't feel comfortable that others know it was her who asked his hand?
**(I wonder how Lesbians handle this complex issue)
I am Ward.....
Friday, May 20, 2016
When the Mississippi river meets the gulf of Mexico.....
I saw on a Facebook post a photo that shows a clear line
between bright blue water and dirty-looking green water, which the
caption said shows that water from the Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi
River don’t mix. Does this really happen?
Any photo can be created these days, but this photo is real, the fact checkers and report.
Images show an area of hypoxia or “dead zone” off the coast of Louisiana and Texas in the summer of 2015, according to
It was caused by high levels of nutrient runoff into the Mississippi River that left the water emptying into the Gulf of Mexico with high levels of nitrogen.
Those nitrogen levels cause overgrowth of algae and other vegetation that deplete much of the oxygen from the water and kills fish.
In 2015, when this image from a video was posted, dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico were “above average,” the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration stated:
“The largest previous Gulf of Mexico dead zone was in 2002, encompassing 8,497 square miles. The smallest recorded dead zone measured 15 square miles in 1988. The average size of the dead zone over the past five years has been about 5,500 square miles, nearly three times the 1,900-square-mile goal set by the Hypoxia Task Force in 2001 and reaffirmed in 2008.”
The average size of a dead zone is about 6,000 square miles, NOAA reports.
I am WarD........
Any photo can be created these days, but this photo is real, the fact checkers and report.
Images show an area of hypoxia or “dead zone” off the coast of Louisiana and Texas in the summer of 2015, according to
It was caused by high levels of nutrient runoff into the Mississippi River that left the water emptying into the Gulf of Mexico with high levels of nitrogen.
Those nitrogen levels cause overgrowth of algae and other vegetation that deplete much of the oxygen from the water and kills fish.
In 2015, when this image from a video was posted, dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico were “above average,” the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration stated:
“The largest previous Gulf of Mexico dead zone was in 2002, encompassing 8,497 square miles. The smallest recorded dead zone measured 15 square miles in 1988. The average size of the dead zone over the past five years has been about 5,500 square miles, nearly three times the 1,900-square-mile goal set by the Hypoxia Task Force in 2001 and reaffirmed in 2008.”
The average size of a dead zone is about 6,000 square miles, NOAA reports.
I am WarD........
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Should Hair Styles Matter in 2016?????
Hairstyles in the work place has gone thru many a change since the 1970's, but does that mean that society is all the better off??? If I was insensitive, I would say just look at the average NBA player, but I won't go there (on this blog) because.......well because.
Note that Midge Wilson, PhD, professor of psychology at DePaul University is quoted as saying "Though policies of what hairstyles are acceptable in the workplace have loosened, hair can still signify certain levels of professionalism"! The question is what sort of messages does your hair send to the public? Is your hair helping you rise to the top at work—or holding you back? Are you perceived as a certain way because of your personal expressions? Do others look at you and turn away quickly or whisper to someone else, as they both look at you like you are on display at the Smithsonian?
Consider this, hair is one of the first things others notice about you and one of the main ways we declare our identity to them! In fact, hair can play at least 2 basic roles for a person. 1). Its personal, growing directly out of our bodies for all the public to view. 2). Its Malleable, allowing us to change it more or less at a whim! Its not surprising that we use our hair to project our identity and that others see our hair as a reflection of our identity. I do think that hair is more important to women because studies have shown that attractive people tend to get better grades in school, more dates, marriage proposals, higher salaries, better job offers and so! I thought it was unfair, but when you really think about it, most attractive people take time to hook their hair up- Right????
What about men? Sure we like a nice hair cut and shave. Heck, I am a licensed barber and I can see the confidence that men have as they leave the shop! Don't act like I am the only one who has ever seen a facially challenged brother with a fine woman and thought.....How did they hook up? I am sure it was more than his hair, but I feel confident thinking that his barber had something to do with that union!
Anywho, I know I must be getting older because sometimes when I see some of these modern hairstyles, I have to keep my reactions in check. That is how most fights start: when people stare at each other! Look again at the pics above. These are some of the safer pics I found on Google! I don't know if I would hire these people to represent my company. Perhaps I am prejudiced, but then again, I am a business man, who likes my business to make money. I just don't know on this one or rather how I feel about having to 2nd guess my views.
I asked a good friend about this and was told that hair shouldn't matter if one can do the job. Interesting point, but I must ponder.
I am WarD.....
Note that Midge Wilson, PhD, professor of psychology at DePaul University is quoted as saying "Though policies of what hairstyles are acceptable in the workplace have loosened, hair can still signify certain levels of professionalism"! The question is what sort of messages does your hair send to the public? Is your hair helping you rise to the top at work—or holding you back? Are you perceived as a certain way because of your personal expressions? Do others look at you and turn away quickly or whisper to someone else, as they both look at you like you are on display at the Smithsonian?
Consider this, hair is one of the first things others notice about you and one of the main ways we declare our identity to them! In fact, hair can play at least 2 basic roles for a person. 1). Its personal, growing directly out of our bodies for all the public to view. 2). Its Malleable, allowing us to change it more or less at a whim! Its not surprising that we use our hair to project our identity and that others see our hair as a reflection of our identity. I do think that hair is more important to women because studies have shown that attractive people tend to get better grades in school, more dates, marriage proposals, higher salaries, better job offers and so! I thought it was unfair, but when you really think about it, most attractive people take time to hook their hair up- Right????
What about men? Sure we like a nice hair cut and shave. Heck, I am a licensed barber and I can see the confidence that men have as they leave the shop! Don't act like I am the only one who has ever seen a facially challenged brother with a fine woman and thought.....How did they hook up? I am sure it was more than his hair, but I feel confident thinking that his barber had something to do with that union!
Anywho, I know I must be getting older because sometimes when I see some of these modern hairstyles, I have to keep my reactions in check. That is how most fights start: when people stare at each other! Look again at the pics above. These are some of the safer pics I found on Google! I don't know if I would hire these people to represent my company. Perhaps I am prejudiced, but then again, I am a business man, who likes my business to make money. I just don't know on this one or rather how I feel about having to 2nd guess my views.
I asked a good friend about this and was told that hair shouldn't matter if one can do the job. Interesting point, but I must ponder.
I am WarD.....
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
4 thangz every man wants from his woman......
If you want to win the right man's heart, you need to know what it is that makes a man love and cherish you then listen up suckers, I'm going to take you inside a man's mind you so you understand what it takes to trigger this kind of connection. And I'm talking about a real man — one who is mature and grounded on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
1). Men love to be active and enjoy sports. We were raised to express ourselves and connect with those around us through action. Unfortunately, too many women seem to forget this and want to talk their way into a man's heart. Some men don't go for that, especially in the 2016!
It's not your words that make a man attracted to you; it's the experiences you create with him. Watch or play sports together, be competitive in casual games like ping pong, and even add a little teasing and sarcasm here and there. The key is enjoying each other, without being competitors- because men tend to want to WIN at completion lol!
2). Lots of women mistakenly believe that men are looking for a "weaker" woman who will make them feel like they're smarter and more powerful. We already know we are smarter than yall-lol! Real men want a woman who inspires them because she has great things going on her own life. We want a woman who has her own purpose other than being in a relationship and getting fat!
Great guyz are not intimidated by independence and success. What matters to a man is that a woman still has space in her life for a great relationship and is grounded and present when she's with him. The best way to communicate this to a man is to stay busy in your own life and not suddenly make him your world. Don't drop your own interests, responsibilities, and friends just to be with us unless its mutual.
3). A woman who has the maturity to not blame or criticize a man for what she's feeling, but to share her feelings in an honest and authentic way that helps a man better understand her, will be attractive to a us! How a woman handles her emotions is one of the most important things we men look for when deciding whether or not to get serious with a woman.
If she lets her emotions get out of control, this is a big red flag 4 reeelz. On the other hand, if she can present her feelings to him in a calm, non-dramatic manner, she will win our respect and make us feel like she's the kind of woman who will be a real partner. Dudes will see that she can handle things with a cool head rather than become a damsel in distress he has to rescue. Captain Save Em is dead!
4). Men aren't as scared of commitment and relationships as they are scared of being in a relationship with a woman where there's no passion and attraction. A common way women accidentally kill the attraction men might be feeling is by either trying too hard to get him to like you, or by being a nagging detective, wanting to know his every move while thinking that he should do or think everything that you would do. If men thought like women.......nevermind-lol!
Make sure you do and say things that interject fun and humor into your relationship from the very start. There's nothing more appealing to a man than a great woman who knows how to relax and have fun without trying to be his mother! You can do this through great conversations (read or learn something and share with him), becoming spiritual and displaying those qualities while putting God first in your life. Also, be a good listener and a person who can follow the path your dude has outlined for your union with him (He is the head of the house-right)
I am Ward......
OWN your OWN!!!!!
It's always better to OWN...A man who has a basket full of apples for sell will never beat the man who has an apple tree. I am not saying quit your day job, just strive to have your own thing. Trust me, you employer is making waaaaaayyyyyy more $$$ off you than they are paying you to do your job....
This man "Dan Gilbert" (Cleveland Cavz Owner) had a major melt down when Lebron James left his team a few years ago, so hopefully you all understand why? (He pays LeBron 20 million a year while earning billionaire status). The sad thing is fans got mad like they was the one loosing money until he came back. SMH!
I am WarD......
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Money Talks...........SUBWAY STYLE......
Due to prison overcrowding, Jared Fogle, who recently stuck a deal to serve between five and 12 and a half years in prison for child molestation and possession of child pornography, has been released from federal custody and will serve the remainder of his time on house arrest.
Federal authorities stated that it is not uncommon for non-violent offenders to be given the option to serve their sentences on house arrest. Joseph Rory, a representative for the Federal Bureau of Prisons, stated, “Mr. Fogle’s case was considered carefully and it was determined that he is not a threat to society and was eligible to serve his time outside of Federal custody. His movements will be closely monitored, and he will not be allowed outside of his home for more than 1 hour per day. All efforts have been made to keep the public safe. Unfortunately, our prisons are operating at nearly 200% over capacity, and it has become impossible to continue to stuff more inmates into buildings that are coming apart at the seams.”
According to the Washington Post, “At the end of 2013, Illinois was housing 48,653 prisoners, according to data published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. The state’s prison facilities are designed to hold just 32,075 prisoners, meaning the system is operating at 151 percent of capacity. North Dakota’s 1,571 prisoners live in space meant for 1,044 people, 150 percent of capacity. Nebraska, Ohio, Delaware, Colorado, Iowa and Hawaii are all holding a prison population equal to more than 110 percent of capacity.”
I am Ward....
Monday, April 25, 2016
Know what you don't KnoW........
The late king of my community had 10 wild dogs. He used them to torture and eat any of his servants who made a mistake. 1 of the servants gave an opinion which was wrong, and the king didn't like it at all. So he ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs.
The servant said, "I served you for 10 years and you do this to me? Please give me 10 days before throwing me to those dogs!" The King Agreed.
In those 10 days, the servant went to the guard who looked after the dogs and told him that he would like to serve the dogs for the next 10 days. The guard was discombobulated but agreed, and the servant started feeding the dogs, cleaning for them, bathing them, and providing all sorts of comfort for them.
When the 10 days had past, the king remembered and ordered the that servant be thrown 2 the dogs for his punishment. When he was thrown in, ALL were amazed to see that the ravenous dogs only licked the feet of the servant. The King was baffled at what he was seeing, said, "what happened to my dogs????"
The servant replied, "I served the dogs for only 10 days, and they did not forget my service. Yet I severed you for a whole 10 years and you forgot all, at my 1st mistake". The King realized his mistake and ordered the servant to be set free!
The point is a slight continuation from the previous blog entry. All those who forget the good things a person did for them as soon as the person makes a mistake towards them. Please don't put out the history that is filled with good because of a mistake that you didn't like......
I am WarD.....
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Man Born once, but dies a thousand times.......
When you are the new kid on the block, the new employee at the job or just the new face in the place, everybody loves you, do they not? They are all glad you came. Everybody wants to know your name. Its as if a new baby has come into the world. All bright eye'd and full of hope and dreams to make everything better! Something invariable happens along the way (Earth-Wind and Fire). Do the masses no longer enjoy his new car smell of said new person? Are they no longer interesting to others? Or could it just be that "U ain't NEW no more?????
I say that because the new person can make a mistake and be forgiven many times, but the old or established person gets a tongue lashing for an unintentional error in judgment after years of work. I have come to reason that a person who made has made a mistake, hass often times done this due to trying to do something better or faster for everyone. I believe we should consider giving the person a pass, if they can explain their actions otherwise logically, that person's creativity could be stifled otherwise.
I read an article in which Eddie Murphy was asked why did he do so many sucky movies when he could have stayed with the Beverly Hills Cop theme a few more times? Eddie replied " In Hollywood, you are born once and die a 1,000 times". He said he was prasised for 48 hours and Beverly Hills Cop, but treated like a leper for movies like Pluto Nash and I am Dave. Dude wasn't afraid to try something new, but the world doesn't like change. But he felt the need to be true to be true to himself. He got no props for Norbit (a move that he played several characters that you would actually forget is him) and it was Oscar worthy in my views but who am I????
Seems like that in relationships too. When you first meet, its infatuation, but fast 4 ward 3 years later and you may see that same couple on an episode of snapped!!!! Nothing changes unless something changes.
We, as a people, should stop judging people on their past and accepting them for their present. Just because we did something in 2004 doesn't mean I still feel that way or even like those same things. Take me for example. I don't believe in fighting in wars, but that in no way indicates that I don't love the people who participate in them. If I like putting loud speakers and rimz on my car in my 20's does mean I feel that way in my 40's. We grow and try more things and learn things at our own pace.
My simple point is this: I don't know how long anyone has on this Earth, but I do know the day of my impending death is closer than the day of my birth. So why not get along with others (at least try) accept that others evolve and go with the changes that life brings us.If you look at the pic on this blog closely, you may ask your self, Did this man's views of life and others stay the same from a child to manhood? Did his views on issues every change and should he be allowed to have had a past -and still have wonder future nonetheless?
I am WarD.....
I say that because the new person can make a mistake and be forgiven many times, but the old or established person gets a tongue lashing for an unintentional error in judgment after years of work. I have come to reason that a person who made has made a mistake, hass often times done this due to trying to do something better or faster for everyone. I believe we should consider giving the person a pass, if they can explain their actions otherwise logically, that person's creativity could be stifled otherwise.
I read an article in which Eddie Murphy was asked why did he do so many sucky movies when he could have stayed with the Beverly Hills Cop theme a few more times? Eddie replied " In Hollywood, you are born once and die a 1,000 times". He said he was prasised for 48 hours and Beverly Hills Cop, but treated like a leper for movies like Pluto Nash and I am Dave. Dude wasn't afraid to try something new, but the world doesn't like change. But he felt the need to be true to be true to himself. He got no props for Norbit (a move that he played several characters that you would actually forget is him) and it was Oscar worthy in my views but who am I????
Seems like that in relationships too. When you first meet, its infatuation, but fast 4 ward 3 years later and you may see that same couple on an episode of snapped!!!! Nothing changes unless something changes.
We, as a people, should stop judging people on their past and accepting them for their present. Just because we did something in 2004 doesn't mean I still feel that way or even like those same things. Take me for example. I don't believe in fighting in wars, but that in no way indicates that I don't love the people who participate in them. If I like putting loud speakers and rimz on my car in my 20's does mean I feel that way in my 40's. We grow and try more things and learn things at our own pace.
My simple point is this: I don't know how long anyone has on this Earth, but I do know the day of my impending death is closer than the day of my birth. So why not get along with others (at least try) accept that others evolve and go with the changes that life brings us.If you look at the pic on this blog closely, you may ask your self, Did this man's views of life and others stay the same from a child to manhood? Did his views on issues every change and should he be allowed to have had a past -and still have wonder future nonetheless?
I am WarD.....
Monday, April 18, 2016
Thursday, April 14, 2016
The endless arguments...........Ground hog day......
According to Couple and Family counselor Dr. John Gottman, a true expert in this field, 69% of couple conflicts are never solved. Yes, 69%!
That means that we are often having the same fight over and over again!!!!! Amazing but it so true. I know what each couple should do, but i found some reasons to consider if you want to leave or stay with your partner. ( If married, you stuck unless fornication is a factor sucka)
- You have more confusion than clarity. Time should bring important insights into your relationship, so it’s a red flag if you are more confused now than in the beginning.
- Your desire for “space” is increasing. Everyone needs individual time—that’s normal and natural. But if “me time” has become much more appealing than “us time,” consider this a clear warning sign.
- You work hard to improve the relationship, but the other person is not making the same effort. A healthy union needs two people who both carry their weight and invest equally in the partnership.
- One person is clingy and dependent. Few relationships are able to survive extreme jealousy, possessiveness, over dependence, or controlling behavior. Such actions and attitudes indicate that one or both people lack a solid emotional foundation.
- You don’t feel like you can be “completely yourself” with this person. Trying to change or conceal your true self is a big tip that this isn’t a good match.
- As you look ahead, the vision of your future together is fuzzy. You should be able to envision your relationship five, ten, twenty years ahead with joy and clarity.
I am WarD....
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
How to make it dew what it does........
“You’re not listening to me!” your spouse says. ‘But I was,’ you
tell yourself. Evidently, though, what you heard is different from what
your spouse said. As a result, another argument erupts.
You can avoid these conflicts. First, though, you need to understand why you might miss important details in what your spouse is saying —even though you think that you are listening.
You are distracted, tired, or both. The
kids are yelling, the television is blaring, and you are thinking about
a problem you had at work. Now your spouse starts talking to you —something about expecting visitors tonight. You nod “OK,” but did you really hear what was said? Likely not.
You make assumptions. This has been called a damaging form of “mind reading.” You assume that
there is a hidden message behind your spouse’s words, when in fact you
may be reading too much into the situation. For example, suppose your
spouse says: “You’ve spent a lot of extra time at work this week.”
Interpreting this as criticism, you say: “It’s not my fault! I have to
work extra hours because you are running up our bills.” “I wasn’t
blaming you!” shouts your mate —whose original intention was merely to suggest a relaxing weekend together.
You look for solutions prematurely. “Sometimes I just want to express how I feel,” says Marcie, *
“but Mike wants to tell me how to fix it. I don’t want to fix it. I
just want him to know how I’m feeling.” The problem? Mike’s mind is
racing to find a solution. As a result, he will probably miss some or
all of what Marcie is saying.
Whatever the cause of the problem, how can you become a better listener?
Give your complete attention. Your spouse has something important to say, but are you ready to listen? Perhaps not. Your mind may be on other things just now. If so, do not pretend to
listen. If possible, put aside what you are doing and give your mate
your full attention, or perhaps you could ask your mate to wait until
you are able to do so. —
Agree to speak one at a time. When it is your turn to listen, resist the urge to interrupt or disagree. You will get your turn to speak. For now, just listen.
Ask questions. This
will make you better able to understand what your mate is saying.
Marcie, quoted earlier, says: “I love it when Mike asks questions. It
shows me that he’s interested in what I’m saying.”
Listen for the message, not just the words. Note what is conveyed by body language, eye movement, and tone of voice. “That’s fine” might really mean “That’s not fine” —depending
on how it is said. “You never offer to help me” might really mean “I
feel I’m not important to you.” Try to get the real message, even if it
is not spoken. Otherwise, you may end up debating over what was said instead of focusing on what was meant.
Keep listening. Do
not tune out or walk away, even if what you are hearing displeases you.
For example, what if your mate is criticizing you? “Keep listening,”
advises Gregory, who has been married for over 60 years. “Give genuine
consideration to what your mate is saying. This takes a measure of
maturity, but it pays off."
Be sincerely interested in your mate. Active
listening is, not a mere technique, but an act of love. When you have
genuine interest in what your mate is saying, listening becomes less
forced and more natural. In this way you will be following the Bible’s
admonition: “Look out for one anotherʼs interests, not just for your
I am WarD.....
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Why we think.... what we think.... about who we think..... or at least I assume so?
“My boss drove a luxury car everyday and it was my duty to greet him and to open the gates for him, as I worked as a watchman in his villa. But he never responded back to my greetings.
One day he saw me opening the garbage bags outside the villa in search for any leftover food. But, as usual he never even looked at me, it was like as if he never saw anything!
The very next day I saw a paper bag at the same place, but it was clean and the food inside was covered well. It was fresh and good food like someone had just brought it from the supermarket. I didn’t bother as to where it came from, I just took the paper bag and I was so happy about it.
Every day I found this paper bag at the same place with fresh vegetables and all that we needed for home. This became my daily routine. I was eating and sharing this food with my wife and kids. I was wondering who this fool could be?! To forget his paper bag full of fresh food everyday.
One day there was a big problem in the villa and I was told that my boss has died. There were too many guests coming to the villa that day and I didn’t get any food that day, so I thought that one of the guests must have taken it. But the same thing happened the 2nd day, the 3rd day and the 4th day.
It went on like this for a few weeks and I found it difficult to provide food for my family, so I decided to ask the wife of my boss for a raise in my salary or else I would quit my job as a watchman.
After I told her, she was shocked, and asked me, how come you never complained about your salary for the last 2 years? And why is this salary not enough for you now? I gave her so many excuses but she was never convinced!
Finally in the end, I decided to tell her the truth, I told her the entire story of the bag of groceries, and as to how it was my daily provision. She then asked me as to when this stopped? I told her after the death of her husband. And then I realized that I stopped seeing the paper bag immediately after the death of my boss. Why didn’t I ever think of this before? That it was my boss who was providing this for me? I guess it was because I never thought that a person who never replied to my greetings could ever be this generous!
His wife started to cry and I told her to please stop crying and that I’m really sorry that I asked for a raise, I didn’t know that it was your husband who was providing me with the meals, I’ll remain as a watchman and be happy to provide my service.
His wife told me, I’m crying because I’ve finally found the 7th person my husband was giving this bag full of food. I knew my husband was giving 7 people everyday, I had already found the 6 people, and all these days I was searching for the 7th person. And today I found out.
From that day onwards, I started to receive the bag full of food again, but this time his son was bringing it to my house and giving it to my hand. But whenever I thanked him, he never replied! Just like his dad!
One day, I told him THANK YOU in a very loud voice! He replied back to me to please not be offended when he doesn’t reply, because he has a hearing problem, just like his dad!”
Oh! We have been wrong so many times judging others without knowing the true story behind their actions. Be kind and courteous in dealing with others, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. Be careful, not everything is about you. Before you assume, there is this thing called ASKING.
Don’t just jump to conclusion, because that is truly not an exercise, it may cause you more harm at the end of the day. Many of our problems are caused by how we process what happens around us. Don’t judge a situation you have never been in. Be humble enough to learn. You do not know it all. Lets change the way we feel about ourselves and others.
There are two sides to a story. Don’t believe everything you hear.
I am WarD...
Monday, February 22, 2016
Feeling Foul with a Fade.....
: A 29-year-old California woman named Adrian Swain who was accused of trying to kill her barber over a haircut has pleaded not guilty to premeditated attempted murder. Police say that Adrian was unhappy with her haircut she got from her barber, returned to the San Diego salon and tried to shoot her barber. Luckily the barber escaped unharmed when Adrian's gun jammed, police say.
Barber Manny Montero said customer Swain left 619 Barber Shop happy, having paid for her $20 haircut and leaving another $20 tip.
But an hour later, Swain returned to complain about the haircut and tried to shoot Montero three times, but the gun didn't fire.
If found guilty, Adrian is looking at life in prison with the possibility of parole.
I am WarD.....
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Flint Michigan.............smh!
News of the poisoned water crisis in Flint has reached a wide audience around the world. The basics are now known: the governor, Rick Snyder, nullified the free elections in Flint, deposed the mayor and city council, then appointed his own man to run the city. To save money, they decided to unhook the people of Flint from their fresh water drinking source, Lake Huron, and instead, make the public drink from the toxic Flint River. When the governor’s office discovered just how toxic the water was, they decided to keep quiet about it and covered up the extent of the damage being done to Flint’s residents, most notably the lead affecting the children, causing irreversible and permanent brain damage. Citizen activists uncovered these actions, and the governor now faces growing cries to resign or be arrested.
Here are a few things that you probably don’t know about this crisis because the media, having come to the story so late, can only process so much. But if you live in Flint or from South Bend like your Boi, you know all to well that what the greater public has been told only scratches the surface.
While the Children in Flint Were Given Poisoned Water to Drink, General Motors Was Given a Special Hookup to the Clean Water. A few months after Governor Snyder removed Flint from the clean fresh water we had been drinking for decades, the brass from General Motors went to him and complained that the Flint River water was causing their car parts to corrode when being washed on the assembly line. The Governor was appalled to hear that GM property was being damaged, so he jumped through a number of hoops and quietly spent $440,000 to hook GM back up to the Lake Huron water, while keeping the rest of Flint on the Flint River water. Which means that while the children in Flint were drinking lead-filled water, there was one — and only one — address in Flint that got clean water: the GM factory.
For Just $100 a Day, This Crisis Could’ve Been Prevented. Federal law requires that water systems which are sent through lead pipes must contain an additive that seals the lead into the pipe and prevents it from leaching into the water. Someone at the beginning suggested to the Governor that they add this anti-corrosive element to the water coming out of the Flint River. “How much would that cost?” came the question. “$100 a day for three months,” was the answer. I guess that was too much, so, in order to save $9,000, the state government said f*** it — and as a result the State may now end up having to pay upwards of $1.5 billion to fix the mess.
There’s More Than the Lead in Flint’s Water. In addition to exposing every child in the city of Flint to lead poisoning on a daily basis, there appears to be a number of other diseases we may be hearing about in the months ahead. The number of cases in Flint of Legionnaires Disease has increased tenfold since the switch to the river water. Eighty-seven people have come down with it, and at least ten have died. In the five years before the river water, not a single person in Flint had died of Legionnaires Disease. Doctors are now discovering that another half-dozen toxins are being found in the blood of Flint’s citizens, causing concern that there are other health catastrophes which may soon come to light.
People’s Homes in Flint Are Now Worth Nothing Because They Cant Be Sold. Would you buy a house in Flint right now? Who would? So every homeowner in Flint is stuck with a house that’s now worth nothing. That’s a total home value of $2.4 billion down the economic drain. People in Flint, one of the poorest cities in the U.S., don’t have much to their name, and for many their only asset is their home. So, in addition to being poisoned, they have now a net worth of zero. (And as for employment, who is going to move jobs or start a company in Flint under these conditions? No one.) Has Flint’s future just been flushed down that river?
While They Were Being Poisoned, They Were Also Being Bombed. Here’s a story which has received little or no coverage outside of Flint. During these two years of water contamination, residents in Flint have had to contend with a decision made by the Pentagon to use Flint for target practice. Literally. Actual unannounced military exercises – complete with live ammo and explosives – were conducted last year inside the city of Flint. The army decided to practice urban warfare on Flint, making use of the thousands of abandoned homes which they could drop bombs on. Streets with dilapidated homes had rocket-propelled grenades fired upon them. For weeks, an undisclosed number of army troops pretended Flint was Baghdad or Damascus and basically had at it. It sounded as if the city was under attack from an invading army or from terrorists. People were shocked this could be going on in their neighborhoods. Wait – did I say “people?” I meant, Flint people. As with the Governor, it was OK to abuse a community that held no political power or money to fight back. BOOM!
The Wife of the Governor’s Chief of Staff Is a Spokeswoman for Nestle, Michigan’s Largest Owner of Private Water Reserves. As Deep Throat told Woodward and Bernstein: “Follow the money.” Snyder’s chief of staff throughout the two years of Flint’s poisoning, Dennis Muchmore, was intimately involved in all the decisions regarding Flint. His wife is Deb Muchmore, who just happens to be the spokesperson in Michigan for the Nestle Company – the largest owner of private water sources in the State of Michigan. Nestle has been repeatedly sued in northern Michigan for the 200 gallons of fresh water per minute it sucks from out of the ground and bottles for sale as their Ice Mountain brand of bottled spring water. The Muchmores have a personal interest in seeing to it that Nestles grabs as much of Michigan’s clean water was possible – especially when cities like Flint in the future are going to need that Ice Mountain.
In Michigan, from Flint water, to Crime and Murder, to GM Ignition Switches, It’s a Culture of Death. It’s not just the water that was recklessly used to put people’s lives in jeopardy. There are many things that happen in Flint that would give one the impression that there is a low value placed on human life. Flint has one of the worst murder and crime rates in the country. Just for context, if New York City had the same murder rate as Flint, Michigan, the number of people murdered last year in New York would have been almost 4,000 people – instead of the actual 340 who were killed in NYC in 2015. But it’s not just street crime that makes one wonder about what is going on in Michigan. Last year, it was revealed that, once again, one of Detroit’s automakers had put profit ahead of people’s lives. General Motors learned that it had installed faulty ignition switches in many of its cars. Instead of simply fixing the problem, mid-management staff covered it up from the public. The auto industry has a history of weighing the costs of whether it’s cheaper to spend the money to fix the defect in millions of cars or to simply pay off a bunch of lawsuits filed by the victims surviving family members. Does a cynical, arrogant culture like this make it easy for a former corporate CEO, now Governor, turn a blind eye to the lead that is discovered in a municipality’s drinking water?
Don’t Call It “Detroit Water” — It’s the Largest Source of Fresh Drinking Water in the World. The media keeps saying Flint was using “Detroit’s water.” It is only filtered and treated at the Detroit Water Plant. The water itself comes from Lake Huron, the third largest body of fresh water in the world. It is a glacial lake formed over 10,000 years ago during the last Ice Age and it is still fed by pure underground springs. Flint is geographically the last place on Earth where one should be drinking poisoned water.
ALL the Children Have Been Exposed, As Have All the Adults, Including Me. That’s just a fact. If you have been in Flint anytime from April 2014 to today, and you’ve drank the water, eaten food cooked with it, washed your clothes in it, taken a shower, brushed your teeth or eaten vegetables from someone’s garden, you’ve been exposed to and ingested its toxins. When the media says “9,000 children under 6 have been exposed,” that means ALL the children have been exposed because the total number of people under the age of 6 in Flint is… 9,000! The media should just say, “all.” When they say “47 children have tested positive”, that’s just those who’ve drank the water in the last week or so. Lead enters the body and does it’s damage to the brain immediately. It doesn’t stay in the blood stream for longer than a few days and you can’t detect it after a month. So when you hear “47 children”, that’s just those with an exposure in the last 48 hours. It’s really everyone.
This Was Done, Like So Many Things These Days, So the Rich Could Get a Big Tax Break. When Governor Snyder took office in 2011, one of the first things he did was to get a multi-billion dollar tax break passed by the Republican legislature for the wealthy and for corporations. But with less tax revenues, that meant he had to start cutting costs. So, many things – schools, pensions, welfare, safe drinking water – were slashed. Then he invoked an executive privilege to take over cities (all of them majority black) by firing the mayors and city councils whom the local people had elected, and installing his cronies to act as “dictators” over these cities. Their mission? Cut services to save money so he could give the rich even more breaks. That’s where the idea of switching Flint to river water came from. To save $15 million! It was easy. Suspend democracy. Cut taxes for the rich. Make the poor drink toxic river water. And everybody’s happy. Except those who were poisoned in the process. All 102,000 of them. In the richest country in the world.
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