Sunday, September 11, 2016

The WhiTe Lie.......

Image result for MAN LYING TO WOMAN


White lie | Define White lie at
white lie. An untruth told to spare feelings or from politeness, as in She asked if I liked her dress, and of course I told a white lie. This term uses white in the sense of “harmless.”

Wouldn't it be great if everyone always was honest with everyone. No more pretending to like your co-workers dress, no more telling your lady that she isn't getting fat or no more thinking that the customer is always right (news flash: Customers are often wrong). I reently read that people who lie to others often think they are not lying??? The more they tell the lie, the more they start to believe it. It could something as small as saying "I didn't say anything" when questioned about what was it that they mumbled. Its clear the person said something, but the catch is that they didn't want the other person to really understand what was said, but they wanted it to be known that something was said. It can keep the discussion going or switch the focus of the conversation. Either way, its counter productive from my perspective. 

What about speaking adamantly about a topic that we really know nothing about? We have all done it, but hardly none of us have admitted to it, especially in the throws of a debate. Example, someone may say drinking on an empty stomach can be harmful, but you retort back that your grand father drank for 50 years with no problems. In fact he drank that back woods moon shine and live to be 83 years old. But did you really know his health condition, what meds he took or how often he indulged in liquid libations?? Its just deeply engraved in some of us to be right, no matter how uninformed we are on said topics.

The scriptures encourages its readers to reply to matters "after" knowing the facts, to avoid being viewed as foolishness. If we would only listen 2 the word......LoL! None of us are perfect and we are all capable of change, but lying to one another is the quickest way to long lasting dead end relationship. In the words of Will Smith in the move "Concussion", Tell the truth ( or did he say tell the tooth, he had a fake accent going, but you get the point).
I am WarD.......

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