Lets just face one simple fact. There are no experts on life that any of us know of, other wise I would not have to write this entree. Needless to say, here goes......
Who does not route for the under dog? I really think that answer will change greatly when it comes to ghetto-ness. There have been a few times that I found my self in Wal-Mart during rush hour hoping I can get in and get the heck out ASAP! Well it never fails. Some body gets upset about something that I find trivial and acts a fool. My favorite is when a down home fight ensues!!! Until viewing a live ghetto Wal-Mart fight, I would have sworn that was some Jerry Springer type ishhh!
Well peep this, I was talking to someone who explained the art of a Wal-Mart fight in complete detail. The person (A) said they saw someone in line(B) who robbed them of personal property and wanted them to know she saw them. ( the start of the issue). After a brief exchange of words another family member joined the- ummm discussion and a fight was on the launching pad!! Of course everyone passing by only saw the display of stupidity and no doubt could care less about the reasons. Person "A" said they had to represent so they started the argument. I asked if they thought that was ghetto in nature. Of course " A" said it wasn't because she is not a ghetto person????
This response made me ask myself how does my back ground affect my future. Growing up in a single parent house hold can be a challenge but it is not an excuse for acting ignorant in public or private for that matter. Growing up with meager funds can cause a person to become resourceful with finances, clothing and attitude. When you think about it, haven't black people always had to work twice as hard to be considered almost equal.
I am really trying to be brief with this entry because its too personal, but when I see or hear of people who act ghetto and then try to justify it just turns me off. It reminds me of addicts who are unaware of their situation but can always come up with a great reason for the cause. People can change, but we- first have to realize that when we were as babies ,we acted as such, but now that we are older, we must also act accordingly. Can you say public etiquette??? Even ignorance of the law is not an excuse for not knowing. So if you fight, argue or just draw unwarranted attention to yourself in public, you are doing a great disservice to your self, potential or current employers, your family who learn from you and of course your self! With that being said, if you don't know if you are ghetto, don't feel bad because all the people on Jerry Springer and Maury don't think they are either....but then again they act igg-norant in public...hummmm
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