Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just pensive on this day

Last night I found it difficult to sleep. I tossed and turned and woke up and starred at the ceiling and then dosed back off again. I get like this when I have many things on my mind. A few of my friends are having issues in life and I feel helpless because I want to help them so bad. You know that feeling you get when a loved one dies and you just can't do anything about it but cry.....that is how eye feel now.
For example, one friend lost another friend to an unfortunate death, one friend is being harassed at work by her unprofessional boss and my best friend has a tire issue that I can help with but can not get to due to the weather. How sweet it would be rich sometimes. I would fly everyone to Paris and we just start a new life. Actually I got that ideal from the new Leonardo DeCapri's movie called Revolutionary Road. It is coming to theaters later this month, but I got my copy 3 weeks ago, make sure yall check that flick out!
Anyway, work is a bit of a headache lately for me 2. I taught a job readiness class Tuesday and the students were so not with it. I was frustrated because I wanted them to be more successful than they wanted to. I assume my human side says that if you can not sit down and tell me who you are and not use profanity every other word then how the helicopter can you honestly think some body would actually hire you. Of course they did more than that, I felt like I was the 5th American Idol judge! I think I will just try to adjust my teaching style and try to be more effective.
Finally, I dreamed that I had the chance to do my life over. To make this long-short, I realized that the people I know are the way they are because of what they went through. The past is full of the choices made in the past. So I would not change my current situation, rather I would make better choices from today 4ward....

I be that Wardlicious dude....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad to know you are thinking about me...i am very distress about the loss of my friend.

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...