Thursday, January 29, 2009

The day my mother died

I remember it like it was yesterday even though it was March 23, 1991 @ 2A.M. in the mourning. Can you believe it 18 years ago. Well it was a very difficult time in my life when her unexpected death took me by surprise. Please rewind time just a bit and come up to speed on what it was like 4 your boi.
I was in my 2ND year of college at Indiana University in Bloomington Indiana. I really did not want to be there but my moms insisted that I get out of South Bend and make something out of my life. I decided I would become an High school English or History teacher and coach on the side. It started out good, but Mom had a stroke and I had to leave school to help take care of her. I felt obligated not only because she had give me a fat off campus apartment and a spanking brand new ride to push around campus, but because I loved my Mom and I know she would have done the same for me.
After returning home, I remember thinking she would get better as she had done so many times in the past before. This time was different, she was paralyzed on her left side and could not talk. That was o.k. because she was strong on the right side of her body and would cold clock you in the eye if she needed to. She did manage to say a few words like Sinneee. But she used it to mean several things and we all soon caught on. I soon got a job at the post office as a casual worker on third shift. I would go in at 11pm and get off at 7:30am and come home and get her ready for rehab then I would go to sleep until she return at 11:30am. Then I would cook her lunch and we would sit on the porch or go to the park or just kick it at the cribb. We had fun. My nephew Nick was a baby but he would always come over to be with her too. I took a picture of them two sleeping and made a poster print. It was a good picture.
I learned so much about myself from my mother because she was a soldier. She did not get down about her new life style to often in public, but I caught her crying a few times and I would read the Bible to her and we would cheer right back up! She was the funniest person I ever met in my life and the most giving. She would give you the shirt off of MY! But then again she would cut you if you crossed her. What a combination.
Anyway as time went on she began to experience declining health and often had to go back to the hospital. On that faithful night I stayed with her at the hospital and it began to rain very very hard and she kept sitting up and looking at the door as if looking for someone? I kept giving her reassuarance that it was alright and she would lye back down and kept making sure I was there. She eventully held my hand and the machince began to blarr loudly and the staff ran in and ushered me out in the hall. She has past away and left me alone. My saddness was over whelming. I felt a sense of relievement that she was no longer in pain, but sorrow for myself because my friend, partner and mother was gone. I even recall trying to call her from work 2 months after her death. I never have felt so helpless in my life.
I studied the Bible in detail with Jehovah's Witness and found great comfort about seeing my Mother in the future, but I still miss her to this day. Today, I just thought about her again because I wanted her see that her son turned out alright. He did what she asked and just wanted to hear her say well done son, I love you.
I am Ward

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