Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Hurting the ones who are closest to us
Is it just me or does it seem like that people we know are the very ones who seem to do the most damage in our lives? Really when you think about it, anybody can be nice to a stranger, mainly because you don't have any emotional attachment to them so being nice is just a front that you can walk away on after the encounter is over. But what about your mate, your kid or your co-worker whom you spend a great amount of your day or life with? When they get on your nerves, are you quick to snap or say something mean to them.
What about your feelings when someone close to us lets us down? It actually hurts because they should be the last person to let us down. But have you ever considered what it feelz like if we let them down? We surely want their forgiveness, but then again we expect it to!
I recently had a friend get mad at me because I did not want to lend them money. I got an ear full of how I let them down. My position was my money is my money and your ability to mismanage your funds is your situation. Was I wrong, harsh or unfriendly? Perhaps. I do have tendency to be to hard on those I am close to because I expect alot when I give alot.
I just keep pondering about hurting the ones who are closest to us and why it is so common. I guess it all goes back 2 being imperfect humans. In the end, all we can do is keep trying and keep forgiving and of course....keep on living. I am a work in progress. Pray for your boy.
I am Ward.....
Monday, September 29, 2008
play the player and ghetto thug thoughts
I use 2 like you-Even wanted to get to know you before,
but that was then and unfortunately I can not care anymore.
I thought U was real, but U are just an illusion of my immature dreams
I guess this lesson turns out to be- quite simply, life-is-never-what-it-seems.
You’ll probably never believe how much I did and still do love you
It’s not important anymore
If you insist on staying away
I’ll just learn to survive
On thinking about you everyday.....
Woke one morning with tears in my eyes cause you had left me without a kiss or a note or goodbye Now I’ve got to learn to live alone, but my heart can’t take it I guess that why I am waitN by the phone
For a call, a call from you that says you need me back, just as much as I need you
But I guess for the time you need to stay away let me tell you baby how I’m thinking of you everyday
I keep thinking about the good times we had and how we let jealousy turn all we had good into bad the I realize if we just try it again our love would work it out you’d be my girl I’d be your only man...(((NOT)))
Go ahead player and play on. I gladly lost this argument... as well as you and I am cool with this fact!
I am just dewN me....Ward
How 2 wynn an argument
Today she hates me, yesterday she stood me up and next week she is in Chicago. What am I to do, because it seems all we do is argue lately. Since Men are from Mars and Women are from some distant planet far-far-far-far way from here, arguing is a real thorn in the sides of us men folk. Please understand that most men grow up playing sports with winners and losers and we kool with that, like basketball, football, tennis and soccer. Women usually played games where all the girls won, like dress up, make up, cooking and who can talk the most (I guessed that last one-lol). So quite naturally when these two forces bump heads the final outcomes has different methods towards reaching the solution.
The way I see it, If you are engaged in an argument then you must really want to prove your point, and of course be right- Otherwise why would you be so adimant about this-lets call it a "discussion". No doubt you will find resistance, but you cannot will the argument that way!!! You will only strenthen the other person's resolve. At best you will both leave in a state of stubbornness- but little communication will have actually occurred.
The way to "win" is to aim 4 a goal other than being right. The other person will be preparing to defend themselves against someone trying to prove themselves right. Trying to prove yourself right and the other person wrong is a frontal assault on the enemy position. You will need an overwhelming 4orce 2 win and the victory will come at a great cost, even in you can pull it off. In addition, the relationship will be wounded da end!
I have found the way to win an arugment is to go for an entirely different goal. It has worked for me dozens of times and it works!! If you are not trying to win the argument, the what is your goal. Wardy suggest that you set the goal of attempting 2 raise the other person's awareness while maintaining your own sense of inner peace. Try this >>>>> Just calmly repeat your position over and over and again. When ever they ask you anything, again--repeat your position. DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE...I said stay calm sucka! By doing this, when you walk away from the argument and other argurer starts reflecting back on the argument, all they will know....is what you said. You remember your position that you kept repeating. People tend to remember the last thing you say vs. the first thing. Anyway, I think I may have just saved a million relationshipz. Put my checks in the mail.
I am winning this argument WarD.....
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Perfectville-population 1
Most people probably don't realize it but someone does not like you. As perfect as we all try to be, we still find eraser companies still in business. By that I mean we all make mistakes daily and some more than others.
I thought about this because if mankind in all our wisdum killed Jesus Christ, what the freak do you think the general population would do 2 imperfect peoplez like you and I-lol. Think about it, have you ever tried your best to help out someone and they flip the script on you and talk side ways about you to someone else. I must be honest, there are times when we all have our moments and may or do something a little out of character. My wish would be for the offended person to go to the offendeee and handle that situation like that/ ya feelz me.
Today I am thinking, if you are right you are gonna get talked about and if you are wrong you are gonna get talked about, therefore it would behoove one to control what will be said. You do the math. Bye haters!
I am imperfect Ward....
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A man who speaks the truth, fears nothing but God
Let me see, where shall I begin? Well the other night I was talking to my brother in law about our childhood daze and the distance that exists betwix my father and myself. Let me give a little back ground on the situation B4 I go on. My brother-in-law has known my popz for 24 years and thinks he can do no wrong. Well I have known my dad since I was born and I happen to know much differently!! I understand that no man is currently perfect on this circle we call Earth, but then again what the world needs now is LoVe-sweet-LoVe, its the only thing that there is 2 little of. My father is from the old school where spending quality time with your son playing ball, having an encouraging talk or just saying proudly to a friend "This is my son" is passe'. My dad was not abusive with me, he just seemed aloof and non-caring unless other people were around, then he would laugh and talk and be the life of the party. I was like who is this dude? I appreciated having a male figure in the home, because he worked everyday, kept the lights on, food on the table and a new car or two in the driveway. So for that much I owed him respect. But like I said, my dad was emotionless and it drove a wedge between us, that exists to this day. In fact we rarely speak. Most of my family thinks I am the one who should break this craziness because I am his son?? From my perspective, I don't make excuses for anything. I have to make a way out of no way!(Didn't P.Diddy told you that).I don't recall being asked to be born, therefore my Dad really owes me the shirt off his back? But still I want nothing but form him and quite comfortable with not speaking. Cats in the cradle, ya feelz me? I still would do anything in the world to assit my Dad, but I won't come to him and apologize to him for being a ghost Dad to me. Basically that was the topic with my brother-N-law. He thinks I should man up and close the gap. Ha! I laugh at him. I will say this upon ending. Parents must realize that kids are a gift from our creator. Show you love them often by words and actions. Never let much time go by that you allow uncertainty creep into your relationship. And know that being a parent is the greatest thankless job that a person can ever have. I know I love my kids, and if swallowing my pride to keep my thang with my shorties strong is all that is needed....boom-baby its done.
I ain't the 1.....I am just da Ward....
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Enough said
Monday, September 22, 2008
Love is color blind
I was thinking about that time when Kanye West said George Bush don't care about black people. I gave it some serious thought. I finally came up with it doesn't matter because from what I know about black people is that we "B" survivors. We don't jump out of windows when the stock market crashes. We can be broke as a bad joke at show at the Apollo, and still walk down the street dressed to the 9's and never let anyone know the difference. The black woman has been known to make a way out of no way for years. Can hook up a home cooked meal made out of one egg and some re fried beans and some hot dog water-lol!
What about the black man, shoot we built this country on our backs and yet we still have to prove our selves on a daily basis, but still we rise! You even got one running for president, putting fear in a whole new perspective, ahahaha!
All I am saying is that when it comes to love, God is not partial, and NEITHER are we. Love is color blind, but sometimes we all need a freaking seeing eye dog. Ya heard me.
I am color blind ward....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Physical Man vs. Spiritual Man
I heard a very interesting talk this mourning. So interesting I decided to share it with others. It was basic in nature, yet somehow very pensive. Many people claim that they are Christians and want to do the right thing, but when time comes for responsiveness, the outcome is less than desirable. Really when you think about it- doing the right things does not require that much thought. I was taught that if you have to think about it, then its probably the wrong choice-lol!
I have walked this line of wanting to be a spiritual man vs. the physical man for years and it never seems to get any easier. What ever your weakness iz, it finds you, in addition if you do not get what you wanted you suddenly see it everywhere. I recall wanting a certain type of car and got the other one (metaphore). Each day I went out I saw the car I should have got, what a dork I was. But back to the topic, if we are having any problems the correct thing to do is deal with it! I don't mean to sound harsh, but I am saying deal with it. But how you ask? Scripturally, of course. All the advice is in the word that we need, its just a matter of following the outlined course. If you want to be a good wife, read Proverbs Chapter 31 (all of it suckers) and if you want to know how to love and be loved read 1 Corinthians 13 verse 4-8. You got a Bible- do your own research...
Final point, this old lady with bad memory read her Bible daily, and her 8 year old grandson inquired why she kept reading it even though she would not remember a thing. She told him to take the bucket outside and fill it with well water and return. He did, but it had a hole in the bottom. She said fill it again, he did with the same result. After the third time of this he asked why keep filling the bucket with the hole in the bottom. She said look in the bucket grandson and notice that! He said what? She said the bucket is clean just like my spiritual mind! Yall get the point. Make it easy on your self and do the right thing or enjoy the ride to the other place you tring to get to.....
I am Ward....
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Should I give up
Should I give up? We all ask ourselves that at times! In fact some people more than ask, they act. They give up! Usually right before they are about to reach their goals. Giving up is a tough thing for some and for others it is an everyday happening. Not feeling like skipping the cake for dessert?? Then just give up your diet. Have a fight with your boss, quit your job. Etc, etc. It just goes on and on.
Sometimes quitting is the right thing to do. When you just can’t go on anymore or when continuing on will cause more harm than good. It maybe time to end it, but that is an individual choice. A piece of chocolate cake has bitten more than one diet and more than one boss has lost an employee over something crazy. I know I am personally wrestling with a very tough decision right about now, but I know I am gonna get through it- just like you will. Just pray for me. Again, just breathe and make your choice. Then deal suckers.....
I am dealing Ward....Not drug dealing....just regular dealing... Shut it Pace people..
Stand up comdey
I have been funny for as long as I remember. Way back in the 6th grade a classmate of mine (Joyce Compton-Nerd) told me that I should be a comedian 1 day. I was like what is a comedian, something that changes colors? When she told me I felt like she gave me a compliment because I really enjoyed seeing the happiness in people's eyes when they laugh at my jokes. Seriously, I grew up in a family of comedians and I was always the runt. I mean if you could not hold your own with my peoplez you pretty much would be talked about every night until you learned your family craft!
My mother used the world as her joke material, which included retarded kids, old people, cripple and all my friends and of course me. I mean she was so funny, even her victims had to laugh. I learned timing from her, and believe me it makes the comedy work!
I know my time to share my gift with the world is fast approaching, but right now, I am just a little timid about the experience as most people are about chasing their dreams. Its just the unknown I assume. I do not want 2 do it for money, rather for the love of the game. I never want to be 2 rich that I forget about the important things in life and I don't want to be so poor that I desire everything. Just in the middle (more toward the upper side-lol).
Oh well keep your toes crossed, because I am almost ready to do tha dang thang!
I am wARd.....
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
According to Dictionary.com, the definition of honesty is --
"the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness". I must admit I am attracted to people who can be real like that with me. I understand that people feel for some reason or another that they must lie about what ever to whom ever when ever. I can not judge, but I will say that a person who fears nothing other than our creator, speaks the truth and when someone answers your question with another question- they usually are lying!
I would not say that I am the most social person in the world, but I do have a few people that I truly call friends. What I like most about them is that we all keeps it real with each other. If we do not have no money, we simply say that. If we don't want to go to the amusement park, we simply say that and if we want something, we simply go get it! As I was eating lunch today with one of my co-workers we had time to pick each other brains. It was truly refreshing to ask a question and get an answer that was not only heart felt but straight to the point! From my perspective, this type of dialogue allows the listener and the one talking to truly evaluate how both R feeling about topics of discussion. In addition, when the truth is being spoken, you find that you really don't have that many questions after all- because you know in time all your answers will be obvious and you don't have to play the games that sometimes accompany new situations-lol! Al Green said he wanted love and happiness....All I want is a Mercedes S55 and honesty. Is that asking to much of Texas?
I am almost honest WARd
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Quality Konversationz
Like words of affirmation, the language of quality time also has many dialects. One of the most common dialects is that of quality conversation. By quality conversation, I mean sympathetic dialogue where 2 individuals are sharing their experiences, thoughts,feelings,and desires in a friendly, uninterrupted context.
Words of affirmation focus on what we are saying, whereas quality conversation focus on what we are hearing. If I am sharing my Love for you by means of quality time and we are going to spend that time in conversation, it means I will focus on drawing you out, listening sympathetically to what you have to say.
A relationship calls for sympathetic listening with a view to understanding to the other person's thoughts, feelings, and desires. Learning to listen may be as difficult as learning a foreign language but learn we must, if we want to communicate love. Here is the summary of tips on how 2 listen.....
1. Maintain eye contact when your partner is speaking
2.Don't listen to your partner and do something else at the same time
3.Listen for feelings
4.Observe body language
5.Refuse to interrupt (my favorite piece of advice)
Quote of the Day...
When I sit on the couch with my partner and give her 20 minutes of my undivided attention and she does the same for me, we are giving each other 20 minutes of life. We will never have those 20 minutes again; we are giving our lives to each other. It is a powerful emotional communicator of love........
(inspired and plagiarized by a well know book) Yelp, I still be WaRD....
Monday, September 15, 2008
I never (ever) wanted kids
I recall sitting in my dorm room at Indiana University thinking about traveling the world. I was gonna hit several of them countries in Africa, make my way over to Italy, swing by Germany and any where else my curious self could go. I don't think I ever really cared about making money, I just knew our creator created a huge and beautiful planet and I was gone be dog gone John P. Col train for sure gonna see it!. Well Mom's got sick due to a serious stroke and I had to step back on my plans to take care of her for 3 years before she passed in death. I didn't mind helping her cause that was my best friend.
Well time went by and I got back on track. I decided that I need to get some extra skills so I got that Barbers license so I could make some change whilst I walked the Earth like I was Kung Fu! Shoot I am a black man who enjoys the finer things in life, ya know like........FOOD! I mean I gets to shaking and light headed if I don't gets my two taco's and french fries and a peach, but that's another blog-lol!
Oh yeah, about them kids. Just because I never wanted kids, does not mean I don't love my girls with all my heart, cause I do! I guess if I knew my kids, would be the two I got, I would have reconsidered, then again somebody stole my piece of chicken...humm. Kids have taught me lessons that I could have only got from them. They showed me how to laugh at slamming my finger in the silverware drawer, that feeding the ducks is fun, that watching a movie a million times can still be entertaining and they taught me that the best things in life are free. The biggest joy has to be showing me that they are whatever I am. If I am good, so they will be and if I am nothing etc. I never (ever) wanted kids, but I am glad that it turned out this way, because lets face it...... I am a good at this Dad thing-lol.... Hold on a minute (yelling in the background) I see that chicken in your back pack sucka!!
I am Daddy Ward....
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Stop it
Friday, September 12, 2008
He ain't heavy - He is my fat brotha
Many of my readers know me or are getting to know me well by now, but many don't know the inner workings of my complicated mind. I have been accused of being someone who over analyzes situations and people. This may have an element of truth to it especially since I got my newest read in the mail entitled "Reading People by Their Actions". I believe that by nature- people don't usually come out and tell you their deepest darkest secrets due to the fear of rejection or vulnerability. I mean if you loved to suck your dogs tail, would you feel comfortable saying that to your co-workers? (No I don't have any pets).
Fortunately for me, I had the opportunity to meet a person who is more than a friend to me, he is my brotha from another mother! I carefully chose the word brotha because a brotha is someone who is definitely family, can & will get on your nerves, you may not always like them, down right hate them at times but when it comes down to it - U got their back (even if its waaaayyyy back-lol) and they know it.
My friend is Michael and he is like me--"a nerd" (he is in denial) yet to his credit he knows every freaking body in Indianapolis??? I mean every where we go someone yells out "Hi Michael". Shoot, one time we went to lunch in china town and some lady was in the back screaming in Chinese "Hing Chow ling foo $5%#$#@" (Hi Michael). It is what it is?? Now this doesn't phase me, but the fact that he and I got cool so fast is what is perplexing to me.
I, by nature, don't get close to many people, in fact very very few people are allowed in my circle of Wardness.It took dang near 3 years before I could hug my own kids! Michael on the other hand, is a friend to everyone, yet if you really knew him, you would know he doesn't allow many to be a friend to him? If he tells you ANYTHING about him, it will be surface things @ the most. For example, he could be having the worst day of his life and when you ask how is it going, he may say "Just another wonderful day". I use to fall for that, until I started realizing that when he is interested in what you have to say, he will lean back and put his fingers 2geather and slightly squint his eyes and lean in and cock his big REG (a reg is a round egg head)and listen and will chimm in. He then on occasion will share his true feelings and believe me you better grab a seat with the quickness and clean your ears out.
Anyway the reason my brotha is on my good side is because he is the only person I know who has a wit as quick as mine. We can regularly guess the same thoughts and have a conversation in a crowed room and discuss everybody and no one hear a word- it is like a mental thang. I recall seeing this staff at Goodwill walking by us with the extra-extra small suit on- walking past us and we both did a double take and we just looked at each other for a split second of silence before we burst out in laughter because we both knew we had at least 22 "You do the jokes" going on in our heads at that moment.
Micheal will also keep me honest, if I am wrong he will call me on it. From misspelling words, to my thinking about what I think are unmotivated people. He says what other people think (I wish I could do that- but my HR mind won't allow it)and he has no fear of going there....all the way there 2! He swears he is the 4most expert on the English language. Once he was at the Arab fish market and the man behind the bullet proof glass yelled out the wrong number and Micheal went up to get his order and the man said he did not call his number (Poor man had to be the only man in Napp who did not know Michael-YET)and Michael told him "He speaks perfect English". Tick Tick like the bomb-lol. Don't get it twisted, the dude can be a straight jerk at times too. If he gets in his moodiness, he may not talk to you for a day or two, he may slam the door in your face, he will pull a hammer or baseball bat and actually hit you (he is rather violent now that I think about it??) But he usually comes back and fixes the problem. He was raised by women so he is affected or infected, you decide-lol! Oh well this should have been a two part er, but I just wanted to say this. When you got a good brotha, friend or homie, let the world know that everybody ain't bad and some times Jehovah places people in our lives to make us smile when we are down, and encourage us to keep on being the bigger person.
I am Ward....
Thursday, September 11, 2008
2 kiss butt or not
I have heard people say that 6 degrees of separation is what keeps the world a part. That basically means, that someone we know-knows someone else we have in common. Thinking on that can actually be a scary thing-lol. My reason for that comment is that I spoke to at least two people today about kissing butt. You know playing the game or sucking up as my clients call it.
When you give it thought, we all have someone to answer to from the new born baby to Jesus Christ. We all have a head to report to. The hard thing about it is...nobody can easily bend under less than perfect conditions. Case in point: A lady @ work told me today that she worked at a job for over 10 years and was very reliable and did her job better than anyone else. The problem is she kept getting passed over for promotions. BUT WHY!!! It was her stank attitude. She had a hardness to her or a I am gonna do it my way that supervisors did not appreciate. She finally got that point after 10+ years.
My other conversation revolved around someone who has co-workers who really suckz up to the new boss and it sorta makes her stand out. She too, is a hard worker with a solid reputation for getting the job done right and done right the first time. However, she does not want to play the game from my perspective. I think she should do the little things like talk about nothing and invite them out to lunch and at least seem to be interested in everything that is going on to avert negative attention on until she makes a jail break to a better company.
Anyway, when I think about kissing butt on the job, I think of that big old willow tree sitting on the river bank. It has been there for years and is still standing. But how did it survive all those strong wind storms. It learned to bend so it would not have to break. The moral of that story is that river represents your job and you are the tree soaking up the money or water. You depend on each other but one is the boss. When you bend you accept that you are flexible yet tough. Work is what you do, not who you are.
I am not kissN butt Ward.....
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Truth about Marriage - Male Version
Everyone knows that men and women speak in different languages, not better or worse, just unique in every since of the words. With that being said, I do believe entering in2 the God ordained institution our motives and goals should be on the same level, but usually it is quite the opposite. Please come with me and take this journey from the male perspective and see if you feelz your boy!
When a man get married its because of its one of two general reasons. 1). He done got his woman knocked up and he has that old skool thinking that he has got to marry her and get a job at the local gas station to make his family just that .....a family! 2). He marries because he figures he has found the perfect woman for him, his soul mate, his forever twinn. The man goes into this thang thinking I love her to death, I hope she never changes. (Women want the man to change in2 perfection with her help) I want her to stay this way 4 ever!! I love her long hair, her slim figure and her mild temper she always has.
Fast 4WARD 6 years ( if you make it that long) and you find that she may have gained a pound or 75, her hair style has changed more times than a woman prerogative and she has a tendency to yell, nagg and complain about things that you feel are trivial. Dare I say it, but the sex is all but non-existence and she starts to be more concerned about how she looks when she goes out in public then when she is alone with you. You find yourself looking at other women you wish was yours. Is that a good thing to do? Probably not, but the truth can not be a lie can it?
Men basically need a few things to be happy. Some good cooked home food, to be left alone during the big games, some good loving on the regular (booty) and for women to tell us what they want us to do- we can following directions and feel pretty darn good about that. We will beat our chests with joy because we made the woman happy!
Another thing is that men are simple. We wear the same hair style for years and jeans if no one would complain. We are pretty much predictable and like what we like. Stop asking us if you look fat in them jeans. YES you are fat and you know it. If you want a lie ask a dude who is trying to get in your pants and if you want the truth as the dude who resides with you-lol! My point is this. Marriage is work and if you are ready for that challenge go for it. Keep in mind that nothing changes unless something changes. This is for my guys out there to. Fellas, we gotta stop showing our women they love they need to shine. When we first met them, it was flowers, cards and candy. We can not start out the race strong and then get weak due to hard times. Man up and lead by example or step aside and let a real man handle your woman ( they ain't gonna like that). Women love to be told that they are loved, but they especially loved to be SHOWN that they are loved as well. You do the math on that one. True woman is the man's compliment, but you gotta treat her like she is all that and then some. After all the dude she cheats on you with is only doing the things that you won't, don't or can't-lol. Marriage is what you make it. I know I am far from perfect but I am willing to get down and go through the fire with my woman if she keeps it real with me and we are a team. Now do you feelz me......
I am thinking about Marriage Ward......
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
2 stay or to get the heck up outta Dodge
There are many reasons that people stay in relationships, and of those that leave- the reasons are just as plentiful. I don't think anyone can be honest and say they love their mate all the time or in the same way each day. Well this is what my thoughts are today...
Can you see the possibilities a relationship offers? Explore the possibilities. Be yourself. Find a person who matches with you. Take the risk, but be honest. If it works, keep going. If it doesn't work, then do yourself a favor and walk away. Let her go and don't be selfish. Now we know that the Bible speaks of divorcing only if adultery is committed, but how many of yall heathens are Christians-lol!
But what if you want to stay anyway. I suggest this....Let go of your attachments of he past with your partner. Let it go because it was nothing but personal importance. it was nothing but a misunderstanding. It was nothing but someone being hurt and trying to get even. It's not worth whatever happened in the past to spoil the possibility that you can both reach in this renewed relationship.
Don't get it twisted on what good and bad moments are. If your bad moment means he is straight whooping your *&^, then you might wonna dip! But if a bad time means he lost his job, then you can survive that- he can get another or better job one day. Finally, don't take it personally when your mate doesn't want to talk. If U came home and your dog was waiting 4 you wagging his tail and you ignore him, he will find something else to do until you want to play. People will do well to let their mates have this time to be human too.
Some relationships are difficult at best but you just have to decide "2 stay or get the heck up outta Dodge".
I am warD.....
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Football sucks
I know that I can not be the only non-gay male who does not care that much for football? I mean don't get it twisted, I enjoy looking at the highlights and an occasional half time show and the pretty cheerleaders and all. As for the rest of the hype- I just don't get it. The way I see it, really its nothing more than organized violence. You get several large men who can eat a whole cow or lift cars for fun and have them chase anybody around who has a pig skin football in their arms and try to break every bone in their bodies and call it "FOOTBALL". Yeah that does sound good doesn't it?
And how can we over look that racial factor for years that a minority was not skilled enough to be the quarterback on any team and don't even think about coaching the team and not be white!!! OH MY!
I recall once when I was a child watching the NFL while eating dinner- I will never forget when I saw Lawrence Taylor break Joe Theisman's leg in two places with a very very hard hit. I think I felt his pain! I guess my biggest complaint about football is the fans ( aka= Fanatics )who think they have something to do with the teams winning or loosing. They wear the jersey's and do the same routine for superstitious reasons and say things like "we won or we lost". If only we had that type of allegiance in our jobs-lol.
(By the way...the question proposed by my newest hater...the answer to what is the name of my book is called "get your own business and get out of mine-lol!!)
I Am WArd.....
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Talking to teenagers
I do not have teenage kids as of yet, but if all goes well, one day I will have two. In fact, I am looking forward to the teenage years mainly because everybody is often heard as saying how difficult they can be.
I do have 3 teen-age nephews that I am very close with. Its almost like they are my own kids. I have learned quite a bit from them and vice-versa I would say. I have had conversations that the parents know nothing about including steroids, alcohol usage, sex and living with the opposite sex. If I could tell parents any advice, I would say something like this.....
Imagine that you are driving on a long straight highway. 4 many miles, U have had to make only minor adjustment 2 your steering. Then, suddenly, the road takes a sharp turn! @ keep your car on the road, U have no choice but 2 adjust your steering. It is similar when your kid becomes a teenager!! 4 some years, your parenting methods have perhaps needed little adjustments. Now, your child's life has taken some turns and U must steer N2 the curve by adjusting your techniques.
*If your kids seems reluctant to talk, do something together- take a walk, go 4 a drive, play a game or clean the house together and start the communication process.
*When your teen makes a strong statement, say something like this--I can see you're upset and I want to hear what you have to say. Tell me Y you feel that I treat you like a child or why should I extend your curfew?
*If you r teen if unresponsive to questions, try another approach! Don't ask how her day was, tell her about yours and see if she responds. Or ask how their friends feel about certain topics.
My point is keeping the lines of communication open. Parents must be parents but also swift about hearing and slow about anger! Never give up, we are not alone. We can and will do this. You turned out pretty good, didn't you-LOL!!
I have no teens Ward......
Friday, September 5, 2008
I think I love Fridays. Perhaps its the knowing that I have two days off work. Perhaps I just like to lay around the house in shorts and watch on demand tv programs until the wee hours of the mourning. I am not sure, but what the heck its Friday any way so I am gonna freaking enjoy it. These R my plans. Go to work, (Get a peach) go home clean up, play basketball with the family and then have a wii championship match, go to KFC for dinner and watch bootlegg movies until I fall asleep.
Yeah I know I am a square, but what the heck, this is what you do when you get my age, or at least that is what I tell my self-lol. Anyway I have no more time for this entry, I gotta get started......
I am Friday Ward
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The secret reasonz females argue with us
These first 4 are the hidden reasons she is tripping......
1. She don't like it when U (her dude) minimizes the importance of her feelings or requests. she feels dismissed and unimportant.
2. She don't like it when U forget to do the thangs she asked you and then she has to sound like a nag begging for your support.
3. She don't like it when U blame her for being upset! She feels like she has to be perfect to be loved. She ain't perfect and she wants your bone head to realize this and love her anyway- sucka!
4. She don't like it when you have a condescending attitude when she asks questions about decisions yall need to make. It makes her feel like she is a burden or that she is wasting your time.
These last 4 are what she should not try to argue......
1.She needs to feel validated and cherished. Instead she feels judged and ignored.
2.She needs to feel respected and remembered. Instead she feels neglected and at
the bottom of his list of priorities.
3.She needs him to understand why she is upset and reassure her that she is still loved and that she doesn't have to be perfect. Go ahead girl be your crazy self!!!
4.She needs to feel that he cares about her feelings, and respects her need to gather information. Instead she feels disrespected and UN appreciated.
Enough said on that. Check back later and lets review how the brotha feels and why he arugues with your big bone head??
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Can you say Get-ToE
O.k. so this is Tuesday, but its really my Monday, but I am still standing- that's whats really up! I will spare you of all the details of what I did today stuff and jump right into the title of this blog. I decided that I wanted to cook steak and potatoes for dinner which meant I had to make that crazy decision to either go to Ghetto Wal-mart or almost as Ghetto Kroger! I took Kroger as the picture has given away. I walked in the doors and it was looking good, but all of a sudden I see a girl with these painted on short-short shorts. Don't get it twisted that is a good thang, but everythang ain't 4 everybody-lol. This crack head dude was following her around tring to get her number and anything else she was willing to give.
Next, I saw a woman walking around with the worlds largest rollers in her hair. To add insult injury, she was talking on a cell phone so big that I could see the other person she was talking to (her mama). Next what I see, is a male employee (I think) with a bad perm** was walking around mean mugging the customers as we was looking at his hair** like a perm has gone very wrong in your head-look. I recall thinking what else could happen in this whack ^#@ store. I had to ask, didn't I? Next, I try to check out and leave,but the people in front of me had got a food stamp card and was selling food to everybody in that joint for 50 cent on the dollar. How can a line be that long? Well, I finally got out the door and was leaving in my car,when of course a fat chick decides she wants to walk right where I am driving!! I was thinking my car weights 2,000 pounds and she was 1,997 pounds, so I have a very-very slight advantage here. Needless to say, I pulled over and let her pass, mainly because I just got my car waxed and more importantly I was skerd she would break my car! Hey, Yall know I am a lover- not a fat figher-lol......
My point is this..... Make sure you are really hungry before you go to the ghetto because they got way more than low prices there.
I am WaRD....
Monday, September 1, 2008
eYe WiSh
She is no longer here with me
and I miss her immensely.
I know that I will see her again one day,
but that day seems like an eternity right freaking now.
So many things I wish I had told her, wanted to show her,
wanted to see her smile that smile of approval at me.
I wanted her to know I am o.k. and made some progress with my vida loca.
Even now sometimes, I forget and pick up the phone and begin to dial
before I catch myself in a cold reality check, that she ain't here right now!
I know she knows that I love her, but I never told her how much or why.
When I see her again, I am gonna hug her and tell her I wished for this day
for daze and now its here! I love you and can't wait to see you again. Your
trust and belief in me was worth the effort.
Eye am Wishing Ward.....
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