Sometimes I sit back and reflect on life and wonderful it is for some of us and how ironically painful for others. It is true that many of our issues boils down to the choices that we make. Unfortunately, many of us find it less that easy to own up to this fact. For me personally, I feel when a woman gets pregnant (and it wasn't planned) its the guys fault- cause he didn't stop. When someone get a speeding ticket ( and they were actually speeding) is it the cops fault or did you just not obey the law? And what about love in a relationship? If your man or woman cheats on you, is it all their fault or are you guilty with contributing factors? Oh no...I think I hit a nerve so we better go there on this one for a minute.
From my perspective, I feel that if you are going to be in a relationship, then you should be willing to do maintenance like you would on a car to prevent break down.(If you notice oil in your transmission, don't drive the dang car until fixed). My friend told me his wife said during an argument that she would kill him. Those are some strong words, even if you said them out of anger one time. But what if you said it again, even adding that you would throw hot grits on him too. It would seem that the love has checked out and riding in the back seat of a cab like a bad episode of the apprentice.
True, my dude doesn't always do all he should -and that may have lead up to his hearing the "I hate you words"? But grand mama always said, "Two wrongs don't make a right, they just make you even". Getting even in relationships often leads to a breakdown somewhere on the highway of love. (I like that, but you can use it 2). I think the solution includes both people talking with the goal of giving what the other needs and wants and then doing it unconditionally. No- its not easy, but is it worth it? I think so, but it ain't for everybody. Some people just need to say if you hate me so much and you often threaten me --then do us both a favor and leave me. Don't stay for the kids, what others may say or because of financial reasons. Pretend you are a Nike shoe and just do it. I am sorry- I got caught up in the moment.
Look my point is this, when the lloovvvveee starts to go bad because of a lack of a love tune up, arguments and fights and useless name calling starts to creep in. The sad part about it is that one man's junk is another mans treasure. Excuse me yall, I gotta go to the junk yard........
I am wARd...
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