Courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty, or intimidation or at least that is what Wikpedia seems to report. Well, everyone one of us out there in blogg land must have or will face our fears and own up to claiming our various selves.
Some people may be comptemplating starting a new job. Should you leave your comfort zone or take the leap and try to do what you know you have been practing for all your life. It can be over whelming, not to mention down right scary. Courage is needed to look at the other person you have been with so long you can smell when they walk in the room! You either want to have that person to marry you or in most cases- unmarry you! What if the grass isn't really greener on the other side does this mean that U should spend more time watering your own back yard? A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Until then, you never know.
What do you do for yourself is an excellent question to ask yourself? The answer just might surprise you! Think about it, you work hard all week ( or at least show up) and you rush here and rush back there. You attend service, you help everybody with all their drama, you cook or get food, buy high priced gas and may get to the gym ( and you feel guilty about that). Does it take courage to say today, I am gonna to do something just for me, for get what others think. Its ironic, because when you die, don't they say RIP (rest in peace), perhaps because you been so busy doing for others you forget about YOU!!!!
I know personally I need courage all the time. I find myself having to use my wits to get what I want. Sometimes I think "but what if this doesn't work". Shoot yall know that ain't gonna stop me from trying, but I have to build my courage up to do it sometimes. I don't like the way "NO" sounds in my head, so I try not to make it an answer I won't get!
So my advice to everyone today is to Man up ( or woman up) show some courage and do what you have been avoiding! Ask the woman on a date, Give that dude the kiss he wants, go find a new and better job, throw caution to the wind, start them classes at city college and fall to your knees and pray for a change, Your courage may set your free....(* Please keep in mind that the views of this writer are for entertainment purposes only- In other words, don't try nothing stupid and blame me because the blog will suddenly disappear)I am Ward.....
1 comment:
Courage....I like that....I think I will kiss that guy
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