Monday, March 31, 2014

How to get yo mind right for the beginning of the new work week!!!!!!

Successful people spend quality time with their friends and families on Sunday nights.
Most people will tell you they aren't looking forward to Monday either!!!
 Even if you love your job and typically look forward to getting back into the swing of things, "it's easy to feel a bit of humdrumnessss on Sundays about the stresses waiting for you on Monday morning".
They spend quality time with their families, friends, and significant others. Successful people know that their weeks will be jammed and that they are likely to be free, So they make the most of their Sunday nights by spending time with their loved ones.  
They plan something fun. "This idea may be the most important tip!! "This extends the weekend and keeps you focused on the fun to come, rather than on Monday morning." I know many people who could benefit from this lol!!!
You might also make Sunday a movie or spa night, or you could join a Sunday night bowling league or just get beat by me in person suckers.
They organize and plan for the week ahead. Some successful people like to look at their calendars on Sunday night and set goals and deadlines for the upcoming week. The trick is to do this without stressing yourself out. Its really not that serious people.
They exercise. Take a walk, play a game of tennis, or go to a class at the YMCA. I read somewhere that you need 30 min of physical activity is recommended daily. I wonder why there are so many fat people if this is being followed.
They catch up on reading that has been neglected. Most successful people read every night before bed, so Sunday-night reading is part of their routines. I read a variety of things like self help/motivation books, spiritual and odd news stories.
They follow up on commitments. "When we make promises [during the week] there is never enough time to follow through,", Sunday nights often allow us the undivided time to respond to emails and fulfill our commitments. Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no, right?
They relax. When you know that the week ahead will be full, a good night's sleep and a healthy meal are essential. "Fuel for the body and mind". I suggest Chilis- 2 for $20. Get the Memphis dry rub ribs, corn on the cob (with melted butter and lemon pepper) and load up on the chips and salsa!!!!
They volunteer. "[Another] great way to end the weekend is to volunteer," Nothing will take your mind off any stresses in your life like serving people who are less fortunate, the word says its better to give than receive.  "It's a way to connect with humanity before everyone goes their separate ways for the week."
They end Sunday on a high note. "Monday will come regardless of how you feel, so try to engage in positive thinking and reflect on all the good things our creator has done for you and your family. Write it down and read it a few times. "Sunday night routines help us to anticipate the week ahead and to prepare for the unexpected". 
By trying these things, you may find your self a better person starting out the week and your co-workers may like you better too lol!.
I am Ward......and it MONDAY!!!!!!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Do you know how to be a "GOOD" friend?????

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and the like are very popular forms of social media. Heck even my kids have several hundred followers on their sites! With that being said, I recently read an article about a 42 year old woman in Britain posted a suicide note on a well-known social networking site. Her message sounded like a desperate plea for attention or help! The ironic thing about desperate plea was the fact that she had more than a thousand social networks of "friends" on line and not 1 came to her aid. Sadly, the police found her lifeless body a day later. The woman had taken a fatal overdose.
I am not trying to indicate that being an online friend, brings added responsibilities, rather some type of understanding to prevent the above is a positive thought. Modern technology allows us to make hundreds of online friends quickly & if we want to end the friendship, we simply hit delete and that person is gone from our list! Thus the lady I mentioned earlier clearly must have thought she had friends who cared about her. Seems like people are socializing more but true friend ships are decreasing rapidly! Here are a few suggestions to ask about friendships (true friendships sucka).
1. Show that you really care. True friendship involves commitment or knowing that your friend really cares about you. You have to have a 2 way style of communication not just on social media. I think young people have to be reminded of this point-lol!
2. Be a good communicator. We can't be close to someone without regular communication, so talk 2geather about the interest you share. Listen to your friend & respect his opinions. A friend may need advice or even correction that is not always easy to give. I feel that a loyal friend will have the courage to point out a serious fault & offer tactful guidance.
3. Have realistic expectations. The closer we get to friends, the more likely we are to see his flaws. Friends are never perfect and neither are we! We should never expect that anyway. Actually, it is good to cherish our friend’s virtues and to make allowance for their mistakes.
4. Widen your circle of friends. Meet friends of all ages, backgrounds and nationalities. One man, I researched name Mr.Funke, said "Widening my circle of friends has given me the opportunity o mature as a person. I've learned to get along with people of all ages and backgrounds and that have helped me to be more outgoing and adaptable. And my friends really appreciate that".
So does this mean that our new friends will save our lives if we "Kirk OUT" out of the blue one day? Perhaps they will! My point is this: Having 2 million followers is cool, but having a solider on your team could be priceless.
I am ward....

Monday, March 24, 2014

What gets employees irrated the most????

THE PROBLEM: Frustrated Employees
In today's world we are all bombarded with an ever-increasing amount of information, yet more than ever, employees don't have the information they need.
We have email, smart phones Intranets, and videoconferencing that allow us to rapidly communicate with each other. But one survey I read consisted of more than 50,000 employees in 85 organizations show that half of all employees do not receive the information they need to do their jobs well. As a result, employees feel frustrated and the quality of the organization's products and services suffer. No surprise there is it, lol!
Employees complain that they need more information from management, supervisors, co-workers, and customers. Here are a few of the key questions that frequently go unanswered from:
• Management: What changes are taking place that will impact my work?
• Supervisors: What exactly do you want me to do? How well am I doing?
• Coworkers: When will the work I need from you be completed?
• Customers: How satisfied are you with the products and services I provide to you?
1) Start at the Top.
Senior managers must force themselves to communicate with employees on an ongoing basis about information that affects employees. Annual briefings about the state of the business are not enough in 2014
2) Promote Supervisors on the Basis of Their Communication Skills
Since the ability to effectively communicate is the most important supervisory skill, it should also be the most important factor in promotion decisions.
3) Re-write Job Descriptions.
Most job descriptions don't identify the critical information that must be passed on to others in the organization.
4) Update Standard Operating Procedures.
A systematic analysis should be conducted for each job, each work group, and each department. It should outline what information is needed, from whom, and spell out deadlines. The results of this analysis then should be fully integrated into the organization's standard operating procedures.
5) Conduct an Internal Customer Communications Survey.
Ask each employee to indicate how much they agree or disagree with statements such as, "I receive the information I need from marketing," "I receive the information I need from human resources," and "I receive the information I need from sales."
Then segment the results by department. You will be able to create a matrix that will clearly indicate which departments need to communicate better with other departments. For example, it might show that the marketing folks are not receiving the information they need from production or sales. Armed with this insight, you will be able to identify the key areas in need of improvement.
6) Conduct Customer Satisfaction Surveys.
Customer satisfaction surveys should be conducted on an ongoing basis. Most importantly, senior management should not hoard the information obtained from these studies. It should be communicated to all employees, especially those with customer contact.
7) Improve Interdepartmental Communication Using "the JFK Exercise."
A major reason that information is not shared in many organizations is that departments do not work well together. They often engage in finger-pointing rather than in readily sharing the information they need from each other.
In his inaugural address, John F. Kennedy said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." My firm's JFK exercise invites a client's rival departments to a one-day workshop where we help them focus not on what information they need FROM other departments, but on what information they will commit to providing TO other departments.
In summary, the sharing of information within organizations is critically important. Senior management needs to learn what information employees need to do their jobs well and then make certain they receive it. When a company learns to trust and include the employees, everyone wins. It seems like the larger the company, the more punitive the actions and higher turn over ratios. 
I am just saying.....
I am Ward.....

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sucka, this is why ur relationship keeps failing.....

It’s so easy for us to give up faith in relationships. Many of us have thought about quitting several times. People will tell you, “When you fall off a horse, you have to get back on.” That’s provided you haven’t concluded that you don’t even want to be on a horse. Relationships can be like horses. Some people think they’re beautiful, remarkable, strong and elegant creatures. Others think they’re stinky, stupid, wild and really not all that important to their lives. There’s many ways to view relationships; the key is that we’ve all got to find ourselves in self-examination when relationships fail or don’t work out. Yes, there are many times when it wasn’t our fault, it was their fault. However, there are times that regardless of who’s fault, it’s time to examine why it isn’t working out. 4 some of us, it takes quite a while to get to this point.
  1. You don’t know when to shut up – There comes a point where making your point becomes harmful. There are times when your sentence could end and be just as powerful, but is ruined because of a motor mouth. You just have to keep on bumping your gums!
  2. You tell yo girls your business – Your friends are your support system, but they are a gift and a curse. They can be there for you when you’re hurt, but they can also pacify you when you need to teethe you situation.
  3. You refuse to accept that you’ll need to make some changes in your life – “I’m not going to change for anybody” is always the extreme of not knowing what, “How can I be better?” really means.
  4. You expect others to put up with your problems – “You should accept me flaws and all” is only half true. Fat/skinny, logical/illogical, I’ve always said, “I accept that you  have problems sucka, but that doesn’t mean I’ll make them my own.”
  5. You’re inconsistent – You say you know what you want, you say you know what you don’t want, but you allow the two to mix sometimes. I hate it when women double talk. Just let your yes mean yes and your No mean No (Matt 5:37)
  6. You’re not ugly, just unattractive – Too often people confuse looks with attraction. I know plenty of beautiful women who are not attractive. It may be personality traits, or they have only heavily relied on their looks and haven’t focused on their entire being to become completely whole.
  7. You’re too judgmental – Your perfect ten is probably not the person you envision them to be when you jot it down on paper. You also can’t expect them to come off-the-shelf like that too. You’re knocking down potential and people who may meet your 80%, just because you find minor flaws.
  8. Your network is not helpful – You are the company you keep. You have to have positive reinforcements in your life. It doesn’t mean that you have to have married friends, or friends with children. It means you have to have a positive network that is beautiful, instead of looking like a war zone of love.
  9. You haven’t learned to let go – Acceptance is a part of life that we always struggle with. We have to learn that we’ll have to accept things in our past and leave them there. We hold onto things because we think that if we let them go it’s like we’re saying it’s okay. We’re not, we’re accepting it and allow ourselves to move past it.
  10. You’ve got too much pride – Pride will stand in your way. It will make you quit a relationship because you feel slighted at a certain point, rather than doubling down and making it work. When you start concerning yourself with how you look to others instead of how you feel on the inside, you lose.
  11. You want what you deserve, but don’t want to earn it – Everybody thinks they deserve the world. Everybody thinks they’re awesome individuals. Then they make everyone pass all these tests before they’ll prove it. The world wasn’t made in a day – you have to put in the necessary work too. on the treadmill, learn a new language, Read Proverbs Chapter 31.
  12. Your past becomes baggage instead of lessons learned – Everything that happens in our life, happens for a reason. At times, we acknowledge that something happened, but don’t understand the reasons and lessons we can learn. It becomes a story that ends with the occurrence and not what came of that experience.
  13. You digest entirely too much trash instead of the daily text- Whether it is too much reality TV or trash on the radio, learn to balance when you digest. Everything in moderation, but honest moderation. You can’t possibly know all the characters on the real house wives of Atlanta, but can’t quote one scripture. 
  14. You got a problemmmmooooo with the truth- Men are simple creatures. We wear the same hair styles until we go bald. We will support a sports team that loses every year becuz we like that. But you say you won't spend wasteful money on Starbucks coffee no more to the dude but what you meant was you gonna buy the expensive bagels instead. Really? Why are you single again???
 About this list; 1) The reason why I started each point with “you” is because when we’re single that’s who we should focus on, not the other people, 2) This list is unisex, it wasn’t for women or men, single or married folk and 3) You may suffer from one or you may suffer from all. If it doesn’t 100% apply to you, don’t toss it aside as not applicable.
Last, I’m not sure that you can solve these flaws overnight. That’s okay, not too many things work that way. Most times, it takes hard work and a concerted effort to reconcile and fix these. I think the first step is to tell ourselves that we have a flaw or an opportunity for improvement. Can you be in a relationship and work on yourself? Absolutely, but only to the extent that it doesn’t become a burden on the person you’re dating. Regardless, I don’t think there’s anything on this list that we can accept as a personal character trait and move on, that’s literally why our relationships continue to fail.

I am Ward....

Monday, March 10, 2014

More things that only black folk do.........

1. Play Jeezy, or any other ignorant music as loud as possible.
2. Dance.  We love to dance. We like dancing alone, with someone, or even as a large group.
3. Sing.  This lady at my job asked me if I could sing, I said, I can hold a note.  That was a blatant lie. When I’m at home, I sing J. Holiday at the top of my lungs.
4. Watch Twerk Team videos. 
5. Eat fried chicken. I don’t know why we keep hiding this stuff from white people, they be knowing; The Colonel and Popeye are both white!!!!
6. Google incoming numbers we don’t have in our phone.
7. Go on Twitter, Facebook or Gchat and talk about our coworkers.  Unless you work with all Black people, you have to resort to these options on the low to get out your thoughts.
8. Talk about how people stress us out, and how they don’t get it.
9. Play Spades and Bid Whist.  As a shorty, I had two telephone books, and a death threat on my head if I reneged.
10. Beat their kids like Zab Judah, something I don’t agree with.  Also, Black parents have this thing called the Angry Whisper — it’s basically when your mother sends you death threats through her teeth.
11. Stare at white people’s butts – both men and women do this.  Either they’re small or their big, either way we’re just wondering how is that attractive?
12. Argue.  We’re just a spirited bunch, we love each other.
13. Laugh.  My coworkers will never see me laugh, can’t let them ever think I enjoy working for the Man.
14. Locate, identify, but never alert the authorities.  Ashley: “There go the police.”Shaquitta: “WHERE?!”  Ashley: “You being mad obvious right now, don’t look.”
15. Talk funny. Trust me, that’s not our normal voice until we’re with our friends and the door is locked.
16. Throw away bills.  Sallie can kiss my black… moving right along.
17. Make personal phone calls on our work phone. And get mad when a colleague has the audacity to interrupt us with actual work.
18. Make up new code words and slang to use with our friends.  White people stole swag from us before we even got good at it.
19. Call their momma.
20. Put something unhealthy in our hair like pomade or a perm. I would like to say something about patting a weave or something, but according to sisters, “when your hair is itching, it’s itching, so we scratch whenever.”
21. Pretend like we’re playing a sport.  For example, balling up a piece of paper, tossing it in the trash, yelling, “LeBronnnnnnn!” and then walking back to your desk like we did something!
22. Complain about having to pay for parking at work and buy cheap work shirts!

I am Ward......

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Jealousy+ Distance = Singleness with no regrets!!!!

What are the signs that your partner has had it with your jealousy?
It's as if something takes over and he/she reaches the point of NEVER coming back.
When jealousy gets triggered, it can quickly build and seem to take control of you. It can even feel like you weren't the one saying or doing what you did.
The spying, relentless questioning, accusations and more can all come from jealousy. And it can all be unwarranted. Maybe your spouse has proven to you over and over again that you actually CAN trust him or her. Maybe you've tried to convince yourself of this too...but you always seem to forget and do what you do to move fast forward toward your soon to be divorced status.
Jealousy comes in and you and your partner have the same tension, arguments and distance that you had in the past.
The question that might be looming in your mind is.... “Will my jealousy drive my spouse away?”
If you're worried that your jealousy habit is pushing your partner toward divorce, look for these signs...
* Communication breakdown: You two may always seem to be arguing or a cold silence dominates. Communicating about even "little" things feels impossible. You refuse to communicate the way your mate prefers or you constantly interrupt their words when they want to talk.
* Apathy/giving up: Giving up isn't always a bad thing, but no longer caring about improving your relationship or dealing with challenges like jealousy is a serious warning sign. No matter how much someone loves you, everyone has their breaking point of putting up with your desire to ruin your relationship!
* Turning to others: This doesn't have 2 be an affair but a definite reliance on others for comfort, companionship and enjoyment is something to pay attention to. Sometimes people seek out those who agree with them or at least an ear to hear our version of what happened. The saddest thing about this is, the friend you half tell a story too actually believes you and forms a negative view of the innocent mate.
* Spending less and less time together: Everyone seems to be overly busy these days, but when either or both of you intentionally find ways to NOT be together, this is another warning sign. Nevertheless, consider asking your self  "why" does my mate no want to spend time with me more and more each day?
We can't know what your spouse is planning to do. Every person and every situation is different. However, if you recognize any of these signs in your relationship, it's time to make some changes. Your marriage could be in danger and now is the moment to take steps to turn things around. Personally, I feel that people are adults and have to be responsible for their actions and must be willing to accept the consequences of said actions.
Get to the root of your jealous habit.
It's absolutely essential for you to be responsible for your jealousy habit. One way to do this is to better understand why it's there. This is not about finding some experience or someone else to blame. This is your opportunity to discover what is at the root of your jealousy.
It may be your insecurity. It could be the emotional wounds you still carry around because your past partner lied and cheated. It could be a combination of many things, but whatever it is, treating your mate in a way that is less than favorable will soon find these couples happily single!
Take the time to go within yourself and figure out what you are thinking and what beliefs you have that fuel and feed your jealousy habit.  I would never encourage anyone to get a divorce, but according to the scriputres, if a couple parts/divorces, they can't remarry, but they can be free of each other. Sometimes being alone is not a bad thing, especially if you have been thru more than you feel you can handle.
I am Ward.......

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I finally understand what a hater izzzz!

We have all heard that saying to "think outside the box" right? Seldom are we given specific direction on achieving the monumental goal. It's like most of us are programmed to automatically think negatively about what is before our eyes. Today, I engaged in a conversation about what "I" considered to be an attractive woman. My response is pretty much this: Someone who is attractive in appearance ( hair looking nice, clothes are sexy professional, nice body with head on right). I think that sums it up for most heterosexual males. Men don't care if you had butt injections or breast augmentations as much as we like the finished product.
But when it comes to women's views on what is considered an attractive woman, it gets tricky!!! If you are the woman answering the topic question, then you can bet the whole house, that your bff (aka Fat Fiona) is gonna be considered beautiful. Sorta like, if we cool, then you are beautiful and if we not cool, then you are a double tree frog troll midget. The bff's are described  something like this...."She is attractive in her own way"! What the freak dat suppose to mean: in her own way???? The ironic thing about that comment is, I can't recall a woman who thinks her man's ex-woman is/was attractive. Does that mean that your dude's ex women don't have a special way of looking beautiful? The new chicks always be popping off about how the old chicks ain't got nothing on them! Really people, are yall serious. Women are notorious for tearing down another woman- from her head to her toes, just because   besides I think they are jealous or being a hater. Again, nobody is gonna admit they are a hater, but the symptoms are very evident.
Case n point, I showed some females a pic of the woman pictured in the post, and I immediately got "Her booty fake, her waist can't be that small and she got on make up making her look better because she is unattractive to my favorite.....She was using Photoshop.                                                                              . I think i finally under stand what a hater izzzz!
Don't get me twisted, I am all for everyone having an opinion, but what I don't get is, why would someone say negative comments about a person who took the time out to get their stuff together while you still in the (((talking about getting ready to get your stuff together)))? Would it not behoove the hater to, first walk a mile in the fake booty, implanted breasts, extra make up wearing attention whores stilettos- before throwing all that shade? I recall sitting there thinking "Why can't we say something nice about the woman if we gotta speak on her, like: she did what she felt was needed 4 herself and seems happy with the results and attention"??? Noooooooooo, haters gotta pick the woman apart and forget that all of us have imperfections but sometimes we only seem to focus on other people's issues rather than fixing our own situation. I think the good book states, that before we try to get the splinter out of our brothers eye, we should remove the rafter from our own eye first *lol!
Being healthy and looking good takes time, effort and discipline from someone who knows what they want and how they are going to get it done. Most people don't see the behind the scenes work for the over night sensations that come from nowhere. No one see's the hours on the treadmill, the carefully followed diet or the intense training put in by the pseudo person in question. I just dont think people suddenly wake up looking super sexy one day with no effort. Imangine if a homeless girl with two drug addictived HIV parents decided she wanted to attend Harvard University, would it be luck if that happened? I think it is called hard work and focus, to get the desire results. I am sure some would still say, she only got that scholarship because she was black or was sleeping with the Dean of admissions  or something crazy like that.
Its such a turn off to hear haters hate. I think the only thing worse than hating on someone you don't like or know, may just that you are unaware that you are a hater in the first place. 2014 has taught me that if you won't congratulate....then by always means......Hate!
i am Ward.....

Sunday, March 2, 2014

9 deep thoughts AND other crazy things....

What happens when you get 'half scared to death' twice?
Is it true cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
If all the world's a stage, where does the audience sit?
Why are the alphabets in the order that they are? Is it because it's a song?
If you write a book about failure, and it doesn't sell, is it called success?
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
If work is so terrific, how come you get paid for it?
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the others drown too?
Are the good things that come to people who wait, the leftovers of people who went before them?
Why did Yankee Doodle name the feather in his hat Macaroni?
Isn't Disney World a people trap operated by a mouse?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality comes from morons?
Why aren't blueberries blue?
Why is Greenland called Greenland, when it's white and covered with ice?
Why is the word for "a fear of long words," hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, so long?
Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
What if Batman gets bitten by a vampire?
Did the Mayans get bored after reaching 2012 or is the predication for real?
Can we spell creativity however we want?
Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery?
Where are all the mentally handicapped parking spaces for people like me?
Has your mate ever called you at work to ask where the remote control is?
Was the person who invented the Express Lane at the grocery store properly thanked?
Why don't you ever see ads for advertising companies?
Why is it that when things get wet they get darker, even though water is clear?
If a fork were made of gold would it still be considered silverware?
Why isn't chocolate considered a vegetable, if chocolate comes from cocoa beans, and all beans are a vegetable?
If something "goes without saying," why do people still say it?
You know the expression, "Don't quit your day job?" Well what do you say to people that work nights?
Why is the 0 on a phone after 1 and not before 1?
Why do all the superheroes wear underpants on the outside?
If you were a genie and a person asked you this wish, "I wish you would not grant me this wish" what would you do?
Did Noah have woodpeckers on the ark? If he did, where did he keep them?
Why don't the hairs on your arms get split ends?
Do pyromaniacs wear blazers?
When something is funny why is it called a "knee-slapper" when you actually slap your thigh?
Why do we teach kids that violence is not the answer and then have them read about wars in school that solved America's problems?
If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches?
I am WARD....

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...