Saturday, February 19, 2011

Is kustomer service really that hard to teach?

I was in JCPenny today to get the ink tag thingy taken off my new jeans that was left on by the store employee. That happens sometimes, it no biggie-right? The ladies who assisted me were quite cordial and friendly which caused me to think that all the employees were this nice. Well, I decided to pick up another pair of jeans on the way and went to check out. I saw a line with one patron being checked out, so I got behind her and waited patiently! She picked up her bag and exited stage left..... and I walked up and placed my items on the counter and the (((Black employee))) looks behind her and shouts may I help the next person in line and then turns back and looks back at me with a smirk. I just slightly smiled and walked away to another cashier in the shoe department. I asked the next employee can you ring me up here? She said yes with a smile and handed me a coupon to boot! Yeah she was a white girl! I honestly didn't know that line was in sometime of order, because it was 4 cash registrars at the station with 3 customers, but her attitude was unprofessional to a high degree.

Well this encounter made me think of Delta Airlines spending all this money to retrain its staff about customer service. I mean how hard is it to say, I am sorry your flight is delayed, Or I don't know where you luggage is or how about Welcome to Delta Airlines. Its sad that we have to teach grown folk what the Bible has been said thousands of ago. Treat others how you want to be treated- love your neighbor- seek God's kingdom first and everything else will be added to you! But hey we just hard headed aint we?

My simple solution is this. Fire all the people who can't get on some simple act right and replace them with all the people who been down sized, let go for no reason or those who just ready to work and be productive members of society again. Give them the speech and treat em good and see what happens. I know in my case I would shop at Penny's more. Ya feelz me.

I am Ward.....

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