Everyone will go through the emblematic situation of having an insecure partner at some point in their lives. The typical theme is that ""men""are the jealous ones in relationships & we've all seen some poor, unsuspecting sap get interrogated by his lady for glancing at the dipp with the....um let's just say ((big eyes)). Face it fellas, women are far more insecure of jealous than us men folk and we can not avoid this one fact, but the rhetorical question I ask is: Why are you insecure in the first dawg gone place?????
No matter how one answers allegations that they are not interested in other females, women always need to hear that they are still as beautiful as the first time you laid eyes on them. Women have this constant need for affirmation and if you've been caught looking at another woman, this becomes especially important. For that matter, if you are cool with an ex-girlfriend or anybody in your life that is nice looking: U can expect to have a good old fashioned argument at some point. I so enjoy the creative ways that the insecurity will surface. It may be doing an innocent (or so it seemed at first) text message or she might just come right out and ask you U if you think so and so is attractive. Don't answer that question....ever..... Be very aware if they say they asked this question for no reason at all??? Otherwise, you would have not asked the question in the first place, if is was nothing-right? How many times does someone ask you what size underwear your wear and then walk off in 2 the sunset!!
When looking at the whole ordeal in perspective, what does it all really mean? Probably, that women really care for and love us. Perhaps this feeling of loving you is overwhelming or you may just be to big or too strong or too wide..... Women sometimes use strange techniques to display their affection. So, as a rule of thumb, always be attentive to her needs. Perhaps our mind will never stop wandering about this or that but we can at least appreciate our woman's beauty too. On the other hand, beware because jealousy of this sort can have negative connotations. Men tend to say what we mean and mean what we say. We learn early on during the dating phase that once words are spoken- they can seldom be retracted but can very very easily be thrown back up into yo face during your next UN-planned argument!
Of course there are natural situations that a woman can and should be insecure and you probably know what I mean. But the thing that gets me, is when "she" looks for reasons to use her insecurity skills. For example, if you gotta urinate more than normal doesn't mean you are cheating, it could mean you are drinking a whole bunch of soda pop at your job! Also if you don't call her in 2 days doesn't mean you broke up, it means you tired, adjusting to life situations or just busy. I know some women who have the loving kindness to dump via text messages...how high school is that. Its all fair in love and insecurities. Ironically, I think we know in our minds that we already know what we want to do and just need any reason to make it happen.
Last but not least important, men have issues too! We want a dime piece but then get mad when another brotha appreciates our jewel. Trust and believe that U will have to jump through some hoops for your insecure woman if you feel she is really worth it, just be sure you can do like New Edition asked of you......Can you stand the rain?
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