Words can up lift or tear down in a single sentence. The ironic thing about it is that depending on who the messenger is affects the reaction of the hearer! Usually people whom we are close to are the ones we seem to hurt the most. I assume its because we know they love us and we are more open to experiment with our response expressions. We may yell at them, scream and even throw things at the person. But the question to ask one's self is: Would I do this at my job if someone rubbed me the wrong way? The answer is very clear to me. We know we have something to loose if we act less than professional (your job sucker).
I understand first hand, how temps can flair up and force people to make a decision to act like a christian or go straight "ignorant". I know I am a work in progress and have been known to loose my temper a time or 2 but for the most part I try keep my cool for the most part. I think any other way of handling matters makes the one going off look or seem crazy. Think about it, if you saw a guy yelling and screaming at another dude who is standing there just being calm: Who do you think is the idiot?
Recently I had a chance encounter where I asked a loved one did they think they were a mean person? The response was "What did I do now"??? I meant no disrespect, I just thought the actions they were displaying at the moment was very rude! I tried to be non-confrontational but it didn't work.
Well to make a long story short, I learned that it is sometimes better to just know when to walk away and let sleeping chickens to bark or what ever the saying is. Perhaps we all just want to loved and accepted for who we are. In this process, I think we sometimes forget that we are giving all of our positive energy to people at work and outside the home. Looking back, I could have asked my question N a more positive light. I know I don't like hearing myself get down on my faults so I know others don't want 2 hear me point out there-lol! Well you know what they always say: family...you can't live with them and you can't Kill em!...
the comfort level we have with our loved ones vs. someone we barely know or work with is incomparable. we feel a comfort to be our authentic selves and that means we do not censor ourselves... now I'm not saying that means you should go bananas and flip out on your lover, children, parents and friends, its just who else do you fell you can be that with and know at the end of the day they will still love you and understand that you are simply emotional... maybe that's putting a lot of pressure on those we love to 'tolerate' us, but then again... what would Jesus do :)
Sucka I thought your name was emotionaloooole anyway....
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