Sunday, October 25, 2009

StOp datING like you are ScarD.......

Love isn't suppose to hurt or frustrate you: but sometimes it does exactly that! You try hard with all your might, and fight hard to do what is right, but still you find your self in a situation that has you feeling undecided about continuing the situation that once gave you such high hopes and happiness.
Some may start to expect perfection from you, but incapable of giving that back to you in return: but still somehow think that is fair?? Some examples of perfection expectations that I think are challenging include.... Guaranteeing that you will never hurt them or that you will never leave them or even possibly that you will always anticipate their needs and meet them even before they are aware of them. Come on people, unless you are Jesus, I think you may have a problem with these big shoes to try and fill!
I cramm to understand why people insist on dating like they are scared of....well dating! When you are dealing with imperfect people, you are gonna have some bumps in the road. I think we sometimes forget that just like we have past experiences that has shaped our present, that so do that other we are dating? Communication has to be paramount if you are to get over your fear. Tell the person how you feel and what you are willing to give to get what you want and need. If you never put yourself out there you may never release this fear.
I have been hurt before and have hurt some people too. But you have to look at everything as a learning situation and go forward. You either learned that this works or doesn't work. Never a failure because your past will end up holding your present and future hostage!



If we wait for perfection we will be waiting and waiting alone... Love is going to be imperfect between imperfect people and accepting that is half the battle. Accepting the fact that you may end up heart broken is a chance you must be willing to take, you must go all in... but only if you feel this person is worthy of that type of commitment...otherwise why do it? Fear may prevent you from having a broken heart, but it may also prevent you from experiencing the joy that love can bring... Best to love with your arms wide open and once that lesson is learned... the sky is the limit.

ward said...

Mr.Unbeweaveable, you are trully a wise man! I find that some couples has one N the couple acting scard to date. They want the impossible! But you seem to have it down. I like your perspective dude! Personally, I think if you start any relationship and dont know if its worth giving 100% why are you there for one moment. Ironically the problem may just be us.....

Anonymous said...

I like this entry. Sounds like you are speaking from experience on this one. I guess I want to see if you will ever talk about the honey comb hideout (wink-wink).

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...