So another month has come and gone! Yet I won't complain because this is the time of the year that I enjoy the most. I love the warm weather, the people who have been hidden all summer are all out (sometimes literally), but I must admit that I am not partial to them ginormous, buzzy sounding, black and yellow, gravity defying, fist pick carrying bumble beeZ! Other than that its summer time and the kids are free for a few months! Wait, perhaps that isn't necessary a good thing-lol!
My day started out with me hitting the snooze about 6 times and then a hot long shower, followed by a wonderful home made breakfast. Next I ironed clothes for the family and off to worship service we went! Then it was dinner time or should I say Golden Corral. The food wasn't the greatest today but I did not have to cook so it was all good. I then went over the family's house and picked up my nephews and watched a boot legg of Star Trek. I had fun just having mindless entertainment. Since I saw that movie before I was able to do some relationship research and was pleasantly surprised.
Did you know that couples start out all fascinated with the other and even admiring the differences of the other and then fast forward: that same couple wants the other to be like and think like them! I was like wow! That's probably a reason so much frustration exits in relationships. We are suppose to be different from each other....Anyway that is another blog. My point is this: Sunday was a good day for me and I look forward to many more. Today, I let the worries of tomorrow wait for me in the future and I just did me.
I am Ward