I am sure everybody knows Shaq, don't they? Well what about his cousin "Shak", you know when two people live together and are not married-lol! Surely, quite a few people make this move and sometimes it works out and most of the time, it fails miserably. When you really break it down for what it is, the individuals are trying to test the waters of marriage with out the commitment of trust! Think about it, when you try to immulate the steps of marriage, you do everything but take the marital vows, and I mean errr-thing from sleeping 2geather, paying bills, eating etc.
When two married people live together they learn things about the other that they did not know but have made a vow to stay as a team for better or worse. Now that shak-ing duo may stay together or they may bounce when one feels the urge to leave. They have no real commitment to stay, so leaving is always a viable option. The sad thing about this is the family members who are hurt by this act. Starting with your creator on down to parents, friends and relatives. Love don't cost a thing is what a popular song once said, yet again people use that crutch as a reason not get married. I gotta have a "huge" wedding and live beyond my means. I need to front like I am a superstar when in reality everybody knows you broke like the rest of us. Moving in with someone is a very big step so it is very important to know yourself first! Are you good with money, do know how much about the differences in men and women, paying bills on time, have good credit, lived on your own before, neat in appearance and home life, are you responsible, do you bounce checks and are you mature physically, mentally and spiritually. All I am trying to impress upon you is this.....If you are ready for move in situation, Man up and make the woman your wife instead of just another baby mama or girlfriend. If you love him or her today, then so be it for tomorrow. If something happens to you, who gets your stuff, who can be your mouth piece or make decisions for you when you cant talk due to an accident? You even need life insurance to protect your family in the event of an emergency, I don't think they cover room mates or gay lovers do they?? This is 2009 and play time is over. Ask yo self, what is preventing me form being with the person I love and then act on your answers!!! I am only what you make me baby, so make me proud and do what is right and sleep good at night knowing that now you are a man or woman who with stood the storm and are now the example and not another statistic!
I am willing to Kobe but never ShaQ....Ward...
My home girl told me about your little blogg thingy a few months back. You are really funny, but I like what you say at times. I lived with a man 16 years and he left me and married someone he barely knew. I see your point!
being married and just cohabitation is pretty much the same thing, difference is...the piece of paper that legalizes one vs the other. in these hard times people are not going ANYWHERE...married or not, it's hard out here! marriage is as big a fraud as anything else, so please stop painting a picture as though it's the best way to do things or that's how a man shows he really loves his woman, by making her his wife (lol). there are all kinds of legal documents you can get to protect your lover/partner and family. not everyone believes in the so called sanctity of marriage, especially those who are married. i guess some would say it is better to be married and live separate lives, yes I'm sure GOD smiles on that situation simply because they chose to be legalize it, vs the couple who have decided to love and live for as long as they choose to do so. everyone has options, married or not... do you want your mate to stay simply because it's not so easy to walk away because your married or do you want them to stay because that's where they wants to be????
response to anonymous 2: My perspective is based on our creators requirements. I respect your views, but I gotta go with him because his laws are for our protection. In the end, his laws are for protection or eternal destruction. You do what you gotta do and I assure you one day we will both find out who was right and who was wrong....
I absolutely love your "diplomatic" answer Ward! You didn't offend, nor condemn Anonymous for her beliefs/opinion, but you stood on the TRUTH and humbly agreed to disagree. Kudos!!
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