Monday, April 27, 2009

Foot steps in da Dark

What is it about past relationships that keeps us coming back to them? I have never tried any drug or drink in my life, but I have heard old love is comparable 2 trying to re-capture that all elusive "first" high. You may never get what you had the first time around but it doesn't stop you from still trying does it?
Got this hommie who is hearing those foot steps in dark and seriously thinking about trying to get that lost love. Unsure how it may turn out for them, but the track record doesn't look that good from my vantage point. It makes about much sense as returning to work at a job that you left before. Obviously you left in the first place because something wasn't right and you went to greener pastures. With that being said, the odds of you leaving in the future are great as well. In fact, divorced people have a higher chance of getting a divorced again because they shown they didn't honor the commitment that made in that endeavor 2!
I am in support of freedom of choice by all people, but according to the Bible listening to your heart is a treacherous than!!! You gotta use your brain and be logical when it comes to foot steps in the dark. Notice they don't call it "foot steps in the day light for a reason"...
Hommie #2 is tired of dating loosers. Guy after guy just doesn't seem to work out for some reason or another.One won't call, one wants booty only and the other won't let you come to his home... Hummm. Could it be something with in the female in this case that needs to be worked on??? I always say start with the person in the mirror and go from there. I know they say love is blind at times, but dang, some people need a seeing eye dog for assistance-lol! Once you know your self and what you want from a relationship, you would do well to ask what can you give the opposite sex, do you know what could be expected of you and can you deliver? Relationships are work and require we all learn the language of love our mate is speaking and master it. Perhaps this is a step in the future and two steps away from the past.
I am Ward....

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Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...