Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Diss-Stractions and issue avoidance

Recently Perez Hilton asked a beauty pageant contestant her views on homosexual marriage during the pageant. To his surprise, she said marriage was meant for a man and a woman from her perspective. Perez was stunned and visible upset! Ironically a great deal of gay men run the behind scenes of beauty pageants. It seems that it was expected that the contestant should have gave the politically correct response to appease the judges, but she had a choice to make: Either answer with her heart or try and please man.
Needless to say she lost the pageant. I had many thoughts on this topic, but I will condense it down cause I gotta get ready to watch Judge Mathis in 15 minutes-lol! First of all, Should one really ask someone's opinion if you are not prepared to accept or respect their view??? Secondly, when did it become common practice to ask a half dressed woman her views on such serious topics as gay marriage? I really feel this is just another one of Donald Trumps (his pageant-money maker)attempts to create distractions and more attention to his projects. The more people talk about this the further we get away from reality. Really, we should let them prance around looking sexy and do a talent and leave it at that! Enough said on this topic.
Another issue I have today is young people and suicide. I heard about several youths who were being bullied in schools who subsequently killed themselves. I am amazed at the pressures our young people face and the solutions they choose. I can not image taking my own life because of anything. Shoot, I have been dead broke and thirty cents from having a quarter in my pocket, still I put on my dress pants, shirt and tie and a big ole kool-aid smile and went on about my business. Not saying I am better than the next man, I just figured away to deal with it. It saddens my heart to know that someone is so upset that death is the only option. I realize that we have no bully protection laws, perhaps that should be a question to ask a beauty pageant contestant??? My point here is that we need to be aware of our children and their pressures because what worked for us obviously isn't working for them.
Distractions take our minds off the real issues of today- unemployment,education, racism and love of man cooling off.
I am Ward...

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Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...