Sunday, March 15, 2009

What i LEARNED too day

You can say what you want about Wacko Jacko, but my man sold out 750,000 tickets in less than four hours 4 his final world tour. I guess you gotta give him Chris Brown respect: You like his music and entertainment value and what he does in his personal life is between him and his God! I would love to go see the fair well tour myself, but I heard he may have a stunt double 2 do his bidding. He is rather frail for a 50 year old??
Its really ironic that people are so quick to dismiss a relationship, friendship or marriage. I guess its just another sign of the times, didn't Prince try to told ya that back in the days. I think as quick as society makes you a star, they can tear you down even quicker, then turn around and accept you again. Just ask Kobe Bryant, R.Kelly or Marion Berry!!
I often hear of the Bible characters Johnathan and David who were good friends. I can respect that and it even helps me comprehend what makes a good friendship. Quite simply its what I learned today. "A friendship is as strong as it adversity". If you can accept that your friend, lover, mate or significant other is imperfect and you can be a good forgiver, then my friend what you have is real!
Think about the picture above, if this dude had a real friend how would his life be? All I know is that I need to ponder this point and see where it takes me. What about you, do you have a strong relationship with someone?
I am Still WarD..

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Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...