After leaving service today, I decided that I was in need of some all you can eat food! I wanted salad, chicken, steak, fruit etc. My choices came down to Golden Corral, Ryans or Cee-Cee's pizza. After a long unhelpful decision with the family, Ryan's became the obvious choice. Feeling more comfortable with Ryans on Shadeland in the hood, I headed that way and quickly found that I may not be black anymore!
This is my story, I arrived at Ryans to find a long line with one cashier who was over worked and under paid according to her anyway. She was telling everyone in line how upset she was to be the only person on the line and how this is her last Sunday. I told her that I thought that she was handling things great and she actually smiled and said she was tring her best. She really just wanted to feel appreciated.
Next, I get to my table and sit down and an this old man came yelling at me saying I took his table (keep in mind this table was empty)so I apologized and moved to another spot in the corner. The floor had food everywhere and the wait staff was all back there with me and complaining of course. One waitress said, she was busting her butt for these annoying customers and they ain't leaving no tips (I wonder why). Next, I went to get my plate and all these ghetto kids was playing in all the food and their parents was no where to be found to witness what I was seeing. OMG, I wanted to ask for my money back, but Rehab is for quitters! I was able to get some items and sat down and asked my waitress for a drink of sweet tea. She explained that she would have to walk allllll the way up front if I really wanted sweet tea. I was like YEAH,,,, take your fat but up there and earn the 23 cent tip I may give you. It only gets worse. The table across from me was talking so loud and negative about everybody at their church, that it was adding to my frustrations. It was just a totally bad experience there today. The uncleanliness, the irate workers, the kids running wild and poor customer service along with everyone acting as if this is normal allowed me to realize that I am going to be officially white from now on! I am boycotting the hood spots and all negative behaviors. Is this a good move? Who knows, but it is how I feel and what I am gonna do. I got room in the hooptee for two more people who is feeling what I am feeling-lol!
I am whyte Ward....
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