Tuesday, March 3, 2009

dumb decesions

Some people purchase items that they later regret and end up takeN them back. Others get involved in relationships that are toxic! I guess my point is why do we proceed down this path in the first place. Could it be that we are so desperate to fill a void that we are willN to deal with the long term effects to receive the short term benefits?
Two issues come immediately to mind. 1). After watching the bachelor last night,(how come we never have a black bachelor on prime time?) I see that sucka picked one woman and then changed his mind and wanted to go back to the other. That ain't even the messed up part of the whole thing! The dumpee took him back? Was she desperate or did she really love the reality t.v. star or even worse, did she need another 15 minutes of almost fame? What would you have done in that situation. Personally, I don't like being second to anyone, because if he left you once, doesn't that indicate that something about you or the situation was unsure?
2). I see that many a couple gets married each year but seldom discuss the major issues that can have a profound effect on the relationship. Do you like the step kids,how will the kids be disciplined, the side of town you will live on, who will handle the money and how will disagreements be handled. Wouldn't it be sweet if we had classes in High School about these topics to help prepare us for life...Naaaah that sounds to much like right!
As imperfect humans we all make dumb decesions, but at some point the learning curve must kick in or we are doomed to make the same mistakes again...and again....and again. Someone asked me what would I have done differently. My change would have been completing school a long time ago in the field of Science, I would have been a teacher, traveled the world by now, never had kids, moved to a warm (hot) climate and completed my book! Still I have no major regrets, because after all.... I am the Ward.

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Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...