Saturday, March 28, 2009

Whats so special about da prodigal son?

I am sure everyone either knows of or has heard of the the prodigal son...ya know the story about the guy who was promised a portion of his Dad's fortune upon his death. Well the son wanted his rewards now- while he was young and restless, before general hospital,during the days of our lives,while following the guiding light...Ok, I went too far, but I am back on track now. 2 make the long and short, the Dad gave him his money when he asked for it and the son went out and straight blew it on clothes and hoes all a brother knows-lol. It got so bad that he had to eat food with pigs. That is a stinky situation. He had truly hit rock bottom, but decided that he would swallow that pride and go back to his daddy's camp and take it from there.
Well his old man was very surprised to see his son come back home, and immediately took him back with open arms. See his Dad, was a good dude who made it easier for his son to come back and admit he was wrong. He could have spent hours telling his son what he obviously knew by now, rather he threw him a party for him. Now that's what genuine love is. Image if parents were like that now a days! (know my relationship with my father would be much better, but hey you gotta start somewhere.) The application for today is this: We would benefit others if we allow room for error and forgiveness for mistakes. At times we make mistakes and feel uneasy or unsure about how to admit we erred in judgement. This is not always easy, but sometimes, we all have to turn the other cheek (unless you are in a men's prison)
To my hommie who inspired this blog, I am glad you got the jest of this story....
I am Ward...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wild and pRejudice Wednesdaze

Lately I have been doing extremely well with this new routine of mine. I get up do my parental thang with the kids and get them to the bus stop and head off to start my day. I usually return home and tidy up the kribb, watch Judge Mathis, check email, study the scriptures (daily), run errands and make sure all the bills are current. I normally get done with everything around 1pm, which allows me time for a napp or a quick work out at the YMCA!
*******Wednesday Highlights!!*******

*Funny thing happened when I was shopping at Wal-Mart today! I was walking behind a white lady as I was exiting and the lady waved by to the Wal-Mart greeter and she waved back. So I did the same thing, but the lady stopped me and asked to see my receipt and I had half the items of the white lady!! Coincidence or Not, you decide.
*An ex friend put on the webb that she has been going to worship service and doing it on the regular. She seemed to be a peace with this decision, So I asked her on her web page how it was working for her to show my support and excitement for her. She took it all the wrong way and told me I shouldn't talk about things I know nothing about!! I guess that was her christian side talking-lol! I don't know what she is learning but she convinced me that I don't want no parts of it if it makes you evil. She also gave me the message of K.M.A, obviously another religious term of endearment. I wish this old friend well, cause I enjoy positive people and let the negative drama queen's go to yoga!
*Bought the new Steve Harvey book. Nothing surprising in there for men, but women may like it. Its like the Wizard of Oz...the truth is in you all along, you just don't want to see it.....
*Rented a small storage unit for my lawn equipment and extra tires and rims etc. Seemed routine enough, until I walked in Storage USA and asked for the smallest unit and this one toothed, greasy haired attendant told me he just repo'd my stuff last week. I was shocked and bothered. I explained to him that he must have me confused with someone else cause I was there to rent a space. He said he was sure it was me until he ran my information. He spent the next 20 minutes trying to convince me how sorry he was. That only meant a steep discount for me. Oh well, I guess all black people do look alike???
*Finally, I went to Tire Barn to get some work done on my rim and found the sales people to be very insightful. They were trying to sell me everything that I did not need or want for my car, but it showed how in this economy that businesses are trying to get all the money they can from current customers. Very smart.....
I am Ward

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Da Womanizer

I have learned that in order to grow, one must be open to a variety of experiences that life has to offer. In doing so, one of the things that I do is read! I read books on everything, from relationships to books on how do this or that. The title obviously gives away my topic, so without further a do-do let me talk about this brother's blog that I recently read and what it taught me about life.
This guy says he is an average looking brother and involved in a steady relationship. He however, has a tendency to meet many (many-many) women and date and sex them up and move on. He even compared them to rental cars. He has a car that he is very happy with (his main woman) but he loves to test drive other cars. I find that a brilliant comparison, by the way! Anyway, I was so shocked to read some of this guys experiences because I think he is leaving a trail of hurt women who are gonna one day catch up to him and not in a good way. I believe this brother is about 25 years old and I understand that men sometimes go through this player faze, but can it be safe of wise in 2009? When people write blogs and are very honest, they are allowing you to get to know them personally thus letting you form an opinion of them. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing his blog site, but I encourage you to check out this site and see what I am talking about.
My summary is this....Men beware of damaged women and women get in where you fit in. I personally am still in shock.
((His web page is))

I be Wardy..

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Please teach me customer service skills

Why did I go to the umemployement office today to inquire about my coins? I did everything from my home but there was a hold up. My other underemployed hommie said just go down there, they get you in and out really fast. So I went down there as suggested. I saw my boi Everette down there (what up) and from there it went down hill fast. The negative lady who assisted on me had a very harsh tone, and kept over talking me before I could finish a sentence. That must be how they get you out so fast! Finally, I just stood there and let her tell to me what I had already did, then told her where the error was occurring. She said, oh I see, the problem is solved we will pay you for 3 payments next week and turned her head and starting talking to her co-worker about the octomom!
I was like o.k......and walked away. I now have a better understanding of why people get snapped on. I just wonder how many other people this lady treated that way. And to think, I thought only the license branch treated people like they just don't give a dang.
I am ward....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What i LEARNED too day

You can say what you want about Wacko Jacko, but my man sold out 750,000 tickets in less than four hours 4 his final world tour. I guess you gotta give him Chris Brown respect: You like his music and entertainment value and what he does in his personal life is between him and his God! I would love to go see the fair well tour myself, but I heard he may have a stunt double 2 do his bidding. He is rather frail for a 50 year old??
Its really ironic that people are so quick to dismiss a relationship, friendship or marriage. I guess its just another sign of the times, didn't Prince try to told ya that back in the days. I think as quick as society makes you a star, they can tear you down even quicker, then turn around and accept you again. Just ask Kobe Bryant, R.Kelly or Marion Berry!!
I often hear of the Bible characters Johnathan and David who were good friends. I can respect that and it even helps me comprehend what makes a good friendship. Quite simply its what I learned today. "A friendship is as strong as it adversity". If you can accept that your friend, lover, mate or significant other is imperfect and you can be a good forgiver, then my friend what you have is real!
Think about the picture above, if this dude had a real friend how would his life be? All I know is that I need to ponder this point and see where it takes me. What about you, do you have a strong relationship with someone?
I am Still WarD..

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why I love my daughters

Sometimes I have to laugh inside because of the many joys my daughters bring to my life. I see them growing up right before my eyes and I enjoy every moment of it. I am very aware of each year that passes by and it is constantly getting better. I mean the girls are 7 and 8.5 now and can clean the house really well, cook a variety of foods and read and speak Spanish really well!
I listen to them argue and fuss with each other and then turn around and laugh as if nothing ever happened. I guess when you are kids you don't know the art of holding on to a grudge for several days. I hear them learning to Joan on each other like I do with the skill of a veteran. One day my 8 year old came home crying because a boy told her that her teeth were crooked. I recall sitting down with her and sharing a piece of pound cake and telling her to learn to use her mouth. I said "next time say that it is true that some of your teeth are crooked and you will be getting braces to fix that but his ugliness will last on him forever". She laughed and came back home the next day saying how the whole class was laughing with her this time and she said I was the best Dad in the whole world! I know that statement is not true, but for the moment I think she really felt that way.
My 7 year old has my creative style of scamology. I think I better pay extra attention to her because she has learned very well. I choose not to get deep on that subject on the grounds that may incriminate ME!!!
Anyway, I love them because they are me of the past in the future, yet to come. They remind me to not take life so serious and to always remember that little people have feelings too but they just want to get along with everybody. Thanks for the life lessons girls. In case I never tell U again, Daddy loves you mucho mucho!
I be Ward

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


HOW IS Louise?......this is hilarious!

A sweet grandmother telephoned St. Joseph?s Hospital. She timidly asked, ' Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing? '

The operator said, ' I ' ll be glad to help, dear. What ' s the name and room number? '

The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said, ' Louise W. Room 302. ' The operator replied, ' Let me place you on hold while I check with her nurse

After a few minutes, the operator returned to the phone and said, ' Oh, I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Louise is doing very well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back as normal, and her physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged on Tuesday. '
The grandmother said, ' Thank you. That ' s wonderful! I was so worried! God bless you for the good news. '
The operator replied, ' You ' re more than welcome. Is Louise your daughter? '
The grandmother said, ' No, I ' m Louise W. in 302. No one tells me shit. '

Ward up yall.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Da perfect Date

So I was talking to some friends today about life in general when the topic turned to (you guessed it) Relationships!! These two individuals consisted of a 37 year old single female and a 40 year old married man of 10 years. That mix alone foreshadowed what I was about to learn. Me being the self proclaimed mediator, asked both what their version of the perfect date consisted of.

FEMALE VERSION: The man would take his time planning out every aspect of the date (according to the woman's specifications)getting his hair trimmed up nicely, put on some smell good, clean his car and show up on time with a bouquet of flowers (not plastic either). He would listen to her babble, I mean talk about things of interest all the long while giving her compliments from her clothing to her hair. Then after a fun date has been had (by her cause she got all her money she came to the date with) by the couple he drops her off and thanks her for her time and a lovely evening. Kisses her hand and skips off to his car to finish his wonderful thoughts of her. The end.

MALE VERSION: Call up the chick, let her know what time its going down, show up 20 minutes late cause she ain't gonna be ready no way! Don't over dress for the date cause she may expect that from now on. When she finally gets to your car, ask her for half on the gas cause you drive a 8 cylinder gas hogg. Take her everywhere cheap or free. Hit McDonald's and ask her what mighty kids meal would she like- as you slowly pull in the drive through. Next, take her to the park and tell her you want to enjoy the weather and walk and talk. Make this quick cause you may still have time to get to that super freak's house before midnight if you play this right! If the girl is cool take her to the dollar store and let her pick out any (1) item of her choice! If she trippin-- fake an upset stomach and give her half on a bus ticket and head to the freaks house and make it a win-win situation. Game over!

Wardy Version: Ask the woman to flip the script and take you out! Tell her to show you how to treat her. Learn from this woman and master what she teaches. I believe men are basic in nature and want to please their woman if they are taught. When the date is over tell her that your next date will be one she will remember for all time. Side note.....the stubborn women may resist this ideal, but its cool because those are the ones who never get married anyway-lol!

Ward up yalll.........

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I think I am not really black.......anymore?

After leaving service today, I decided that I was in need of some all you can eat food! I wanted salad, chicken, steak, fruit etc. My choices came down to Golden Corral, Ryans or Cee-Cee's pizza. After a long unhelpful decision with the family, Ryan's became the obvious choice. Feeling more comfortable with Ryans on Shadeland in the hood, I headed that way and quickly found that I may not be black anymore!
This is my story, I arrived at Ryans to find a long line with one cashier who was over worked and under paid according to her anyway. She was telling everyone in line how upset she was to be the only person on the line and how this is her last Sunday. I told her that I thought that she was handling things great and she actually smiled and said she was tring her best. She really just wanted to feel appreciated.
Next, I get to my table and sit down and an this old man came yelling at me saying I took his table (keep in mind this table was empty)so I apologized and moved to another spot in the corner. The floor had food everywhere and the wait staff was all back there with me and complaining of course. One waitress said, she was busting her butt for these annoying customers and they ain't leaving no tips (I wonder why). Next, I went to get my plate and all these ghetto kids was playing in all the food and their parents was no where to be found to witness what I was seeing. OMG, I wanted to ask for my money back, but Rehab is for quitters! I was able to get some items and sat down and asked my waitress for a drink of sweet tea. She explained that she would have to walk allllll the way up front if I really wanted sweet tea. I was like YEAH,,,, take your fat but up there and earn the 23 cent tip I may give you. It only gets worse. The table across from me was talking so loud and negative about everybody at their church, that it was adding to my frustrations. It was just a totally bad experience there today. The uncleanliness, the irate workers, the kids running wild and poor customer service along with everyone acting as if this is normal allowed me to realize that I am going to be officially white from now on! I am boycotting the hood spots and all negative behaviors. Is this a good move? Who knows, but it is how I feel and what I am gonna do. I got room in the hooptee for two more people who is feeling what I am feeling-lol!
I am whyte Ward....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

dumb decesions

Some people purchase items that they later regret and end up takeN them back. Others get involved in relationships that are toxic! I guess my point is why do we proceed down this path in the first place. Could it be that we are so desperate to fill a void that we are willN to deal with the long term effects to receive the short term benefits?
Two issues come immediately to mind. 1). After watching the bachelor last night,(how come we never have a black bachelor on prime time?) I see that sucka picked one woman and then changed his mind and wanted to go back to the other. That ain't even the messed up part of the whole thing! The dumpee took him back? Was she desperate or did she really love the reality t.v. star or even worse, did she need another 15 minutes of almost fame? What would you have done in that situation. Personally, I don't like being second to anyone, because if he left you once, doesn't that indicate that something about you or the situation was unsure?
2). I see that many a couple gets married each year but seldom discuss the major issues that can have a profound effect on the relationship. Do you like the step kids,how will the kids be disciplined, the side of town you will live on, who will handle the money and how will disagreements be handled. Wouldn't it be sweet if we had classes in High School about these topics to help prepare us for life...Naaaah that sounds to much like right!
As imperfect humans we all make dumb decesions, but at some point the learning curve must kick in or we are doomed to make the same mistakes again...and again....and again. Someone asked me what would I have done differently. My change would have been completing school a long time ago in the field of Science, I would have been a teacher, traveled the world by now, never had kids, moved to a warm (hot) climate and completed my book! Still I have no major regrets, because after all.... I am the Ward.

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...