I am sure everyone either knows of or has heard of the the prodigal son...ya know the story about the guy who was promised a portion of his Dad's fortune upon his death. Well the son wanted his rewards now- while he was young and restless, before general hospital,during the days of our lives,while following the guiding light...Ok, I went too far, but I am back on track now. 2 make the long and short, the Dad gave him his money when he asked for it and the son went out and straight blew it on clothes and hoes all a brother knows-lol. It got so bad that he had to eat food with pigs. That is a stinky situation. He had truly hit rock bottom, but decided that he would swallow that pride and go back to his daddy's camp and take it from there.
Well his old man was very surprised to see his son come back home, and immediately took him back with open arms. See his Dad, was a good dude who made it easier for his son to come back and admit he was wrong. He could have spent hours telling his son what he obviously knew by now, rather he threw him a party for him. Now that's what genuine love is. Image if parents were like that now a days! (know my relationship with my father would be much better, but hey you gotta start somewhere.) The application for today is this: We would benefit others if we allow room for error and forgiveness for mistakes. At times we make mistakes and feel uneasy or unsure about how to admit we erred in judgement. This is not always easy, but sometimes, we all have to turn the other cheek (unless you are in a men's prison)
To my hommie who inspired this blog, I am glad you got the jest of this story....
I am Ward...