Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Taking advice from too many people

I wasn't in the mood for cutting my own hair today so went to the Barber college (they only charge $5!!) Met this young brother who was trying harder than the others to give good customer service. He started out talking about the weather and stuff until I told him I am taking some counseling classes and it somehow turned into a counseling session from there ( which I didn't get paid for I might add-lol)
Turns out the brother met a girl and fell in "LIKE" and got her pregnant in less than 60 days. He said he always wanted to marry his child's mother. Apparently he moved in with ole girl and she is very jealous and been thru quite a bit in her life. She decided to end two other pregnancies in the past but really wants this one to work-- but she don't trust the young barber.
He says his family is saying they don't know each other well enough to get married, he says she wants him to be in love with her and he is not. I asked him what his definition of a relationship is and he said two people together exclusively. I asked him was the dog out of him. He said he is ready to settle down but he something just aint right with them.
Well we talked about an hour and I basically encouraged him to express him self to me before I gave him a game plan. I wont say what I asked him to do, but he sounded excited to do it. I really think he is just getting to much advice from too many people. Sometimes you just gotta jump in the cold water to see how cold it really is. If not you keep limping along wondering what ifz. That can last for ever with no results.
I personally don't see nothing wrong with getting married quickly, but if you are not in love or he/she is not what you want and need, then take your time or walk away now. Some people get married for money, love, kids or just because they feel its time. But unless you understand the requirements and time requirements of marriage you straight gonna have issues bigger than other folk.
Wardy feels it important to know what you man wants and needs and the same to him about her. Hey Money only pays the rent, women need a man's man now a days. Wouldn't it be great if the laws made it very hard to get married and super easy to get divorced. I am sure the divorce rate would go down due to all the hard work to get married and then give up over a fight. Wouldn't have Kapinn.
I am Ward......

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Men have feelings too!

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