Let me start by saying this first. ANY AND ALL RELATIONSHIPS REQUIRE WORK!!!!! If you don't take the time to notice what you have in front of you, then you may find your self by your self. I say that because after talking to some other pre-counselors in my discussion group, it became clear that the detriment of most relationships result because either one or both parties are not following the creators outline.
If its one thing I know I didn't like for the woman I am involved with is.....having a group of friends! its like the President's cabinet. We know that the group will always side with the friend and rarely get to hear the Male's perspective. Its cool to have some 1 to bounce things off of every now and then, but Wardy feels you need to talk to your dude or woman, because ultimately you are the only 2 who can problem solve the issue. When you have the group dynamics, everything you(-the dude-) do will be discussed, dissected, regurgitated and then thrown back up in your face! I guess its like having a mystery sore on your person. You would talk to your physican not your crew. Like wise, if you have a problem with your mate, you should talk to them. DuH..... When you think about it, arguing or tripping like that is like Crack. You know its destroying your relationship, but you can't stop doing it.
With that being said, she either wants a thug- woman beater or be in control of the relationship. See with a thug, you got constant excitement. He won't put up with your foolishness and quick to let you know he wears the Timber lands in your relationship. Some women need a dude who is just rough! It could be motorcycle dude, the dread lock brother or the tough dude who fights everybody in the club on Friday nites.
What about the woman beater. It always amazes me how women stay with beaters but will leave the other brother for a little indiscretion. I understand its your choice, but c'mon son! If you let a dude whoop your butt and you ""stay"".....never mind, its what you gotta do.
I love the controlling women to! They are by far my favorite!! They don't want to do things the males way because they feel that both of them are the heads/or in charge of the relationship. Ya know, similar to having two steering wheels in the car. Most of these women are single, will end up single or so stubborn that they can't even see it how jacked up their thinking is. Just real talk for ya.
Notice I said from the jump that work is required for relationships to be successful. I honestly feel that the solution starts with the woman. She was made to be man's compliment-- not his head. When the roles get twisted*/** the love gets lifted......up up and away. Seems likes men tend to get attracted to pretty women time and time again and over look the ugliness beneath it all. Humm, I guess that's why women wear so much make up and weave (to get past the six month front-lol). They can't let the dude see the real her that is 4 sure to soon appear. Gotta pop that tax deduction out first-lol! One woman told me "that the smartest man can not out smart the dumbest woman because she always trying to pimp you." I doubt it-lol!
My solution is simply this. Proverbs 3:5 and Matthew 6:33 and it will be all good.
I am WaRd.....
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