Sunday, December 30, 2012
question on facebook and wardz response in bold.....
Yesterday I got a very sad text from a “friend” asking me if I knew her husband was cheating on her. Sad fact is that it doesn’t matter if I knew or not, the point is, yes he was and still is cheating. So, I asked her, now she knows, what was she going 2 do, the way I c it she has 2 options, (1) stay, work thru his infidelity, (2) leave, and make some changes, hopefully positive changes. We always want 2 point the finger & say who should have said this or told us that … life is full of tribulations, obligations, triumphs, and defeats. But, the resilient person always survives, always pulls through and pray fully ends up being a stronger/wiser person for the things they have to endure. Psalms 23 says, yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
THE POINT OF THIS POST is really 2 the women in my life ... always be prepared 2 take care of yourselves when your "other" half can't or won't step up 2 do it ... never depend on a man, Always, Depend on God 1st, yourself 2nd, ... so when life changes, u r prepared 2 move on 2 the next chapter of your life!! .... Tha Ward I was not going to comment on this post, but after thinking about it, I decided that I had a few moments for sharing even if no one likes my views lol! You want to read it, here it goes. I personally wish cheating is something that never happens, but the reality of the situation is that it occurs and apparently quite often in society. The old saying is the love is blind because of it, we some times see less because we want to see more. I feel that your friend and her dude have been having issues for a while, so women's intuition has little to do with realizing that what ever their relationship evolved into was a direct result of what" her" and" her dude" created together by both their actions. I like how you included the Bible in this post because I really enjoy reading it and feel that the Bible is the Bread of life and not" cake" to be eaten on special occasions, as some of us do! From my perspective, the whole theme of the scriptures is forgiveness. I am not saying she should or shouldn't do, but suggesting that she return to the source of marriage for direction as a couple if both are willing to seek such help. At the end of the day, everybody wants to be((( wanted))) by the person they love right? With that being said, I disagree that you shouldn't count on a man (your husband) because God said marriage is a good thing and he also stated it would be challenges too! Couples are not perfect and Satan is definitely strong, but his tricks are old. I would hope your friend could speak with her dude about the situation, say how she feels, ask him how he think this started, what he and she wants to do moving forward and write out a detailed plan of how the relationship will flow moving forward. I also feel most relationships are 3 steps from being good anyway. Love, communication and respect go along way toward damage repair. I am Ward......
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Adam was walking around the Garden of Eden feeling very lonely, so God asked Adam, "What is wrong with you?" Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to. God said he was going to give him a companion and she would be called "woman."
God said, "This person will cook for you and wash your clothes, she will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you, and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement. She will never have a headache, and will freely give love and compassion whenever needed."
Adam asked God, "What will this woman cost?"
God said, "An arm and a leg."
Adam said, "What can I get for just a rib?"
I am Ward......
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Should you be cool with your Ex? or just let that *%#@ be?
From the jump, I know every bodyz situation is unique to them. What I feel maybe and should be quite the opposite of what you think but since this is my blog and you are the obvious reader: eye suggest we roll with my view point on this joint-lol! Good communication is the glue that holds a relationship 2geather because without it there is no relationship! The easist way to send a message that you don't want a relationship with some1 is to cut off lines of communication. But if you do want a relationship of ANY kind, you have to get along on some level for it to continue or survive. Depending on how the relationships endz is going to dictate how the situation will flow moving 4ward. When you don't talk to the Ex, you are in essence saying that the relationship is unsalvageble -espically if poor communication is what caused the break up from the jump. Heck, I got kids with my ex and eye find we get along better now than when togeather and eye don't want her back. Communication is a powerful tool! Sure there is always the "sex with the ex" factor that keeps your new boo on high alert. Again, adults are gonna do what they are gonna do, so if you trust them, then do that. Jealousy won't keep your mate, but love will! So the ? of being cool with your ex is simple for me. I think you should be, especially if you have kids (what kind of an example are you showing about problem solving). If you don't have kids, you can still be adult about things also, if yall was gonna be a couple then you wouldn't have broke the freak up in the 1st dang place. Most people are so quick to find someone they can sleep with that they don't take/make time find some1 they can wake up to!! At the end of the day, you have two types of people. Those who are evolving adults who move on or the people who stay stuck people pleasing and unhappy and chasing the past. You know who you are, but I am aware of those who never get over their Exz either. For those of you, Wardy suggests that y'all get a new hobby and let that boat sail, because you will be considered a stalker......
I am Ward......
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
You better be careful what you do to me........
No woman ever wakes up in the morning and says to herself, “Today I am going to fall for a bad boy who will hurt me", but how does it keep happening?
Most often the men y'all women meet know how to make y'all feel wonderful!
Bad Boys are Usually good at Manipulating Women
The problem isn’t that the feelings of these women are wrong. The problem is that many of these guys are often very likable, charming, exciting and fun to be around, ((((at first)))). These guys are usually good looking, handsome or whatever word women use to say the dude is ay-ight. They are good at forming a quick, emotional bondz with these unsuspecting women. They are masters of manipulation as the saying goes. And they are used to getting what they want, when they want it and where.
Though the common themes of why women like bad boys seems to be because they are, mysterious, indifferent, unpredictable, exciting and above all, what y'all are craving. I like to call it 50 shades of crazy.
I googled what attracts women to these heart breakers and found the following>>>>>>>
*Their bad boy attitude.
*They don’t care what others think of them.
*They tend to live adventurous exciting lifestyle. Safe or not.
*Her friends or family don’t approve of them.
*Their mysterious attitude is intriguing.
* The emotional roller coaster the bad boy gives them is addicting.
*She wants to change or tame him.
*They seem to offer the greatest protection.
* They don’t seem to like the woman, and she wants the attention or his love. (A challenge)
*Because he aint the predictable dude you got at home.
What gets most women into trouble is that their feelings often cause them to ignore bad or inconsistent behavior that they would clearly see if they were not so emotionally involved.
Despite the tears and sleepless nights these men cause, they are never boring, routine or predictable. They provide plenty to talk about with friends over a Coke. But mostly they inflict misery. Jealousy. Paranoia. Sadness. Depression, you know I am right-lol!
Many women spend months just thinking of how exciting this guy is and putting on a sexy dress to see his expression, or of telling a hilarious joke, to show their bad boy lover how witty they are. Some fantasize of changing them (and we know how hard it is to change ourselves).
The ironic thing that usually occurs is, the women get hurt and return to and even marry the same boring, nice guy they dated before the excitement popped off. Is it a rebound of the rebound, or is it a fear of being alone. I honestly don't think many of us men understand the gravity of how we affect the emotions of a woman until its way too late- if at all. Seems like couples (both are guilty) are more concerned about who they can sleep with, rather than who they can wake up to! Still, I don't consider it a failure by getting hurt in the pursuit of love.....I mean excitement. It's more like a lesson on learning what not to do the next go around. For women, I strongly suggest that you get to know your self (your worth, values and dreams) and make wise decisions and protect your heart. My cousin just went through some painful love lessons this month and apparently she is not alone-lol! The men, I suggest, we take our leadership role more serious. I know we are taught from kids that the more women we have-the better our rep. I say, learn to love a woman and find out what true love taste like (probably like chocolate stars)
I am Ward....
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Best sex that you will never keep?
This goes against the rules of every single romance novel, but you’re not going to marry the best sex of your life. At least, not if you’re like most women.
According to a recent study I peeped on line (the inspiration for this blog), less than half of wedded women married the person who was the best sex of their lives (52 percent say that was an ex.) In fact, 66 percent would rather read a book, watch a movie or take a nap than sleep with a spouse.
This chick named Amanda Chatel said “With the men I’ve loved, the sex has been good, sometimes great, but never ‘best.’ It’s resulted in many orgasms and was fun but, comparatively speaking, it didn’t have that intensity that comes with the ‘best’ sex.
“I knew [my best sex partner] was temporary, and so the great sex was the best because the sex was the relationship,” she adds. “We didn’t have to invest in anything else.”
Knowing something is in scarce supply enhances desire, and that’s difficult to do in a marriage. You can’t really tell your partner that you’re going out for groceries and may never come back. Well, not if you want any semblance of the stability that generally defines marriages.
Chatel also admits, “We tend to remember things better than they actually were because we no longer have them.”
That might explain why such a variety of women recall having passionate sex in the hallway of someone’s apartment, but forget that they had to have sex in the hallway because he had four roommates and slept on a futon.
A 36-year-old marketing executive from Chelsea we’ll call Abby says that “what makes sex incredible, or places it into the range of ‘best sex’, is an element of danger. There’s an element of disobedience . . . that elicits a feeling of carnal desperation. [That feeling is often provoked by] the guy who you shouldn’t be with versus the one that you marry.”
And Noel Biderman, CEO of Ashley Madison, the site that promotes extramarital affairs, claims that the best sex is defined as something that, for many, encompasses “danger, newness and fantasy fulfillment.”
That’s only sensible. While feelings of danger might be thrilling while you’re having carnal knowledge in an abandoned alleyway, they’re not so great when you have to get kids ready for school.
Sex therapist Sari Cooper says many women come to her troubled that their husbands aren’t ideal sexual partners.
“Your best sexual relationship has likely been with the person who was most unstable and most volatile, but was very passionate,” Cooper says. “That’s like riding a roller coaster. That’s passion. But if you have a family, riding a roller coaster isn’t that great for kids.”
If that’s the case, you have to find someone where the relationship is more of a gentle carousel motion. No kids ever got sick from that.
A 36-year-old actress from Greenpoint, Brooklyn, we’ll call Jane says sex with her husband “is not, overall, the hottest sex of my life. But I wouldn’t trade it for a second to have the giver of the hottest sex be my life partner!”
As we grow up, hot and sweaty takes a back seat to kind and sweet.
“I used to swear that I’d take the best sex over the love stuff any day, but recently I’ve realized that phenomenal sex will never hold a candle to real love and a healthy relationship,” Chatel says. “I fear I may have matured.”
I am Ward (I just basically copied this article cuz it was so good-lol)
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Eye found eweeee
There is peace in my soul
For such a long awaited time
There is love in my life
A love of melody and rhyme.
Once you took hold of my heart
I knew no other could have reached
As whispered fate took my hand
To levels only you could reach.
You in my life
Will live eternally
I knew the first night at Cracker Barrell
You were meant for me.
I am ward and so are you.....
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