Just gonna stand there and watch me burn.....
That's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
but that's alright....because I love the way you ""LIE""
Awww shoot, yall hold on cuz eye feelz like I may get deep on this 1-lol!
Yeah those words open that M&M song and i really got what they was saying when I was driving home the other day. Got yo boi to thanking why do people lie and what reasons do we justify them with.
As a student of the Bible,I truly agree that lying is wrong, but it is a tough pill to swallow sometimes because it almost has 2 occur in order for the world to spin correctly. Seriously, if we told the absolute truth to every person we met over the last week, I wonder where would we be at now? In the hospital? In Jail?. If we had spoken the exact words that went thru our minds, how would people have responded? I am sure that we would have no friends, or at least unemployed if you aint already sucka!
Here is an example of what I mean.
"Hi Monique. You look awful. Why don't you wear a bra to support those saggy breasts?"
"Hi Ben. Why don't you see a dermatologist about all those ugly pimple on your face? Your a lousy dresser. And why don't you trim your nose hair?"
"Hi Tina. That's a beautiful new Acura your brought! I am sure your 3 hyper kids will wreck it and keep it extra dirty in no time at all! And as a parent , you're absolutely clueless!"
See that is telling the truth above. A lie would be , Hi Monique, you look stunnnig in that top? Or "Tina you are a great Mom and I would love to watch your kids anytime you need a break", See what I mean Vern?
I feel that we lie for 2 reasons. 1). To make a gain or avoid a pain. Good thing most people feel a sense of guilt or remorse when they lie. Most find it hard to hide the lie and an experienced person will learn to recognize when they are being lied to and even decode the lies.
I got 4 types of lies that I won't break down, but just to make it aware to the public.
A). The white lie- What you use at the work place-lol!!!
B). The Beneficial Lie- Used to try help others, but still a lie
C). The Malicious Lie- Hurting people on purpose
D). The Deceptive Lie- Trying to harm someone else to help your own cause
(((The truth will set you free, but 1st it will piss you off* Mal Pancoast)))
Advice for the brothers....
Don't waste your time telling a lie to a woman face to face. Call her on the phone or better yet send a text or email. Most women have the ability to uncover lies, and remember them for future arguments! You know I am telling the truth Maaaaannnn!
Advice for the sisters....
Quit trying to be inch high private eye and just admit you crazy and probably did something to make the man lie in the first place....
I am Ward......
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