Have you ever been wrong or wronged somebody? Shoot, I know I have. But the ? is Why?
Sometimes the problem may not be merely stubbornness. It may be related to another characteristic—pride. How could this be? Well, consider. Have you ever known a supervisor at work who makes a mistake and, when it is exposed, refuses to admit it or tries to blame someone else? Or, perhaps, you have heard a speaker unintentionally say something inaccurate, then be unwilling to acknowledge it. This could be due to pride, a feeling that in his position he should not be caught in a mistake. Parents and schoolteachers sometimes act this way, fearing that they will lose respect and influence if they admit an error, thus weakening their authority.
Related to pride is the idea of “saving face.” In the Orient some would rather die literally than “lose face.” But most of us, whether in the East or the West, want to defend our “face,” our prestige or the image we want to present. This is motivated to a great extent by pride.
Is pride a quality Christians or Bible students should cultivate? Well, when we think of proud people, who comes to mind? Men like Sennacherib, Pharaoh and the king of Babylon (and even the Devil himself). (1 Tim. 3:6) True, these kings were praised and feared by their contemporaries, but how did God view them? The Bible says: “Self-exaltation and pride . . . I have hated.” (Prov. 8:13) And where is the glory of these men now? Sometimes its just better to be wrong for now and Trust the Lord and watch how it all turns out. Ya feelz me?
I am Ward......
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