They say perception is reality and I must admit, I think I agree even though, I spin it a little differently. I say "If someone shows you who they are....believe them? Check it: I met a young lady back in day who told me from 21 jump street that she had a "Major Anger Issues", I remember laughing at what I thought was a joke. Well after getting keys thrown at my face, windows at my apartment busted out and several near fights at my job, I realized that......she tried to told me, but I saw what I wanted to see.
The truth of the matter is- we are all imperfect (messed up) and prone to have strong view points on what ever our reality is based on what we been through. Take me for example, I am big on customer service. I feel that it should be the norm, but if you have gone to a fast food restaurant lately, then you undoubtedly know that is a long last art-lol! I been flipping cars for ump-teen years now and I pride myself of being a good salesman, and actually find myself comparing others techniques to my own. I think either he/she is better than me and I need to copy that or he/she sucks!
When it comes to relationships....well lets just say all people come with a bit of over-sale. When you first meet,its all good. The long conversations about nothing, with the t.v. off and your attention at 100! Total respect and admiration of the other, but what happens after the comfort factor slips into the thang......Well you get what I mentioned earlier if you are lucky or worse. I can't tell you how many times my people have told me experiences about reliving the past via arguments. The good book says Love does not keep account of injury-does it not. Where is the customer service (love) in this situation.
Seems like certain ones of us in business, love or life like to keep a memory, email, text- etc, handy so when the time is right to balance the injustice we feel we have incurred. But seriously at the end of the day, who really cares? I just hate the fact that we as intelligent creatures respect our work family more than our own families. How many times do we yell at our boss or break something at work and then give that how you like me now smirk? I think less often then at home!
I believe people want to be viewed as a certain way (our presented/crafted character)that we feel comfortable with. Don't we expect the gay man with perfectly manicured nails and perfect outfit and spotless Saab convertible sports car to have a very neat home too? Would we be surprised to see him on america's nastiest homes show? The flip side is our integrity (who we are or what we do when no one is watching). It funny how people are sometimes. I wonder how God feels looking at all of us sometimes. We can sometimes be know it alls, stubborn, ungrateful, belligerent,double standard dealing and unforgiving people, yet we think our stuff don't stink.
Today I am just thinking about how it all starts out good and goes sour later. So I made a personal decision to work on love as written in the word for the betterment of myself. I think I finally get it- people expect perfection from others and make excuses for themselves...
I BE wARD...
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