Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Job Reviews.....what a joke

How many times have we/you had your yearly or 6 month work eval? (((You))) know that you put N work and do many of the little things that go unnoticed but somehow get over looked when it comes to raise time! Its really sad that some people have to go through this process -because in most cases it set up to break you down.
Ya know the drill, they compliment you on some things you do well (not to many), and then help you realize how fortunate you are to still be allowed to work for this great company. I assure you they will find at least 50 ways that you can improve! I know a dude who dang near walked on water and was still given a laundry list of improvements. In fact my bosses boss told him that the score he gave my co-worker was still to high and it had to be taken down a notch.
I do understand that the company doesn't want its employees getting to complacent, but then again you do want them to think out side the box don't you? Take for example the Subway restaurants $5 foot long special. It all started down in Florida because a independent owner wasn't making enough $$$ so he started having the $5 subs on the week-ends! Needless to say it caught on and he extended it during the week. Well corporate heard about it and decided to run with it. The guy in Florida made so much money, that he currently runs $4 foot longs on the week-ends!
What could have happened if someone said that this is a bad ideal to lower sub prices, you should focus more on the 50 thangs you do incorrectly sucka!
It is important to give employees feed back, but it is crucial to give constructive positive and uplifting reviews that allow staff to accept flaws while still wanting to give more. I guess it takes a great deal of time and enery to actually have realistic expectations with a performance plan that is logical! Just ask Southwest Airlines...
I am Ward......

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Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...