Thursday, April 8, 2010

I respect his Golf game....and can careless about his personal life.....what about you?

Seems like they can't get enough of Tiger Woods in the news now a days can they? Looking back, Tiger could have taken pointers from Jesse James and kept his private business private! Sure people found out, but isn't it really between him, his wife and the Deity he worships? I remember when Micheal Jordan got busted and the media was all on his tip and Micheal simply said that information is non of your business and people let it be. He lost none of his sponsors, money or fame! Hummm, I guess Tiger isn't really black after all.
This sucka done gone as far as making a sad depressed looking commerical with his Dad's voice chastising him. Come on man, we know you a celebrity and can buy every person in America twice, so we expect you to do something strange cuz you got change! I ain't condoning this activity but last time I checked, Tiger woods wasn't wearing a suit and tie knocking on doors spreading the good news-lol! Shoot most people with money go to extremes don't they. Bill Clinton, JFK,Will Smith and many more. I guess this is what the end of the world is coming to.
All I am saying is that he made a mistake, and we all make them. Let his be....gesh......
I am ward

1 comment:

LIE-AN and TIGERS and Bears, O My.... said...

Tiger should have never catered to the media... news conferences, commercials, interviews... This is why every day the media is reporting on him and the slightest bit of anything he does... Had he had the attitude that Michael Jordan had, this would have gone away, but he's Uncle Tom'g it and feels obligated... He doesn't need the money... Stop seeking the approval of main stream media and get back to playing golf...

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...