Thursday, April 29, 2010

From the mouthz of babes......

Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, "why is the bride dressed in white?" "Because white is the color of happiness," her mother explained. "And today is the happiest day in her life." The child thought about this for a moment. "So why is the groom wearing black?" The little girls father sitting beside her burst out in tears and ran down the street like that dude in Fridays when ZeeBow stole his bike!

I am WaRd....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Baby its cold Ray Charles.

I really can't stay - Baby, it's cold outside
I've got to go away - Baby, it's cold out there
This evening has been - Been hoping that you'd drop in
So very nice - I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice

My mother will start to worry - Beautiful what you're hurry
And father will be pacing the floor - Listen to that fireplace roar
So really I'd better scurry - Beautiful, please don't hurry
Well, maybe just a half a drink more - put some records on while I pour

And the neighbors might think - Baby it's bad out there
Say, what's in this drink? - No cabs to be had out there
I wish I knew how - Your eyes are like starlight now
To break the spell - I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell

I ought to say no, no, no sir - Mind if I move in closer?
At least I'm gonna say that I tried - What's the sense of hurtin' my pride?
I really can't stay - Baby don't hold out
Baby but it's cold outside

I simply must go - but Baby it's cold outside
The answer is no - i say it's cold out there
The welcome has been - How lucky that you dropped in
So nice and warm - Look out that window, at the storm

My sister will be suspicious - Gosh, your lips look delicious
My brother will be there at the door - Waves upon a tropical shore
My maiden aunt's mind is vicious - Gosh, your lips are delicious
Well maybe just a cigarette more - Oh, never such a blizzard before

I've got to go home - Baby, you'll freeze out there
Say, lend me your comb - It's up to your knees out there
You've really been grand - I thrill when you touch my hand
But don't you see - How can you do this thing to me

There's bound to be talk tomorrow - Think of my lifelong sorrow
At least there will be plenty implied - If you caught pneumonia and died
I really can't stay - Get over that hold out
oh but it's cold outside
Bundle up today yall...i am WaRd.....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back to the class rooom

Life has a way of allowing us to learn things. Some may consider it a failure if we don't always come out on top. I just call it a learning lesson. I say, hummm, I learned I don't want to do that again or whatever. With that being said, I met a real cool guy on the basketball court the other day and he said he drives a school bus! Of course we immediately swapped horror stories about our jobs-lol!
He mentioned how he is not surprised when he hears stories on the news of bus drivers going bonkers on students. John (his name sucka) said the kids are really out of control on the bus and will challenge him when he tries to maintain order.
I explained that I have some students who try and push me also. In fact, one 4Th grader to me he was gonna put out a lite cigarette in my but? I was like o.k. do what you gotta do pimpN. But really, why do some students gotta go there? My simple answer: It starts at home hommie. Teachers and bus drivers don't have the influence of the Jay Z or Little Wayne's of the world anymore. We are- really just disposable pieces of the obstacles in the students way of nothingness or so it seems at times-lol. I just wish they would reinstate the paddle. I just know that will get some positive results or at least give the insturctors some control.
Oh well, I really enjoy the students who want to learn and who actually get! But again, life teaches us that when you are given lemons.......make lemonade suckers.....

I am WaRd

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Married vs. acting married

From this writer's vantage point, there are 4 major events in one's life and in this order. 1). Your dedication to God 2).Your marriage to your soul mate 3). The purchase of your home 4)The purchase of your automobile! All these are crucial moves that the prudent person will carefully weigh out prior to implantation. In this blog I am feeling Door number 2!
Lets face it, there is no marriage manual on what is perfect or a step by step guide 2 this thing. Sure the Bible has some basic instructions, but we as humans are still imperfect at the end of the day! We know that men and women are different- thus the attraction, but who can predict what things will go down in a marriage and how much can you take or forgive.
Couples argue in silence for weeks or months on end, stop being intimate, cheat, lie and deny, yet they stay together for the kids, money or the economy! Just another case of Married vs. acting married! I say acting because on the outside looking in, people think the grass is always greener on the other side, because they mainly see what is shown by the couples. But if you really want to know if the couple that intrigues you is happy look for a few signs. Does the couple wear wedding rings, are there pictures at work, do they spend time together as a family, what positive things do the couple say about the other? Of course its not the only way to find out but just look out for it.
Can someone say I am happy with my mate when they are independent of that person? Sure you got their last name but that's about it! When you love someone, its a feeling that is almost euphoric to the couple. Not perfect but willing to solve issues and spend quality time. I recall this woman I dated who was my twinn. We could act silly, sing every song we knew together, have deep conversations and really-really enjoy each other! What happened you wonder: I Was 2 dang good to her!
Back 2 the issue: Acting married is just that an act. You can't fake it. Either you are or you aren't. The real question is how do you preserve your relationship. Simple response: Open honest and regular communication with a three fold cord! Easier said than done- right?
I am Ward...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Job Reviews.....what a joke

How many times have we/you had your yearly or 6 month work eval? (((You))) know that you put N work and do many of the little things that go unnoticed but somehow get over looked when it comes to raise time! Its really sad that some people have to go through this process -because in most cases it set up to break you down.
Ya know the drill, they compliment you on some things you do well (not to many), and then help you realize how fortunate you are to still be allowed to work for this great company. I assure you they will find at least 50 ways that you can improve! I know a dude who dang near walked on water and was still given a laundry list of improvements. In fact my bosses boss told him that the score he gave my co-worker was still to high and it had to be taken down a notch.
I do understand that the company doesn't want its employees getting to complacent, but then again you do want them to think out side the box don't you? Take for example the Subway restaurants $5 foot long special. It all started down in Florida because a independent owner wasn't making enough $$$ so he started having the $5 subs on the week-ends! Needless to say it caught on and he extended it during the week. Well corporate heard about it and decided to run with it. The guy in Florida made so much money, that he currently runs $4 foot longs on the week-ends!
What could have happened if someone said that this is a bad ideal to lower sub prices, you should focus more on the 50 thangs you do incorrectly sucka!
It is important to give employees feed back, but it is crucial to give constructive positive and uplifting reviews that allow staff to accept flaws while still wanting to give more. I guess it takes a great deal of time and enery to actually have realistic expectations with a performance plan that is logical! Just ask Southwest Airlines...
I am Ward......

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thangs that Black Folk do that White Folk Just Don't Get!!

1. Elaborate Handshakes- Man Its so many different dapz out there that I can hardly keep up! The fact still remains, its an important staple to the blacks who perform them
2. Big Screen TV's- No matter how small the brotha man's house/apt is, he must have that 50" or bigger-lol! Don't know why, but its what we do. Sorta like men leave a seat in between us when we go somewhere like the movies.
3.Expensive sneakers- I make good money selling cheap Jordan's in the hood! Nevertheless black people will buy what ever Nike puts out! The bright colors that coordinate with our outfits don't hurt either-lol!
4.The Movie Scarface- Shoot I am black and I don't get this one! Still black folk relate to Mr. Tony Montana's rags to riches story. I guess its no different than the Bushes, Kennedy's or the Hilton's. Dude got killed in the end but he left a blue print that many unfortunately follow-huh!

1. Race car driving- Gas was almost $5 per gallon two years ago and they was still racing around the Indy 500 track! I started to paint a number 4 on my mini van and drive around the track a few times to get my tank filled up!
2. Mayonnaise- I don't understand why they gotta put it on everything and so thick. I went to Jimmy John's for lunch and found the mother load on the shelves-WHY people-WHY?
3. Engaing N extreme sports- Lets see, their is da skating off ramps, ledges, buildings:what ever it is, the results are the same! How many broken bones do you have to have before someone says "Hey Dude lets go get some ribs and watch our big screen TV"!
4. Talking Qua-Zeee to the Po-Po!- no commentary needed for this one.....

We may never know why we are different from each other, but at least we go something to talk and laugh about suckers....
I am Ward.....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Sometimes its hard to stay positive. Heck I would be willing to go as far as saying that it is easier to just be mean. Case in point: I was driving to work the other day and following a lady who was texting while driving. No biggie, because I am guilty of it occasionally my dang self. However on this particular day, the lady was so engrossed in this message that she drove slower and slower. I proceeded to go around her and go about my business. OMG! This lady saw me pass her and blew a gasket, she passed me back up and darn near clipped my front finder! She next decides that its best to flip me the bird for the the next quarter mile and I assume cuss me out (I can't read lips, but I don't think that was a song she was mouthing). She obviously got to her turn and almost passed it up because she made a sharp turn as she almost tipped her SUV over, which was my fault too-lol! She did manage to flip me off one last time. Truly that type of thing has no affect on me. I just wonder what happens when this lady pulls that type off activity on someone crazier than her? Stay tuned to your local news.
I find that I have mannnn-trums in my head too. It irates me when my kids destroy the house after I spend a long time getting it how I like it. I feel like they don't care about things like I do, which is expected. However, I tell them daily what needs to be done at least 50,000 times but heck lets face it, can't compete with Sponge Bob! I have my say in my head and commence to re clean the house and then do something fun with them so I won't stay mad. Crazy I know, but it works for me.
I realize that many people are under stress from a plethora of issues, but we still have 2 maintain sanity or pay a bigger price. I don't know about you but I am gonna get a system of rewards to keep all motivated.......
I am Ward.....

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The man tried to tell yall he was a FrEAk but you ain't listen

I was sitting at home today looking at the ducks landing on my pond. T'was a nice relaxing time, so I decided I need to listen to Pandora 2 complete the mood. So I had to go the kind or R&B (no: not Bobby Brown) From looking at the pics you should have guessed R.Kelly!
I started thinking about some of his music and titles and then it hit me...... "this brutha is not just singing about being a FrEAk, he really is a FrEAk!" Think about some of the songs......12 play (several times 4 play), feeling on your booty, sex me (part 1 and 2) Half on a baby, trapped in the closet (all 200 parts of that),down low- oh gosh I could go on for days with his other side-lol.
I mean everybody has something to work on in our very imperfect lives. I,personally, need to work on remaining staying focused, some work on tempers but I think Kells needs to work in staying away from young girls. I understand that back in the dayz, young girls got married and had kids by age 13. I am pretty sure they still do in third world countries but not over here anymore (Kentucky excluded).
I am amazed that such a talented man is so unique when it comes to his personal life. I heard Neo say that he couldn't stay on tour with Kelly cuz of his special requirements, like no walking in the hall when him and his crew are coming and no using any of the 7 dressing rooms! Neo and his people had to dress for the concerts on the tour buses-- Kra-Zee! Then came the Jay Z tour, Well Jigga quickly replaced this idiot and got his famous friends to complete the tour. No need to go into that because most people like Jigga and recognize who was a fault in that situation.....
With all that being said, I still enjoy a great deal of his music (not that last album) and wish him well, but he is still a FrEAk for real. I just wonder what is it that as soon as people get money they loose they dang minds......
I could go hard on this guy, but that wasn't my purpose, I was just really surprised at how much of his self he puts in his music.If you really look at his picture posted his eyes seem to show how empty he really is. In his own words....Instead of everybody throwing stones at him:Pray for him.......Word.
Oh well I gotta go cause I am about to order my feeling on your booty key chain....
I am wArd......

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I respect his Golf game....and can careless about his personal life.....what about you?

Seems like they can't get enough of Tiger Woods in the news now a days can they? Looking back, Tiger could have taken pointers from Jesse James and kept his private business private! Sure people found out, but isn't it really between him, his wife and the Deity he worships? I remember when Micheal Jordan got busted and the media was all on his tip and Micheal simply said that information is non of your business and people let it be. He lost none of his sponsors, money or fame! Hummm, I guess Tiger isn't really black after all.
This sucka done gone as far as making a sad depressed looking commerical with his Dad's voice chastising him. Come on man, we know you a celebrity and can buy every person in America twice, so we expect you to do something strange cuz you got change! I ain't condoning this activity but last time I checked, Tiger woods wasn't wearing a suit and tie knocking on doors spreading the good news-lol! Shoot most people with money go to extremes don't they. Bill Clinton, JFK,Will Smith and many more. I guess this is what the end of the world is coming to.
All I am saying is that he made a mistake, and we all make them. Let his be....gesh......
I am ward

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Appreciation for the separation.....

Most couples seldom find the secret to keeping their relationship alive, even after attending communication workshops. Sure they get their ears tickled with all kinds of wonderful ideals on communication, love and respect,but get back to the kribb and find them selves right back into the same rut as before they left-lol! I guess it might be more prudent to have the instructor come home with you for a few days afterward as well.
Lets face it, most of us learn our relationship skills from watching our own perfect parents, uncles and aunts relationships. I might add that this is not always the best course of action for couples in 2010! When you think about it, your back ground and experiences may be as clear as finding similarities in Mandarin Chinese and Spanish languages. No matter how hard you try 2 explain your love to your partner, if he/she only understands Chinese, then you may as well try and catch the wind between your finger nails! I don't care how sincere you are, your mate won't care or give a gosh darn! Sucka one or both of you have to learn the speak the others primary language if you are going to have an effective and working relationship!In addition, I am positive that once this is figured out, the behavior of the other person will dramatically change because they feel the love you have been trying to show!
Just the other day, I was speaking with an 18 year male who is 100% sure he has found his soul mate in high school. (I still chuckle to myself on that conversation). His chosen mate is soooo good to him, she doesn't argue with him, keeps her self right, stays in contact with him constantly. She travels constantly because she got some change (her parents do anyway), seems like she may be the perfect girl after all. Well both of these teens are going off to different colleges in the fall of this year and then 4 years later they plan to get married. To heck with the facts that people evolve and change every several years, and who cares if 1,000 miles will be between them. Time will tell but life will reveal some thangs no one saw coming!
Nonetheless, couples today tend to get so caught up in life that, the other person is not longer the priority (like the 18 year olds) rather something to do on the check off list! Reality has a harsh way of smacking you in the face with a strong hand of "I told you SO sucka".
Here is my advice for couples who want to scream but need to work it out: Realize that the "in love experience" is a temporary emotional high, that will need maintenance and constant updating to keep abreast. The emotional need for love must be met if ya want to be emotional healthy in your situation. When your partner is happy so too will ((you)) grasshopper.
I am Ward

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Words have power!!!!

I felt disappointed the other day because was coaxed into debating with a kid. I mean, it comes with the job, but I seldom stoop to this level. I am a firm believer in not arguing with idiots because they will wear you down and beat you with their experience! I must continue to remind myself that everyone has different experiences that affect their actions.
Take for example the young lady who has to be the mother of her 3 or 4 younger siblings because Momz is either working or missing from the family scene. While at home she has to be the adult who is responsible for cooking, cleaning, home work checking and getting everyone ready for school the next day. Then upon arriving at school the next day, she may argue with her teacher because she is being told what to do. Perhaps she is unaware of her choice of words and how others are perceiving her actions as abrasive or rude.
I am not excusing these actions, rather saying that everyone has a story. I also understand that everyone can't play counselor to every trouble or disturbed person encountered, but at least we can be cognizant of the issues that R relevant today!
Jesus was quoted at Matthew 7:12 saying "All thing, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them". Of course, that is easier for us to say than follow at times.
I wish we could have keep it real Fridays where we could spit the truth to people and not worry about hurt feelings. I know that won't happen because there is always some idiot who will take it to the next level by going waaaaaaayyyyy to far with the keeping it real.
My point is this: Since words are power, why not make an attemp to say something positive to every one we meet for just one day and see what happens.
I am Ward......

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Working overtime

She’s like a playa ..
That’s been kinda weird..
Hope she comes back soon..
For we could both be under the blue moon..
Its great i got to know her..
but now i cant live wait to live without her..
If dreaming and wishing for things came true..
All i would ask is that she would be with you!

I am Ward.....

Friday, April 2, 2010

8 signs that it is time yo significant sucka!

1. You feel like a long-distance couple, even when he's sitting right next to you.

If it feels like there's a divide, or even a whole ocean between you, something is definitely wrong. Maybe you used to be able to tell everything he was thinking, but now he's got his poker face up. You can try and figure out the cause, but realize that sometimes guys distance themselves because they've already ended the relationship in their minds but don't want to tell U!

2. When you think about her, those warm fuzzy feelings you used to have are gone.

If the only image of her you can conjure up is a negative one, then the relationship might be finished in your mind too.

3. Your sex life is ... wait, what sex life?

4. You can't remember the last time you two really kissed.

I really feel kissing is the catalyst of the realationship. Without this, what else can jump off?

5. You spend lots of time together--but fight during most of it.

If your neighbors are complaining about the near-constant yelling from your place of living, or you've been giving him the silent treatment for so long you don't even remember why you started, then you've been fighting way too much. Every couple fights; if they didn't they'd never get to experience make-up sex. But if you spend more time fighting than not, then you have a real problem.

6. She's showing signs that she's cheating on raising behavior.

She always has to call you back or has a large group of friends that she has to run every thing by, especially when if it involves you two. It must feel really good to feel like you are having an arguement with a discussion panel!

7. She is always trying to show you how smart she is by correcting your speech or telling you how you should have handled a situation involving her. "You should have said this, or Why didn't you say it like that". What guy wouldn't want his woman telling him how strong and stubborn she is!
8. You're both reluctant to make future plans.
You ask her about hanging out on the weekend, but she is unsure about what she may do that is more important than your extra regular butt! In fact, she may stragiht up disappear on the weekend...
(Bonus sign): Work is the paramount of her life!
*References made to females because they are the sneakier sex that cheats the most*

I am warD>

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...