Thursday, December 31, 2009
Things that make me say hummmmmmm
*Why did Aresenio have to leave late night television back in the day after 5 years?
*How the heck did Soulja Boy get people to give him all that $$$?
*Why do so many rappers end up going to jail?
*Does it seem like Grand mothers are starting to become younger (34 and under???)?
*Why do white kids talk back to their parentz.....and don't get a beat down?
*I think drinking is cool (not for me) but why do people have to get drunk?
*If the USA has a 50% divorce rate, does that mean other 50% are happy?
*How come those who voted for the president seem to be turning against him now?
*If Charles Barkley told us athletes are not role models, why is everyone so shocked at Tiger Woods?
*Whats up with boys wearing skinny jeans?
*Why is breaking up so hard, especially when you are unhappy?
*Why did the chicken want 2 cross the frshe eaking road anyway?
*Do people know that cats walk through their litter boxes then on to you and your furniture?
*Why do people make funny faces at your food like you are forcing them to eat it too!
*Is it cool 2 open and eat food before you purchase it in a grocery store?
*What's up with all the rubber necking when someone gets stopped by a cop?
*What happens if I am at the express lane and I have 21 items?
*Why do people have lawn jockey's?
*Why do gay people compare their struggle to slavery?
*If 40 is the new 30- DO the retireeees have to return to work 4 another 10 years?
*Why do old black men love Caddy's so much?
*If she knows she is wrong- why does her big head continue?
*Why do I always end with I am Ward?
I am WarD
Monday, December 28, 2009
How well do you trust your ummmmm co-workers?
So ya back on the grind again huh? Well the majority of the world is fresh off the fantasy versus reality tour of thinking that Xmas trees and Santa Claus along with over spending money that you don't have for some one's birthday that is no where near the truth and then justifying it by saying its just because of the season. Wheeewww, I am tired just thinking about how this whole situation works-lol!
Anywayz, I find myself thinking about co-workers. I mean when we get down to the nuts and bolts of the the situation, we spend more time with them than we do with our real families. But my rhetorical question today is, do we really trust our beloved coworkers??????
I am sure we are all aware of the issues with our food missing from the shared refrigerator at work! I never understood how somebody could eat another person's lunch. Perhaps I am just to darn picky, because I know many people who have cats that jump all up on the kitchen counter and dogs that lick them in the face and not to mention all the lack of hand washing that must "NOT" be going on as well. (Then again I just like to think of myself as a nice respecting person-lol!) I was told by one lady to write on your lunch bag, don't eat this because I spat on the sandwich. When she went to eat her sandwich at lunch, it had another post it note attached that said "I spat on this sandwich too!" Come to think of it, she never told me if she ate the sandwich anyway.....she probably did (Nasty self).
During these winter months, some of us don't have remote car starters and choose to warm our cars, but that leaves us vulnerable to leaving our ipods, blackberries and lap tops exposed. Should I trust Sean the IT guy, or what about that bubble lensed receptionist named Leticia, yeah she looks like she needs a new ipod! At the end of the day, we gotta hope, trust and believe that our work families will do the right thing......ya know blame it on somebody else when your stuff is stolen.....
Ward up Yall........
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The difference.......
I am so glad that I have finally gotten some free time for myself! I have been working 7 days a week for the past few months. Its not that I work hard, its just that I know how important it is that one takes time to relax, recuperate and review the week that has past. I know people who make their profession their obsession and I think it might be better if I do not join that crowd.
I do think about success and failures sometimes. I think about the Jay Z's and Russell Simmons of the world. The Obama's and other people who have over come great odds to attain what ever wealth, position and greatness they possess! After giving it great thought, I came up with a satisfying answer for myself!
Failure is easy to accomplish. You simply just give up trying to be successful at what ever you feel your calling should be. Say for example, I want to be an electrician but I feel less than confident that I can get past the math requirement. What if I wanted to go back to school to become a Nurse, but knew nothing of financial aide. Again, being unsuccessful is a dominant trait that many people have. In fact the trait is so strong that when someone thinks out side the per verbal box and "as we say" makes, he/she looks like a Deity!
When it comes to achieving and beating the the odds set against us....Now that takes effort. Let me illustrate. Many many moons ago a wise old man said he would teach any one how to get what ever it was in life that they desired! Few people took him up on this offer even though he was very affluent. However, one such aspiring young man sought him out and and begged him to show him the way toward wealth. The old man asked the seeker of knowledge to meet him at the beach at 4 a.m. the next mourning. The man thought it odd, but agreed to meet him. He arrived at the requested time, and even wore a very nice suit. I assumed if riches is what he desired, he was gonna be prepared to wear the crown-lol! The old man told the seeker to go out in the water, he complied. The water came to his knee and the old man said go further out, he complied. The water came to his neck, as he stood there confused and thinking what does this have to do with his desire for wealth. At that point the old man appeared behind him and grabbed him by his head and forced him under water with a death grip so strong that the seeker could not free himself. Just at the point of drowning the old man suddenly released him and drug him back to shore. When the seeker regained his bearings he was asked an important question that changed his life and gave him the knowledge he sought. The old man asked the seeker "As you were about to die what was your main focus?" The seeker said breathing!!!! Exactly said the old man. Now if you are more focused on living and fight hard for what you desire, then you find your prize. Never settle for no when yes is what you seek. Learn all you can and make no excuses. You are man and made in his image. The one who created a universe. There is nothing you can not do. You must believe it, achieve it and then receive it. The point became clear to the seeker because after that day he did every thing he had to do in order to be a success.
I wont say who the man is, but he is one of the wisest men that people mention in life. His story has inspired me to understand why some people are content existing and other are living life....
I am Ward
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sucka free flash backs.......
Does the thrill have to go after years of being with someone? or as Darius from Love Jones said... " about the possibility of the thing. From the time when you first meet some fine a#^% woman... To the time you make love to her. From the time you first propose to her. To the time you say eye do. When people who have been together for a long time say that the romance is dead....nuh uh......they just EXHAUSTED THE POSSIBILITIES"
Say, baby... can I be Your slave? I've got to admit girl you're the ish girl... and I'm digging you like a grave. Now, do they call you Daughter to the Spinning Pulsar... or maybe Queen of 10,000 moons? Sister to the Distant yet Rising Star? Is your name Yemaya? Oh, heck no. Its got to be Oshun. Oooh, is that a smile me put on your face, child (jamacian voice)... wide as a field of jasmine and clover? Talk that talk, honey. Walk that walk, money. High on legs that'll spite Jehovah. Dang, Who am I? It's not important. But me they call me brother to the night. And right now... I'm the blues in your left thigh... trying to become the funk in your right. Who am I? I'll be whoever you say? But right now I'm the sight-raped hunter... blindly pursuing you as my prey. And I just want to give you injections... of sublime erections... and get you to dance to my rhythm... make you dream archetypes... of black angels in flight... upon wings of distorted, contorted... metaphoric jizm. Come on slim. Fuck your man. I ain't worried about him. It's you who I want to step to my scene. 'cause rather the deal with the fallacy... of this dry-a#$% reality... I'd rather dance and romance your sweet behind in a wet dream. Who am I? Well, they call me Brother Ward to the night. And right now- I'm the blues in your left thigh... trying to become the funk in your right. Is that all right? - Love Jones and the Ward.....
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Don't worry EyE got your back..........sort of?
In this land of milk and honey and ain't a dang thang funny, especially when it comes to your money! So what do we need to make it now a daze? Let me ponder as I sit here typing on my computer.......... O.k. I got it! What we need is a partner to have our back in life, love and/or work!
When we get down to the nuts and bolts of life, sometimes I feel like its really about learning, relearning and finally acceptance. Take for example a young man who had to find out the hard way that life comes with a price. I was always told that if you have to ask how much something cost- then you can not afford it-lol. Anyway, the man (being young) felt his parents were to strict on him and wanted to strike out on his own to live with the perfect woman that he met. The plan sounded good at the time, but when you go from being taken care of by your parents to actually taking care of your own new family can and should be over whelming!!
I personally feel that before a man takes on a family, he should be able to answer these basic questions. 1). Am I physically, emotionally and spiritually mature enough to be responsible for a family, 2). Do I have a good understanding and grasp on my finances and 3).Am I worthy of earning my mate's respect? I am sure most people take this for granted, but soon find out sooner or later, that hind sight is 20:15-lol!
So now you stand at the cross roads of life contemplating returning to college next fall......but wait sucka. Didn't you start a family earlier this year? Walking out is totally different from walking in. You may get your feelings hurt, your car scratched up or your man hood taken away or worse. Didn't R.Kelly try and told you when a woman is fed up ain't nothing you can do about it?
In reality when we realize that our dating situation has gone South, we make excuses on why we should leave or stay, but the results are often the same......bad. Its like pulling off a bandage! Either you pull it fast and get it over with or you pulling it slowly and deal with all the pain until it subsides. Wardy suggest this...Sit down with a mature third party and discuss the issues with your mate, being respectful of course, say what your needs for the future consist of, how you plan to achieve them and when you are going to do it. Keep in mind that your mate won't like you leaving, and may accuse you of everything thing under the sun...real or imagined. Just stay focused and stick to your future and allow the offended person to do whatever they need to do. Go out to the club, see other people or cry all day.
I would never suggest that a couple part or stay together....that is personal, but remember older personz tend to have a tad bit more wisdum than you at times! Here is to you sucka, remember, "Don't worry Eye got your back.........sort of!WarD....
Thursday, December 10, 2009
fall*N* in luv
Do you remember the first time you saw him/her? Do you recall what you thought? Were you thinking in your mind the exact words you were gonna say to get their attention? Did you smile when you knew you had their interest? What was that first kiss like? Did you secretly watch them at your desk while they worked with clients? Love is a funny thing sometimes, because the same things that drew you to the person R the same thing that pushes you away from them.
I saw an old couple holding hands in the mall the other day. I thought....hummm, I bet they been through all kind of situations in their relationship yet they are still together. Did one or both of them cheat, was their physical abuse, did either wish the other were dead? I guess it didn't really matter cause they was still together and smiling-lol!
I think couples need to recall some of the things from the opening paragraph before getting upset! Love is a good thing. Hate is a bad thing. Enough said suckers....
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Should the family eat dinner 2 geather????
Back in the daze I recall families turning off the television during dinner time and everyone actually talked about their day, family business, told a few jokes and had a great time. Now that sounds odd because that just doesn't happen now or does it? From what I can see, most families who do actually eat in the same house, eat in different rooms while either being on Face book, watching t.v. or some other independent activity.
When you really think about it, many families are like this. I think it occurs because we have to earn a living in this dismal economy and that sometimes keeps us working longer hours and spending more time away from loved ones. I can only imagine how hard it must be on my single parent peoples. Another sad fact is that some fathers aren't pulling their weight when it comes to being head of the house. Men have actually told me that they stay at work as long as possible to avoid a nagging mate or tantrums of a noisy kid. That is just ludicrous to me.
As I see all the uninterested students roaming the school hall ways daily, I can only wish they would wake up. Literally, they go to class and sleep because they feel they are only there because they have to be there and refuse to do more than the bare minimum. If someone tries to help these youth, they are quick to let you know they don't care about the future, they worried about getting what they need now by any means necessary.
This is what Wardy realized: It starts with the parents/family first! I don't care what other factors you have in place...its nothing without the previous. How about this. Returning to the family eating dinner 2 geather? Family meals offers parents a unique chace to care for their kids emotional well-being. The dinner tables a place for young ones to get regular access to parental presence and low-key attention. I see so many benefits of family dinners....whew!! Ya know how undisciplined kids just run up in your conversation saying "Mommy/Daddy can I.....", well if you learn to take turns talking at dinner and having responsibilities like set up and clean up....youths actually learn manners that will be present outside the home and yes even at school.
Sure it takes effort from everybody for it to be a success, but I feel its well worth the efforts put fourth. I personally make sure I sit down with my family at least 4 times per week and ask about their day and share mine with them. I feel like I know whats up and vice versa. I know I am far from perfect but I know I am doing my best. Who can ask for more than that?
Again, family meals are a time for closeness, conversations, important information dissemantion and comfort for the child's well being. I suggest everyone try it out for a month and see if your kids don't show an improved attituede as well as you!
I be that Wardster dude!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The vitality of kommunication
If you are like me, sometimes you hurt the ones who are the closest to us unintentionally. It's really funny how the words we sometimes say to others take a nasty turn once they leave our mouths and enter into their ears-lol! In reality, before most people share thoughts with others, we often times give them a dry run in our mindz eye. With that being said, we think deep and long about it, further than what we say to the person we are talking with.
Let us assume that a new couple started a relationship but the female has some questions she wants to ask the male about his past sexual history. In her mind, she is thinking how much she loves him and how much fun they have. So when they are absent of each other, she is curious if he is like that with any other women in his life. Seems like a legitimate question to me, but then again its all about the way you package the gift you are about to give to your unsuspecting mate!
This is what you mean to say: "I really love you boyfriend and have a great time with you. I don't want to loose this feeling that we are sharing, but I just need reassurance that we are on the same page. You and I are monogamous right and we are a that correct? This is what your partner heard. "Look sucka, you been acting strange lately, You don't try to kiss me or hold me anymore, are you kicking with your ex behind my back? If you are, I am gonna leave you so fast that your shadow won't have time to catch up with your sorry tasss!
Hummm sound familiar. I am sure it does for some. But image how this same situation could have been replayed out if the person would have just said something like this: "Honey, I have been thinking about us and I need your input. I am afraid that I love you so much that at times I feel insecure or even jealous about others you may have been with. Can you tell me that I am what you want and need or what areas do you feel we need to improve on? I am willing to work hard for us and hope you are too."
Yeah seems easy, but the longer we take to problem solve of maintenance check up on our relationships.....the harder this will be. Its too bad that our school systems that are suppose to prepare us for the future, fails to prepare us for the second biggest commitment of our lives.....marriage!
I am WaRd.....
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Their Grrrreeeaaaattttttt!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Giving up Blame.....
I was thinking about the single sisters today. Ya know the ones' who seem to have it all, great looks, well educated, nice clean house/apartment but no man. Now don't get it twisted I know they want a dude in their lives but they just can't seem to get it right. Either the dude ends up leaving them or they push him away.
I have heard numerous women say to me how they just don't understand how that fat sista over there is married and yet she is single. But I had to ask myself "Is it really that simple"? Of course not! When we look deep inside our selves we may find what we feared most........THE TRUTH!!!
When it comes down to it, after 6 months you know if you want to marry this person in your life. But what we must remember is that its the union of two imperfect people coming together to for a new imperfect union. Both parties will have to learn to be forgiving and more loving. It seems that when an individual makes an error in judgement you don't beat yourself down for ever, but with you mate you don't have that same compassion. Its understandable because we are all selfish at some point in our lives and we learn from it one way or another. They say you never miss your water until your mate leaves your butt?????
I admit that women tend to give more in a relationship then men do,but that is because you women allow us to get away with it. I could break this point down, but you are mature so I go there in this blog. But allow me to make this point here:
"When a woman realizes she has been giving too much, she tends to blame her partner for their unhappiness. She feels the injustice of giving more that she has received.
Although she has not received what she deserved, to improve her relationships she needs to recognize how she contributed to the problem. When a woman gives too much she should not blame her partner. Similarly, a man who gives less should not blame his partner for being negative or unreceptive to him. In both cases, blaming does not work suckers.
Understanding, trust, compassion, acceptance, and support are the solution, not blaming our partners. When this situation occurs, instead of blaming his female partner for being resentful, a man can be compassionate and offer his support even if she doesn't ask for it, listen to her even if at first it sounds like blame and help her to trust and open up to him by doing little things for her to show that he cares.
Instead of blaming a man for giving less, a woman can accept and forgive her partner's imperfections, especially when he disappoints her, trust that he wants to give more when he doesn't offer his support, and encourage him to give more by appreciating what he does give and continuing to ask for his support"
Now as deep as that may be, it won't get or keep you in a relationship. Communication is a great tool to have, but first you gotta know yourself, then know what the opposite sex wants and needs.2nd, you gotta make it happen. No body is perfect and neither are you. Ask your self what things would a mate get turned off by me with. You might want to ask a good friend that question about yourself for a more accurate answer (for real)lol!
Here is Wardy's final point: If you are single and you want to be in a relationship, then you may want to figure out what what the problem izzzz.
I am WaRd.......
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I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...
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