In this land of milk and honey and ain't a dang thang funny, especially when it comes to your money! So what do we need to make it now a daze? Let me ponder as I sit here typing on my computer.......... O.k. I got it! What we need is a partner to have our back in life, love and/or work!
When we get down to the nuts and bolts of life, sometimes I feel like its really about learning, relearning and finally acceptance. Take for example a young man who had to find out the hard way that life comes with a price. I was always told that if you have to ask how much something cost- then you can not afford it-lol. Anyway, the man (being young) felt his parents were to strict on him and wanted to strike out on his own to live with the perfect woman that he met. The plan sounded good at the time, but when you go from being taken care of by your parents to actually taking care of your own new family can and should be over whelming!!
I personally feel that before a man takes on a family, he should be able to answer these basic questions. 1). Am I physically, emotionally and spiritually mature enough to be responsible for a family, 2). Do I have a good understanding and grasp on my finances and 3).Am I worthy of earning my mate's respect? I am sure most people take this for granted, but soon find out sooner or later, that hind sight is 20:15-lol!
So now you stand at the cross roads of life contemplating returning to college next fall......but wait sucka. Didn't you start a family earlier this year? Walking out is totally different from walking in. You may get your feelings hurt, your car scratched up or your man hood taken away or worse. Didn't R.Kelly try and told you when a woman is fed up ain't nothing you can do about it?
In reality when we realize that our dating situation has gone South, we make excuses on why we should leave or stay, but the results are often the same......bad. Its like pulling off a bandage! Either you pull it fast and get it over with or you pulling it slowly and deal with all the pain until it subsides. Wardy suggest this...Sit down with a mature third party and discuss the issues with your mate, being respectful of course, say what your needs for the future consist of, how you plan to achieve them and when you are going to do it. Keep in mind that your mate won't like you leaving, and may accuse you of everything thing under the sun...real or imagined. Just stay focused and stick to your future and allow the offended person to do whatever they need to do. Go out to the club, see other people or cry all day.
I would never suggest that a couple part or stay together....that is personal, but remember older personz tend to have a tad bit more wisdum than you at times! Here is to you sucka, remember, "Don't worry Eye got your back.........sort of!WarD....
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