Saturday, January 18, 2014

Wardy's tipsy on organization.......

According to Apartment Therapy, incorporating these 9 things into your schedule will help you stay organized.  I, for one, think I do a pretty good job on most days.  I can be messy and sometimes very cluttered but never dirty sucka.  I do my best to put items back where I got them and not procrastinate, but it's so easy to slip back into your normal routine especially when you live with someone who is not on your page......Read on my brutha

1. Getting Ready The Night Before: This is something I've already gotten the hang of doing for the past few years.  It makes mornings less frantic.  When you wake up and you only have the small things to worry about and you don't have to rush to get ready. I can't help the fact that the water takes so long in the mourning to heat up, but it doesn't slow me down.

2. Open Mail Over Da Trash Can: This step helps decrease wastea nd mess right away.  Instead of setting aside a day or a time for clearing away your junk mail, organize it as soon as you get it. Sort it out and keep what's important instead of trying to conquer that big pile that you've let accumulate over the week/s.  By opening your mail this way you toss out the junk and keep the important stuff.

3. Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Don't overwhelm yourself with a large project all at once.  Spread it out over any length of time you choose. If you need to clean out the attack, start in one corner or with one box.  Complete your task in small sections.  Before you know it, you'll be finished, but I just like to knock it out and be done with it, but that's just me.
4. Write it down: This is something that I do consistently.  I have a bunch of different ideas and thoughts going on in my head and writing them out relieves me but it also makes ideas more clear to me. I also have a voice recorder and its really good, but I keep loosing it-lol!

5. Time Out: Set a timer for 60-75 minutes and clean what you can in that amount of time each day.  I clean to the TV on a music channel. 

6. Give it up: When ever you come across an item you don't use, put it in an "junk" when the box gets full donate the contents of it.

7. Put it away now: Don't wait to do it later.  Everything should have its place and when you're finished with it PUT IT BACK where you got it fromThe bible says its a time for everything too!

8. Set Goals: Write goals down on index cards and arrange them in order of importance. At the top of each card, write down a deadline. (A realistic one.) Make sure to break them (your goals) down into mini goals and schedule time to achieve them.

9. Play Cards: Write down household tasks on index cards and pick one each day;. make this your daily task. Also, ensure to include a "free day" on one of the index cards.  When the deck is finished, start over :-)

Of course, no organizational list will work for everyone, but this is what is working for me.
I am Ward.......

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