Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I have a Ideal........trick a dream!

O.k. I got the day off work Monday because it was Martin Luther King day. True, I don't celebrate worldly holidays and to make things more intricate, I had to use my own freaking PTO, what up with that ????? Any-who, some co-workers of mine got into a light weight discussion about the flyers that was circulating around the webb about parties and using Martin's likeness.
I, personally, didn't see anything wrong with it because its all done in some sort of remembrance from somebody's perspective. One co-worker stated that when white people make fun of people in magazines like the New Yorker, its called satire and its socially acceptable! Thinking about it, I must agree because they pretty much go there and no one complains. Another co-worker said she was offended at the pics (see above) because he 11 year old son is impressionable and she didn't want him to get it twisted about Martin meant to society!!!! I chimmed in about how I speak to my kids about the realities of life. I never sugar coat the truth, I told them that King did some great and well needed things for Americans, but he wasn't perfect (like all of us) by far. Most people are well aware that Brother King had 4 or 5 women in rotation, but seldom want to admit it. King is widely remembered for his " I have a dream "speech, but what most don't know is that he made a fatal error much like Moses did in the scriptures. He failed to give God the glory. See Martin had a dream, but our creator has a well detailed plan that can't be altered, stopped or changed. Moses gave the Isralites water and said it was from him and he didn't get to see the promised land. Nevertheless, that doesn't take away from what the  brother did, because nobody else other than Malcolm, was even trying to make a move to representing equality.
Looking at it from my POV, clothes don't make a person, but his character does! Martin eluded to that. True, we need to dress professional for a job interview, but we can chill when off work and still  be a King or Queen in socitey. Heck, who would ever have thoguth we would have a president playing basketball at the white house with his boys? I don't think seeing King in a t-shirt with a gold chain is gonna make people think he couldn't be a leader. I don't think Jesus work Versace and he still has millions of followers! I think we have to accept that life changes daily and everyday is training day! It is what it is and I just see why some people are offended by others. I do respect all views, but just don't always agree......
I am Ward...

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