I had the opportunity to interview several couples about what they like and dislike about their relationships! One couple stood out from the rest because of the length of time (10 yrs), the disrespect from the female and the total void of God in this relationship. I spoke with the female first because I know that only 3 types of people who tell the truth 100% of the time. 1). Kids 2. ) Drunk people 3). Out of control women. Eye say this because kids are innocent and you can't blame them for calling a fat person fat if they are-right! Drunk people have all those liquid libations in they system and feel the power of the courage and just let the flood gates of realness flow! And the out of control women just don't give a fudge after they realize their dude is weak and begging to be walked all over!
Anywho, back to the couple in question! I asked the lady how is her love life? The female was more than happy to tell me about how her dude and how he is the major problem in the relationship
and never her! I asked her if they have a future together other than 4 eva dating and she stated that she doesn't really want to marry him because of all the lies that he has told her over the years and how UN-trust-able he is! In addition to that, he doesn't believe in God, which means they would be unevenly yoked by being married to him???? (This is not what the Bible means by unevenly yoked....its for Christians who actively follow and apply Bible principles in their lives and not just someone who picks and choosing certain things to pretend to do) I inquired of her how does she think her God views her, considering that she is a chronic cigarette smoker, extremely jealous and having no respect 4 her dude (all things are strongly discussed in the Bible she claims to live by). Her reply was " God knows her heart and knows she is working on stopping these things (most people stop toxic behaviors in 6 months not 10+ years) but since her dude is so negative according to her, its making it harder on her. My next question was "Since she so strongly claims to be a Christian, how come she doesn't lead by example of a Christian, like all of the other women in the Bible who over came obstacles to be spoken highly of?" Reply was," she reads her scriptures all the time????" Yes I was biased on this case because of how adamant the lady was that she is basically better than her dude. I firmly believe the woman is man's compliment or helper not someone to tear him down with words and actions!
At this point, it became clear to me that this woman has created her own world of what is right and wrong and refuses to listen to
anyone who has a differing view point, even if its her dude. The interviewee really made it clear that she is/could be the perfect mate if everyone else does what ever she wants, and how her dude is basically worse than Satan. Seems, her dude is not worthy of her, but she stays with ((( him ))) because he begs her to stay and not leave him. I dang near fell off my chair!!!!
I was somewhat perplexed that a man would want to stay in a situation with a woman who thinks he is UN-trust-able, worse than the devil and has zero respect for him? She doesn't even kiss the guy who she lives with. I couldn't wait to interview him.
I asked the guy how was the relationship going and how has it managed to last for so long (and not progress any further). The guy stated that he loves his (we will call her girlfriend-not fiance yet) girlfriend because she is good to their young son and has always been there. That response did not indicate that he has feelings that a man has for a woman he wants to share the rest of his life with because I wanted to know what she does for him to make him appreciate her? The guy couldn't say what was really "good" about the relationship because what he basically gets from this thing is constant nagging about him cheating all the time (He swore he has never cheated in 10 years). He is unable to go anywhere with-out her, other than work (but he must call her on
"every break" and all the way home from work to prevent him from cheating). He is unable to watch television shows with too many women, like track and field, music videos and anything sexual (he may lust after them). It was difficult to do this interview, because I saw this as clearly ""1 shell of a man"" that i use 2 know. I was surprised he allows himself to be treated like that.
This man is with a woman that he knows he has no future with but stays with her anyway, because its all he knows! In 21 years he has dated 2 woman who basically the same! They both treated him like crap and he gave them the world.It seems like he doesn't want a woman who loves and respects him as the Bible says a woman should do, but rather someone who thinks he needs to be micro watched 24/7ths. Dude once had one of the best jump shots I have ever seen in my life, but is no longer allowed to play basketball without taking his entire family (girlfriend & young son). If they don't want to watch him play, then he can't go play because it maybe women there and he is clearly a weak minded man that can not be trusted around them. What the freak?????
The male interviewee's final nail in the coffin occurred when he admitted that his goal in the relationship is to keep the peace by remaining silent until really upset. He allows his girlfriend to disrespect him as she feels the need to. If she wants to yell down the street that he is a child molester (she has really done this) to the neighborhood....he is cool with that! If she wants to smoke nasty cigarettes and shorten her life, he is cool with that! If she wants to quit her job and stay home to monitor his every move, he is cool with that! The long of the story is the female runs this extra toxic relationship and the guy is not strong enough to do anything about it. I call this being unhappily happy! I think he will marry her soon one day and get divorced really fast because he ain't seen nothing yet. The kids will be used as a pawn and everyone will be hurt. The sad thing about my study couple is that everyone is talking about them and asking the sames questions? How much longer and Why this long?
I appreciate the couples participation in this blog, but I just can't understand why two people stay together and neither are happy, but quick to think the on lookers are blind to reality? Good luck with that.
I am Ward.