Sunday, June 9, 2013

So you took your cheater back and you feeling stoooopid now!

Some people believe that if you truly love a person you would never cheat on them. I disagree, because that belief dictates that emotion is what drives people to cheat or remain faithful. In reality, there is far more logic involved in(((( not)))) cheating than emotion. I know, everybody tells me I am to logical, but I can only be me-right? I think we can all agree that Love is an emotion. Given the large number of people that cheat on their loved ones each and every day of the week, it is klearly not enough to stop people from cheating. That’s where logic comes into play. Love might keep you in a relationship, but it’s logic that keeps you from straying, especially when you believe you won’t get caught! Someone told me recently that men are as faithful as their options. This is only somewhat tru. Most men have options. Honestly, being in a relationship might increase a man’s options considering there are a certain group of women that like to go after committed men – but that’s another blog for another day. *Not all women who date married men are bad people, I think they understand the situation and are willing to ride out for the love they feel, as married women do for their side piece.
Most unfaithful men aren’t seeking out an additional relationship. In fact, most men aren’t even looking to replace or give up the relationship they already have. Unfaithful men are generally only seeking to satisfy physical needs. There is a smaller group of men who are looking for a woman to satisfy something they’re not getting at home – usually something ego based – but even these men are rarely looking to leave the woman they’re with. I like to call this 1 unhappily happy in life. Maybe its something that just happens and the other woman likes you because you fit her needs and she doesn't want anything more at that moment.
In 9 out of 10 cases, men aren’t looking to replace the woman they already have. The exception would be if he meets another woman that clearly supersedes the woman he is already with. This is rare for a few reasons: 1) if you’re already in a relationship, it’s difficult to get to know another woman beyond the physical; 2) the woman he is already with has a head start because he’s familiar with her in his life; and 3) the only thing more amazing than how long some women will stay with an unfaithful man is how long a side-woman is willing to remain in the side-woman role. Love is a powerful thang!
So the question is should you take them back? Well if you did, chances are: you already know what to expect and the only one who is gonna be surprised either way is ""YOU"". I been on both sides of this fence and all I can say is be honest and play ur role, what ever that is!

I am WARd.......

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