Saturday, June 8, 2013

Future single women and the men they drive away.............

Every man has his own list of what feels disrespectful and respectful to him.  Some things are almost universally one way or the other to almost all men.  Some things are particular to your dude.  So – what matters most is what is respectful and disrespectful to YOUR man. That’s why it is important to ask him about his preferences and what bothers him and what speaks respect to him.  When things are not tense – you could ask him about some of the things on yo' list and get his take on the different items.  I wouldn’t ask him about all of them at once – but maybe ask about a few at a time every few days or so and REALLY pay attention to his answers.  Maybe print them out and check the ones that bother him so that you don’t forget. 
It seems to me that when couples begin their relationships: the men usually starts out thinking how much he loves this new woman he has found and hopes she never EVER- EVER changes (sadly she changes!!!!) The women generally enters the relationship thinking the man who she has "allowed" to find her is almost perfect (after she makes a few major changes to him). Nevertheless, society is often telling saying how the man is suppose make his woman happy because if MAMA ain't happy, nobody in the house is gonna be happy! KLEARLY, I don't subscribe to that school of thought, because I believe the man is the head of the house and has the responsibility to make good decisions for the family or answer to God! (1Timothy 5:8)
O.k., let's just name a few things that women do to make their dude feels less than loved or have him considering seriously leaving yall dusty butt!

  • asking him to do something, then doing it ya dang self before he has a chance
  • lack of attention/appreciation (saying things that don't make sense or really considered)
  • too much help (We are not helpless)
  • criticism
  • interruptions (Let the brutha finish a sentence)
  • not really listening (He has to routinely repeat him self several times)
  • second guessing/lack of confidence
  • being too busy to spend time with him – texting, computer,on the phone
  • complaining (work, traffic, ex's,life and customer service)
  • speaking negatively of him 
  • scowling (twisted kiki shepard faces)
  • body language – arms crossed, a look of condemnation
  • answering for him (he is a grown Man)
  • telling him what to do (Why didn't you do this or that sucka)
  • lying then saying that is not what you meant its just what you said and expect men to know the difference??????
Someone asked me why men cheat? I think at the end of the day, men just want a happy home with a solider on his team, but due to imperfections of human kind, it doesn't all ways happen. But after time, men just get tired of having to fight the world of work, racism, injustice and life in general- to have a so called partner on his team finishing off what the rest of the other forces couldn't finish. Then along comes someone who listens to him, has things in common with him, sings songs with him, talks to him for hours about nothing and gets to know him. Then you (his Woman) are like how did this happen??? Wouldn't it be nice if the woman could be a support partner like the Bible out lined. I know women will say, but what about men treating the women like a queen and supporting her and making her feel special??? I agree with that, but my point is this: For women, treat your man how he wants to be treated and do your part and let God finish the rest. If you ain't married to this sucka then walk away if you are unhappy. Men if she ain't the one, do yourself a favor and get what you want now because as we know.....women are krazy and Men ain't make em dat way....

 I am Ward.....

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Men have feelings too!

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