Why is it that we hurt the ones we love? Why do we give and take bad advice from people (the people at the barber shops, our single friends with all the dating advice, the psychic network-lol) Do we just take liberties because we know they love us or need or money? I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say," I wish I had told such and such how much I love them or I wish I more time to spend my love one i lost in sleep to death. Of course no 1 can do everything we have on our proverbial bucket list but we can try 2 manifest qualities in our daily lives to help ease the pain of the unforeseen circumstances that befall us all! Do we ever try working on life changing qualities like these.....Love-Joy-Peace-long-suffering-kindness-goodness-faith-mildness-and self control? I am taking each one step by step because I am frustrated with the craziness of the cirle of life sometimes.
I wrote this blog because I was thinking how some things I went through in my life, with friends, families and acquaintances and realized this....Time is a natural resource like "fuel". What we have plenty of we we all cool with that and take it stria-8ht for granted! Don't act like its just me. When that fuel becomes scarce we search for that extra gallon regardless of cost---Wouldn't you give anything for another gallon of time with some loved ones who are gone? Time is a precious gift! Every second, every minute, everyday, use it wisely suckers! None of us can afford to pay the cost of losing time. I also think that checking our emotions will play a major role in this as well.
I know I have written it many times before, but my daughters have helped me realize that treating others with love and respect is so much more effective that being harsh, unloving or insensitive to others. Once words are spoken, it is very hard to get them back- ya feel me? Time and Extra emotions can sometimes be our friend-na-mies. Wardy advises, when someone is nice to us please accept it for what it is. When we have a chance to say I love you, take it! If we make a mistake- then make things right ASAP, with words of sorry-actions of repentence and a plan of attack to prevent that error again. I know I made my share of mistakes and more than likely will make 1 or 2 more in my life time (unlikely!)Nevertheless in the words of Sam Cooke...."Change gone come"
I am Ward......
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