Sunday, January 8, 2012

No matter how pretty she is....some dude is tire of putting up with her ish!!!!

Have you ever read that Scripture at Genesis 3:16? Let me help you out and remind you of what it says: "To the woman he said, I shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; In birth pangs you will bring fourth children, and your craving will be for your husband and he will dominate you. Yeah them thurr is some power words. Of course God didn't imply that the man has the right treat the woman as inferior but he would be the head.
So I thought about how things are today in 2012. Many couples are in turmoil because the roles have changed quite a bit with women earning more money then men, men cooking and taking care of the kids more and couples not opting to get married at all. With that being said, the ride or die chick has a new perspective on the modern relationship. She may feel like this.....She has given the man her mind, body,time and may have in moved in with you or should I say you moved in with her.She share bills with you, wash the mans dirty under rooz, had your 3 bad kids and considered spending the rest of her good years with you, and then the man does something so unthinkable.....he cheats on you!!!!!! Why would he? How could he? Is he a new fool? Did he slip-Tripp and bump his head? HUMMMM, good questions to ponder and I can quickly answer them, but I don't want to come off as condoning thangs that could lead to a whole new other blog....
I agree that some women are soliders and do get done very wrong. I aplogize on behalf of all the men who have taken false steps. Now on to the flip side of this coin. I have spoken to a great deal of women and one thing I find that they all have in common is they all "LIE". I don't care how you spin it. An untruth is just that.....a lie. How many times have you been watching Maury and hear "You are not the father"? I know guys lie also (that Klear) but women lie them big lies, because they claim they love us-so its necessary. Yeah right!
Really, if this new modern woman wants a good relationship why not do the things it takes to get and keep a good brother!
We all know sex sells, but how many men marry the woman with all her goodies on constant display, or the woman who can cuss along side the best of the construction workers. I can't leave out sister super Christian, ya know the woman who can (mis)quote all the bible verses and tell you what you should being doing while she does the complete opposite. Check Facebook on any given day and see what I am talking about-lol! An honorable mention is the woman who has the ability to challenge her dude and always has to have the last word (MS. Tit 4 Tat).
Yeah a woman can love a man good but it quickly becomes bad when she is hurt. Women tend to take pain better than us men folk do, but yall sure as heck to let your hurt consume your world. You question why you ever dated this man, how he is the worst thing since the spoon or how your mother was right about him. Then you turn around and forgive him, but the other chicken heads you ratted him out to seem to never forget the pain he caused (((((YALL))))).....
I am gonna sum it up like this. If you want a good relationship with yo man...then know your self 1st. Know if its you being defensive (thinking his statements have double meaning) or are you being emotional or just tripping because you feel your entitled cuz all you do for him. Talk to the man at a time when its relaxing about your concerns, like over a nice dinner rather then during the final 5 minutes of the play offs! Our teams need our full attention darn it! Let your actions speak louder than your mouth. Finally, tell him what you want, how you want it and what actions you will employ if he does not comply.
Guys are not as complex as women. Tell us the rules and we can follow or decide that you ain't worth it. But being wishy washy work in progress never works. Love you today, hate you tomorrow. Oh well I got a head ache thinking about how crazy women are. I know tons of yall and still cant figure you out.
Men just pick out the least craziest women you can find and close your eyes and pray cuz its gonna be a bumpy ride.....
I am Ward..

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Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...