Sunday, October 30, 2011
How 2 talk to a man if your a woman...................for dummies!
Get right to the point. When women talk to each other about a particular event, they are frequently very descriptive. They supply all the details as they go along to make sure the listener completely understands the situation. And most women expect to hear these details.
Men are usually more interested in the outcome than in how it was reached. They find the details distracting and are troubled when they pile up. Impatience and interruptions often follow.
Example: A woman manager is telling a male colleague about a meeting she just attended. She tells him what she said, what the client said, what her boss said, and her male coworker gets impatient. She thinks he’s being insensitive, but he’s simply anxiously awaiting the outcome or conclusion.
Helpful: When women talk to men, they can bridge the communication gap by starting with the ending of the story, then filling in the details.
This is true whether the situation is professional or yo dude. If you tell a man up front why he needs to know about what you’re saying, he’ll be more open to the rest of the story.
Don’t let politeness be misinterpreted as agreement. Women often smile and nod while someone is speaking. A man may interpret this to mean that a female listener agrees with what he is saying when it’s actually just a gesture of encouragement that means, Yes, I’m listening. Go on. Then, when it turns out that the woman listener verbally disagrees with him, he views her as being fake.
Helpful: Avoid such problems by not hiding your opinion in order to be polite. Men appreciate women who are direct and honest from the start.
If you disagree with a man, say so. Interrupt him if you have to. And don’t take it personally if he does not immediately accept your point of view. Be ready to defend it if you have to.
Lower the pitch of your voice. Nervousness can cause a woman’s throat and vocal muscles to become tense. As a result, her voice gets higher -- and men may perceive this tone as judgmental, whiny or helpless.
To have your words taken seriously by men, teach yourself to speak in an adult’s, not a child’s, voice.
Don’t insist that a man “open up.” This problem arises most often in personal relationships, but it can be an issue with office teammates as well.
Saying, I know something is bothering you, and I wish you would tell me about it is a red flag for a man. It makes him feel criticized, which is not conducive to self-revelation. In addition, too many women are disappointed when men don’t reveal the “right” or “deep enough” feelings.
The best way to encourage a man to talk freely is to provide a calm environment and invite him to talk, without pressuring him.
Example: I get the impression something is on your mind. If you ever want to talk about it, I’m ready to listen. This way we feel ready to talk on our terms. Men tend to be problem solvers and need to think it out, while women need to talk it out and project that view back on men.
Don’t put down male-rituals. Women solidify their relationships by paying each other compliments and sharing personal information about themselves. Men tend to use humor and sarcasm or talk about man subjects.
Too often, women act as though this type of bonding is stupid or trivial. They roll their eyes or change the subject when men talk about a sports event or an action movie.
Helpful: Lighten up. Recognize that these remarks are attempts to establish a connection, and treat them in the spirit they’re meant. That does not mean you should suffer quietly through boring play-by-play descriptions, but don’t interrupt immediately or make men think what they are talking about is moronic.
The truth is that 1 can say what anyone should or should not do to be a great communicator. We really just need to learn a way to accept that everybody learns, talks and thinks in unique ways. In other words get in where you fit in suckers.....
I am Ward......
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The world is trying to get @ me.............................. but my daughters need me more........
I been doing this comedy thing for a hot minute now, as most folk know that its one of loves of my life- To make people laugh!!! When I see people having to wipe their eyes from crying after laughing so hard from something funny that Wardy has just said gives me my natural high! I learn a lot from the laughter that I hear from those with in ear shot of my voice! I was told that we can learn a about a person based on the things that they laugh about-lol! What do I mean you wonder? Well if I talk about a woman with a mustache that looks better than most of the men in my family and you laugh at the comment, then it means you were thinking it but I went on out there put it out there and we share the moment!
Any-who, I had offers to do shows all over but I decline because I don't want to involve myself in environments that are contrary to my health,my personal beliefs and safety. I just can't do smokey rooms (any kind of smoke) in small environments because....well it stinks-what else sucka!I heard of one comedian who developed a breathing situation because of the night clubs she worked! I mean I am all 4 making somebody laugh but not like that.
As for my kids, I love them and enjoy being a Parent to them. I just can't see myself being on the road chasing a dollar two 50 and dream and miss seeing them become wonderful young men (yeah I wanted boys but got two girls so let me at least call them men) as well as well adjusted citizens. I think of the many people who make it big in Hollywood and how they change and get into drugs, wild men, alternate life styles and turning away from our Creator. I know that people do not start out thinking they want to end up addicted to drugs and getting face lifts (a la Micheal Jackson) and just becoming weird. Yet and still some would say, "Just chase your dream man"... I just say the world is trying to get me- but my daughters need me more. Just the other day, I took the girls down to Circle Center mall and we closed the game room down! It was fun- Heck I think I had more fun than they did-lol! I bet Jammie Foxx can't take it daughter out and have a simple fun date? I guess I am afraid of fame or what could be.
Besides working a 8 to 5 helps me stay grounded and always on the learning curve. 4 Example, did you know that if you compliment (((1))) woman at your job- you better be prepared to compliment them all or pay the price!!! I am so use to the guys who can careless what you say about another dude. I think I just got me some new comedy material!
I am Ward........
Friday, October 21, 2011
Jealously ain't love sucka
If you've ever felt jealousy gripping you - I mean really gripping you - you'll know exactly what I mean. Your heart thumps against your chest, your breath seems to rasp in your throat as you gasp for air, and your emotions seem to ricochet between crazy rage and psychotic panic. Not only can jealousy suck your self-esteem right out from under your nose, it can seemingly rob you of any capacity to function normally at all. Jealousy has the capacity to break up relationships and families and destroy careers with the quickness.
For many women jealousy has become a dominant emotion that afflicts them like a disease. They feel no power or control when an "attack" overwhelms them. Heck, I cant tell you how many jealous women I know in my life already, all of em have seem justified in their thinking 2! I am all for that too, cuz if you gonna do something-give it 100%. Be str8ght up full on crazy.....
One of the most interesting things about jealousy is that it appears to be becoming more and more prevalent in our lives. But, even though it can act a little like a disease, it is not one. You cannot catch it from someone else. So just why is jealousy more prevalent among us than ever before? That is the question?
The women of today have options and choices they did not have in the past. You know that stay at home wife, who cooked dinner by the time dude got home 2 his clean house, washed dog and kids sitting in the kitchen eating cookies and drinking milk- smiling cuz they homework is done. Humm....just ain't like that no more right.....that darn t.v. helped messed that up for us good guys.
Even women who may be appalled by Sex and the City can recognize that they can largely choose the terms of their romantic relationships. They can choose with whom and for how long. They can choose a career, or kids, or both. They can choose to go for it all.
So what I began to wonder is-why all the jealous people act like that with so many freaking new options. I mean, many women snoop thru dudes clothes, check his wallet, smell his under rooz and dare eye say read his cell phone bill????
This simple truth holds a magical power to rescue you from the vicious grip of jealousy. But you must work hard to tap into this power - you will not feel it by simply reading the words.
You will also need to man up or woman up-lol. Women who believe they cannot cope with the possibility of losing tend to be the ones who get jealous. Jealousy tugs at yall weave and you when you feel afraid that you are about to lose something that you already have, or something to which you believe you are entitled.
What happens when you feel jealous? How do your emotions make you behave? You become less likeable, more unreasonably demanding, less trusting, less objective - in fact that last part of jealousy is "LOUSY" and misery loves company. The Bible even says that love is not jealous at 1 Corinthians 13:4. Don't get it twisted cuz there is natural jealously and not wanting someone to check your piece out or something but what I am talking about is that girl who call Human Resources at your job daily to make sure you really at work (true stuff).
I could run long on this blog but I will stop soon because I have accepted that people are not gonna do what they feel is right and deal with the consequences. People smoke cigarettes and know it will eventually kill them, people drink and drive home from the club and all the unprotected sex leading to all kinds of kids and diseases but we all have our choices and consequences don't we? If you love your dude, sit down and express your concerns and tell him what you need to make you feel comfortable in the relationship. He may not like it but he will respect you. I understand that sometimes that sometimes trust is broken in a relationship but if want to salvage the relationship, then you gotta learn to let go and learn to do what God does everyday. Forgive suckers.....
I am wARd......
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The payne of being LieD 2......
Few thingz hurt more than learning that someone you trust has lied to you. I guess you could feel humiliated, angry or even betrayed. Lies or untruths as I like to call them, destroy friendships, families and marriages and cost people millions of dollars to boot! Scams, scandal and stupidity!!!
I realize that people lie for a variety of reasons, heck in the end we have to own our various selves and choices.
When it comes to relationships, I feel that some (especially women) are in denial about being lied to. One young lady told me that she met a great dude and he told her from jump street that he would not commit to her because he is happy doing his thing. She was cool with it......THEN! She later said she wanted more from the situation and told him and he got mad adn would not speak to her for a week and she didn't know why he got so up set???? She sent him a dozen roses to show her sorrow. I asked why not send a tool box, and she said why would I do that when he has tool? LOL...she was thinking like a girl I guess, but still her dude aint lie to her about his feelings. She is not what he was looking for and stuck to his guns. From my perspective, she just wanted him to be exclusive and he is happy doing HIM>>>>
Lying basically means to not tell the truth. I have been amazed to see people look some 1 in the eyes and straight lie 2 them. I mean what do you have to gain by lying to some 1, especially when you're an adult. I am sure police officers are use to hearing a variety of lies daily. Males sometimes lie to women about how they look in certain clothes, women lie about their age, and kids lie to avoid a whoopin! But my favorite heard lie is the lie that is called ommission. Thatis the lie when the person makes moves and acts like or should eye say hopes you don't find out about it. For example, they may make a purchase or some sort and keeps it on da low low. These moves are done to prevent hearing the dreaded "NO" word or having to explain the purchase. Its sad but the most common! My 2nd favorite is lying to your self. No need to explain that 1 huh-lol!
The one thing all these lies have in common is...... that everyone gets hurt in the end.
On the flip syde, saying I am sorry from the heart and not doing it again, will go along way toward the healing process. As long as imperfect people walk the face of this blue marble we call Earth: Love, lust and lies will be present. I just long for a better day. Ya feelz me??
I am Ward....
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
How would I spend a Million BucKz
I was sitting here tonight thinking about how many people are looking for work and how the economy has dipped from when I was a kid. I often heard that people who get a sudden windfall will soon find themselves in deeper troubles after getting the money. Perhaps they don't realize that they lived great for years without having to have the newest everything, the solid gold tooth pick, the biggest house and several of everything. I recall Will Smith making it big back in the day with his hit single "Parents just don't understand". He blew a million bucks in less than six months and had nothing to show for it--umph umph umph. Well we know he got the sitcom Fresh Prince of Bel Arie and got his $$ and then some more back, but he learned a powerful lesson that many of us don't get a 2nd chance at. He learned to be frugal with his money and be wise.
With that being said, now that I am older, if I had a million bucks, I know I can make it do what it needs to do. I would make sure to pay my taxes first, that can come back to bite me in the....well you know. Next I would give a nice Chuck to my local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness ( so the good news could be shared!). Next ya boi would buy some used cars from private owners at whole sale and make sure I got them running right and sell them for a small profit. Take the profit money and save in the bank, flip more cars, then with the next re-up $$$ I would see what other small businesses I could jump off like a Laundromat near apartments or college dorms, a 98 cent store in a nice area- that had actual things people want/need. I would also take a long over do trip to Paris or Africa to see the world and encourage me to continue to try to do positive things with my money....I am just saying sure I would want to blow some on a new whip, but renting for the wknd is so much more cooler and cheaper to me.....
I am Ward....
Sunday, October 9, 2011
How to Trap your future ex-husband
Without a doubt there are men who avoid committing their heart, their time and their money to you. And there are men that love the woman they are with dearly but getting to 'I do' and feeling comfortable about it takes a lot. And it's these commitment fears that stop him from committing to you -- but you can make it easier for him?
Some men will allow their commitment fears to get the better of them but once you know what they are it's your mission to do what you can to alleviate those fears. Here are their fears in brief.
Commitment fear 1
I want to always feel good with her
The woman who this guy has decided to give his heart to has to be able to make him feel good for ever. Now I know this is a bit of a stretch, but if you can reassure him through how you make him feel now, that his good feelings will last, then you will make him feel more secure in you as his potential wife.
So for instance if you make it your duty to always make him feel loved and cared for no matter how stressful your day then he will want to marry you and not let any other guy have you.
Commitment fear 2
Do I really only want to be with her or am I worried that I'll lose her and have someone worse?
Some men just don't know whether they want you because they want you or because they don't want not to have someone- if you see what I mean. Yes I know this is usually attributed to women, but men feel as insecure in relationships as women do- they just hide it better.
So, show him in what you do with and for him everyday that he actually wants you and not anyone else.
Commitment fear 3
Can she keep me occupied physically so I don't feel I'm missing out on other women?
Affection to a man is like cuddling and true deep intimacy for a woman. For men it's how they connect to a woman at a deep level that is hard not to keep wanting more of.
Let that sucka know you are on his team and you are his- He won't leave a T-Bone steak even if he could go to Burger Kang and get it his way......
Commitment fear 4
How do I know for sure that she's the one?
Men just like women are looking for the one. They want to settle down as much as we do and live a life of passion and fun with a woman, but if he's not sure if you're the one, then he's going to have a hard time committing to you.
It take longer for a man to know this than for a woman. So you have to show him in your behavior consistently over time that he has never met anyone like you before and never will.
Commitment fears are not just for men, women feel them too, but knowing what goes on in a guy's mind can help you do something to show him that he has nothing to fear by committing to you.
I am Ward......
Thursday, October 6, 2011
12 thangz to know about me
* I don't like a dirty or semi dirty house
* I once got electrocuted at child
* I don't like Chinese food
* I think women look good with neat-long hair and carmex or Mac
* My kids think I am very funny
* Selling Cars is my outlet (and basketball)
* Driving old mini vans is so cool to me
* I don't have very many friends because I am to picky
* I buff and paint my nails with clear coat
* People who cuss make me think they are ignorant
* I am not close 2 my father and soooo cool with that
* Buying basketball shoes is my guilty pleasure
* Recovering internet shopaholic
* Gotta have my cookies and milk
* I am afraid of being Rich because I can make it in Comedy
* Every man needs a big face watch or big face woman
* I like to smell the air after it rains
* my favorite color is Purple
* I eat one meal a day
* I don't like jealous women
* Jeopardy is my favorite game show
* love holding my lady's hand/ and cuddling when its cold
* I novelty tee shirts
* I am very cheap
* tipping is not a requirement for me
* I love my daughters
I am Ward........
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Do I expect 2 much when I go out 2 eat?
I get tired of cooking at home (yes I am one of the rarely seen males who has to actually cook) and find my self going out to search for food like some early world cave man trying to survive. I try my best to keeps it fresh by visiting some of every where and rarely hit the same place twice. Nevertheless, the only thing in common with most restaurants.......bad customer service! Yeah sucka, I said it and may have to say it again during this blog so don't get your panties up in a bunch!
I sometimes wonder, do I expect too much when dining out because I often find myself on the wrong end of good customer service. I mean in my profession I not only have to give good customer service, but I enjoy it. Come to think of it, that may be the sticking point for a waiter! He/She earns about $2.15 per hour plus tips + no personality = a low or should I say a NO payday! I ain't madd at them but please don't get my order wrong!
Allow me to explain what happened at Mexico City today. I rolled up in there 9 deep and waited to be seated. After standing there about 8 minutes, I asked a server are we suppose to seat our selves or wait there. I meant no disrespect, but everybody keep looking at us in the door was as if wondering how long would we stay before leaving! The waiter snapped at me and said "GIVE ME A MINUTE" and walked through us. As I was ready to take my que and leave another guy leaning on the wall asked how many was in my party. I guess he didn't see all us in the door way or maybe he couldn't count....who knows. I told him 9 deep sucka and he took us back to the seating area. Guess who I passed on the way back to the dungeon area we seated at? Yeah you guessed it- snapp master...the waiter who needed a minute. He was back there sitting down counting his tip money. Guess it don't take long to count 58 cents?
Well let me make this short and sweet. Everything that was ordered was either wrong or over cooked. I hate sending things back but I did once today and was nervous about the return product but it was decent. So far I am not sick-lol! I understand how challenging it can be to work in the food industry, but then again I realize that good customer service will keep your seating area full.
I just want to be able to go out sometimes, and get greeted with a smile and seated in a area not in front of the kitchen, get really good food, at a really great price and leave a really big $2 tip. I know you get what you pay for, but I don't want to have to go to Webber grill to get treated like a King??? I guess I have to accept that this is the way it is. Oh well, I like Captain Crunch anyway! Oh yeah, I forgot 2 say this again......BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE!
i AM WARD.....
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Men have feelings too!
I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...
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