Today was cool- mainly because I got a lot of things accomplished that I really needed to get done. I took some items back to Menard's that I purchased a year ago and lost the receipt and got a new kitchen faucet (I had really been eye balling)! Yeah I am a square-lol! I then paid all my bills for the Month of December over the Internet in about 1 hour flat. Hated doing it, but at least its done-right? Since eye am always buying used cars, I had to invest some repair coins into my new project ride to get it running tip top- so I took it to my manz and he gonna have it done in a few days. After that, I met with my sum of my Home boyz for lunch over at Lincoln Square on 56Th and Emerson. It was good to catch up with them and reflect on what life has taught us and what we are gonna do with this new knowledge. Hummm
Anyway, as I drove home to meet the kids at the bus stop, I was thinking about how much people claim to love their fellow man and had to chuckle to myself cuz I really believe that is some bull shigitty! For example, I heard some people protesting those pay day loans companies! The argument was about how much interest they charge these innocent citizens. At first, eye was like yeah they are right, then my hood reality logic kicked the freak in! Those pay day loans places exist because the need for assiatance exist for some people. I mean would you want to eat some high priced food rather then have nothing to eat at all? So what if the interest is hi! The important thing is that you aren't doing something silly like robbing people or stealing from WalMart. I began to realize that the protesters of the pay day loans companies are not patrons. They probably mad cause they are getting none of the profit $$$.
Next topic that I thought considered was the super Christians that are all over Facebook. I can't tell you how many times I have heard someone give their testimony of how much they love God, yet they don't even know he has a name. Don't get it twisted, I think its wonderful to have a healthy spiritual relationship, but at what point to you start to walk by faith and not by sight? I mean if you are a good person you don't have to tell everyone you meet that you are such a quality individual. Your actions would speak volumes- would it not? I believe in the Bible these ones were call Pharisees!!!! Its really funny sometimes because some of the christian facebookers have nothing else to talk about-lol! Heck, even Jesus went to a wedding feast and turned water into wine! I wonder when these folk are gonna get off the face-bookers and into life and spreading the good news before its too late?
I am Ward...