Honesty we all deserve it
We need to get rid of our bitterness
Tenderness and trust we need to offer each other
Because our lives for the past years was in chaos
Yes I do blame myself for it
In all honesty it is my entire fault
You see I have my faults too just like you have yours
I try to make things look good but only on paper
But in reality it is all a mess
In honesty I try hard to please both of us
But I don't know how to
Maybe I just can't face all of our troubles?
Maybe I am just believing it is all right when it is not?
In honesty I am being a fool
And I am fooling you also
In all honesty why can't I see that you want the best for me?
In all honesty why do I go and bang my head against the wall?
It won't change a thing
It was because I believed that it would do
But it doesn't do it!!!
In honesty it is a lie I am telling myself
Honesty is in the making
Honesty is not my best policy
Honesty came over us
We are not the people we used to be
We don't seem to laugh and smile much any more
Like we did 10 years a go
In honesty I can't say that we will be here tomorrow
Because If I do I would be stupid
Anything can happened to us tomorrow
In honesty I can say that we don't know the time, the date, and the hour
That we will die
Because the only person who knows that is Jehovah
Honesty is not a lovely word for us
Honesty is the word that causes us pain and heartaches
In honesty sometimes we feel lost in our thoughts and in our world
In honesty sometimes we even feel lost without words to say to each other
In honesty sometimes a moment of silence can be all we need
In honesty we can't live without support from friends
In honesty sometimes we feel very emotional
In honesty it is not good for us to hang on to negative thoughts
Because this is what destroy us and make room for Satan
In honesty we need love and that is easier said than done...
In honesty we need to show to each other that we care about each Other
In honesty
In honesty we are not at peace
In honesty it is hard to know what love is if we never had from Somebody
In honesty the night arrived and is here to stay
In honesty trust we must have for each other
In honesty we must have feelings for each other
In honesty why can't we show our feeligs for each other?
Is it wrong to show it?
What are we afraid of?
In honesty I don't want to love or be hurt again by love!
In honesty I found my soul mate -but honestly she doesnt know it- no chinn
I am WarD.....