Saturday, November 7, 2009

All Men Cheat

All men cheat. At least thats what Lisa* told me last night at work! I asked her why she thought that and she gave me two reasons. 1). Eddie Murphy said it during his 80’s stand up routine “All men cheat and if you think your man don’t you are lying to yourself”. 2). Lisa said that every dude that she has ever dated has been unfaithful to her. Like many a young ladies out there, her friends are living the good live of marriage, kids, house and unlimited good times that accompany being married! (((Booooyyyy is she in 4 a big surprise one day-lol!)))

Now Lisa’s concern does raise a good question that the Black Dr. Phil must address. First let’s look at men in general from a biblical stand point. Men were created with a higher sex drive then women because after all, the Earth had to be populated. So the plan was simple- yet highly effective. Have attractive women in eye sight of the highly visual males and the rest will be history. Fast 4 ward to 2009, society makes it more that easy for a man to cheat, creep, get his freak on or have a plethora of options. Hugh Hefner is in his early thousands and his old butt still got 5 regular hotties and a few dippz on the side. In fact, its common knowledge that the male fantasy is two women and one man! I heard a woman say, why would a man want two women if he can’t satisfy one? (We men folk don’t find that funny.

Men and women think very differently at times and cheat for reasons the other may or may no understand. A man wants his intimate needs met with consistently and variety (regardless of arguments-weight gain-stress-etc) along with other important concerns like good cooked meals, clean home and attention to the kids, not 2 mention you keepN yourself looking nice as possible. If any other those areas are neglected, the male being the hunters that we are instinctively- start to notice others who have those missing qualities. It seems that when the female is feeling insecure, which results from darn near anything these daze- from the wind blowing to her girlfriend’s comments about something irrelevant, can affect how she treats her dude. How many times has a woman came home and quizzed her dude about something she read in Cosmo about if he “REALLY LOVES YOU”? It would seem that the women needs change but her communication of that fact doesn't work as fast!

Men are simple. Notice how often out hair style never changes….its called consistency! We feel if we say we love you on Monday, then we don’t need to tell you every day, but yall like to hear it over and over-go figure. Learn from the elephant woman. Anyway back Lisa. My quick advice to her would be this. All people including men have the option to cheat, but that does not mean he will act upon it. When you meet your next EX- sit down with him and explain you views on dating and what you expect and what you are capable of giving. That way he knows the rules of the situation and no surprises for anyone. Give 100% to the relationship and leave your emotional baggage at the door. Ultimately we are gonna do what we wonna do and there ain’t nothing you can do about it. I learned that when you are dealing with imperfect people, imperfect thangs can occur. It doesn’t make it right, but it makes it a reason! If you really want a good realationship, put God in the mix from the jump, then know your self and communicate with your dude daily.
So yes all men are capable of cheating, just like everyone is capable of cheating on a job by stealing time. Its just a matter of a priority of what is important to you. People are as faithful as their options. Cheating doesn't have to be limited to the opposite sex. Some people can over stay at work (ultimely neglecting the family),some may be overly involved in sports or even so deep in their religion that they forget that they are part of a couple. The bottom line get out of any relationship what ever you put in. Y not try this: Take care of yourself. Develop a close relationship. Don’t nag. Be supportive. Crazy Huh? I can't lie, I think men do cheat more mainly because: Women need a reason to cheat-while men just need a place.......
*Names have been changed to protect innocent
I am ward…..

1 comment:

Don said...


I will tell ever woman alive and then some ... a man will cheat for absolutely no reason at all. I hate that I've been unfaithful to every woman I've been involved with. But I've learned my lesson. Seriously. So the next woman will reap the benefits of an honest man.

Great post.

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...