Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The day ThE WaRd CriED........

Like most males that I know crying is not something that we do on the regular. Personally for me, the last time I cried was when my momz died back in 1991- yelp 18 years and some change. Well the hurtful situation occurred this past Sunday when I tried to reach out to a family member. Honestly, I don't know if it was an intervention or a discussion that just turned all the waaaaaaaaaaaay to the left.
During the conversation I learned that change is not only difficult for individuals but it can be down right impossible for the hard hearted. The person in question has a severe love of material possession that rivals Lots wife from the scriptures. In this day and age many people have to make life changes in order to continue 4ward in the circle we call surviving. If you can't let go of what you can no longer afford, then you are going to find out the hard way why people end up in the loony bend!
The thing that made me cry was my relative showed me how mean and unyielding unhappy people can be. I saw first hand how one person can destroy or pull apart an entire family with a few choice words of attack and then hide behind the " I don't want you to attack me tactic". I am unsure if I am the only guy who has two people in his family that are so similar and don't even know it, then again stubbornness is common. I do understand* that we shape our values based off of our experiences, but at some point it would behoove us all if took a long look at the person in the mirror. If everybody you meet has issues with you and your thinking,your attitude- that could be a sign that pe
Back to the tears...I just felt so overwhelmed about the fact that with all the things going on in the world today such as death, unemployment, diseases and uncertainty: How can people turn their backs on family. I sat there thinking that family is suppose to have your back, be your support group or place of comfort from the harsh cold realities of the world and all its problems that arise daily. Arms folded and the adamant screams of "no" and I did this and i did that and nobody likes me is a little much from someone that I admired so much for being a pillar in society.
I assume crying is not that bad, but for me to cry gives me a little taste of why that old Indian dude use to cry on T.V. back in the daze when he looked at how Americans trashed the land that his forefathers formerly roamed so freely. I accept that it is what it is, but I gotta really take some time to ponder how to deal with negative people. (Note to self: the best way to help stubborn people is to not become one of them).
I am WArd!

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Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...