I can say for the most part that men are universally the same which makes this entry very easy to write. As I sat in a room full of men the other men during a recent orientation, I looked at each of them and wondered what they actually knew about themselves or their women. I made it my mission to befriend them and find out if people can be in love or alone but not lonely! For time sake I will only discuss tw subjects.
Male #1' name is Detroit. (That is his real name too!) He is a 38 year old African male who has been dating the same girl for the last 7 years and her name is Mona. After a few moments of male bonding over football he became an open honest book about anything I wanted to know about him. I told him that I write about relationships and could use his experiences for research. He was down, and told me how he met his lovely with a frown on his face ( a sign that usually means he now regrets it- a smile when flashing back is a good thing!)Detroit said they met while at Superbowl party at his friends house. Mona didn't like him right off presumably because he stepped on her foot in the kitchen. He spent the whole night apologizing to her and they ended up exchanging numbers. Fast forward 7 years later and they are living 2 geather and he is miserable. He didn't know she did not know how to cook, keep a clean house, control her temper or let the man take the lead. They had numerous fights over these issues and it seems to have driven a wedge between them that still exists to this day. Detroit says he loves or what he thinks based on their situation, but he said the first chance he finds someone he really vibes with, he is outta there! I asked was he lonely, and Detroit said he would not call it lonely, rather bidding out his time. I think that is a typical guy don't you?
Male #2's name is Danny. He is a 41 year old African American male who is divorced and currently living with his new woman. According to Danny, (Amy) she is extra jealous and worried that he is cheating on her. I asked why she be that way? Because every other guy she dated cheated on her so she thinks since she loves him so much that he must be going to follow the pattern that she has been following. Danny stays with that woman because he is skerd to date someone new. He feels that he is outta shape, receding hair line and tons of bills. Danny say emotionally she with holds affection if she thinks he is lusting after women on t.v. commericals, listening to music of pretty women like Janet Jackson or Beyonce! She has the ability to make his yell and scream at the top of his voice when he gets to his point. Danny said finally saying this out loud helps him to realize how stupid it sounds. He said that she is so jealous that they paid $500 bucks to take a lie detector test that proved he wasn't cheating and he passed! Amy still said he was cheating because the machine was probably broke???????? I started to slap Danny in the mouth my self for putting up with that. I sat there thinking " Hey Danny your manhood called and said it misses you" but of course I wold never say that...................unless asked lol!
Well the point of these entries is that two men both have situations that could have different view points if we asked the women of these men. However, what I can see from what I heard is that the communication is broken down and trust issues are apparent. Seems to this writer that the things that bring you together will tear you apart. I know many of us men are letting the women down in areas, but women it would behoove you if you allow the man to feel like he is the most important person in your life and more than likely he will respond the same to you. Find creative ways to get him to do what you want. Suggest two options that you like and ask him to choose and he will think it was his ideal. Take the basic boy and show him what kind of man you need with actions less with your mouth running all the time lol! Seriously I heard a woman can do with a mouth what a dude can do with his hands. Not saying its right, but an opinion.
Well there you have it. Two males that R alone but not lonely. They put up with their women and both wouldn't marry them if they struck the lottery twice. So is love a battlefield or the source of all that is good? You decided, but keep in mind, "Remember to always be good to yourself...... Hummm check back later on my issues with women who earn more $ than their men.
Ward up yalll.......