Thursday, August 13, 2009

Can 2 people really be 1 is separate?

If U don't know by now, I am sure you will at some point in your life, but the number one issue that couples argue about is "MONEY"! Ya know the green back, dinero, the yen, dead presidents, cold hard cash, mullah-well you get my point! My question is why? What is all the fuss about, I mean we R all grown and some of yall are grown and SEXY (you know who you are) so what makes a man and a woman get all weird about change. We sign contracts and prenuptial agreements and have separate bank accounts. Its almost like some couples are actually room-mates with occasional benefits-lol!
Check it, most disagreements over money are not really about cash or credit but about trust or fear. One of the couple may want to account for every cent the other spends might actually be saying that have little faith in you to manage family funds. The other may complain that you save too little and a future emergency may be an even bigger issue! See our backgrounds affect our views on money. Some people come from backgrounds where money was managed well. Others had parents who could have had issues with alcoholism or bouts of unemployment. They learned to do without essential items and developed a real fear of being in debt. These issues can lead to not trusting a mate when they don't think like you do!
I was talking to Coqweeta about money and she stated her and her dude has separate bank accounts and neither knows how much the other has? Humm, eye thought to myself! She can borrow from him and he from her as needed. It seems like it would be easier to just work as a team like you do at work, basketball or anything organized. In my opinion, if everyone plays their part well, you have success, but then again...who am I?
I have four quick tips for couples who want to function as one (again, if what you are doing is working 4 you, then by all means dew you) may consider trying.
1. Learn to talk calmly about $. Talking about this early can lessen the chances of a misunderstanding or conflict later. Will 2 walk together unless they have met by appointment? (Amos 3:3)
2.Agree on how income will be viewed. Openly disclose your income and major expenditures to each other. You don't have to confess every dime spent but larger purchases should be discussed. With joint accounts, set aside money in savings that can be withdrawn by either. Such as $15-$20.
3.Put your plans on paper.Write down all your fixed expenses. Agree on what % of your income should be saved. Next keep track of actual expenses for several months to adjust your life style. You can't argue with what is black and white on paper!
4.Agree on who will do what.Two people are better than one, cuz they get more done by working 2geather!(Ecclesiastes chapter 4:9,10). Many options in this area. One can write the bills out or pay them on line and the other can keep track or what ever works as long as you both know what is where.

Point of the blog: When couples talk about how they want to spend money, they share their hopes and dreams and confirm their commitment to the relationship! They show respect for each others opinions and feelings. So 2 can become one when communication is paramount, so why argue. Don't worry , have a joint account suckers.

I be Ward.......

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